Changes for version 0.004_003 - 2019-03-05
- Trying to fix test issues on perls built with -Duselongdouble.
Changes for version 0.004_002 - 2019-03-05
- Fix Data::Frame::slice().
- Slightly updated Data::Frame::Partial::Sugar.
- Replaced Tie::IxHash with Hash::Ordered.
Changes for version 0.004_001 - 2019-03-04
- Release as Alt-Data-Frame-ButMore
- Lots of updates.
Alternative implementation of Data::Frame with more features
data frame implementation
Additional Array role for Moose::Autobox
Additional Hash role for Moose::Autobox
For creating classes in Data::Frame
Example data sets
Function interface for indexer
Data::Frame indexer by integer indices
Data::Frame indexer by string labels (column names)
Role for Data::Frame indexer
A mixin to add some methods to PDL
Partial class for data frame's conversion from/to CSV
Partial class for data frame's eval method
Partial class for data frame syntax sugar
For creating roles in Data::Frame
Role for column compare result
Import stuffs into Data::Frame classes
Custom Type::Tiny types
Utility functions
Tools for verifying Data::Frame data frames
in lib/Data/Frame/Partial/