Chart::GGPlot::Util - Utility functions


version 0.002001



               :$na_rm=false, :$vars=$df->names,
               :$name='', :$finite=false)

Remove all non-complete rows, with a warning if $na_rm is false. For those stats which require complete data, missing values will be automatically removed with a warning. If $na_rm is true, the warning will be suppressed.

  • $df

    Data frame object.

  • $na_rm

    If true, will suppres warning message.

  • $vars

    An arrayref of variables to check for missings in.

  • $name

    Optional function name to improve error message.

  • $finite

    If true, will also remove non-finite values.

call_if_coderef($x, @args)

If $x is a coderef, call it with @args, otherwise returns $x.

alias_color_functions($package, @function_names)

Given an array of functions, for those with "color" in names, create alias function with "colour" in name, and return an array of all aliased and non-aliased.

This can be used in a packge like

our @EXPORT_OK = alias_color_functions(__PACKAGE__, @function_names);


resolution(Piddle1D $x, $zero=true)

The resolution is the smallest non-zero distance between adjacent values.

If $x has a single value, or an interger vector which can be assumed to represent a discrete value, then the resolution is 1. If $x is a float vector, the resolution is the minimal distance between ajacent values in sorted $x.

If $zero is true, 0 would be inserted into the vector, if it's does not already in the vector, when computing the resolution.


Can be used in aes() quosure values as a flag to Chart::GGPlot to indicate that you want to use calculated aesthetics produced by the statistic.

Note that this function has same name as Perl's CORE stat function.


my $bool = arraylike($x);

Returns true if argument is arrayref or 1D piddle.


Convert mm to pt. Result is round to int.


Convert mm to px. Result is round to int.


Stephan Loyd <>


This software is copyright (c) 2019-2022 by Stephan Loyd.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.