Changes for version 0.001 - 2023-02-04
- Changed my github username.
- Remove MooseX::HasDefaults::RO as dependency.
- Add length() method as alias of elems() in Grob and UnitLike roles.
- Add a "grill" grob.
- Add the layout class.
- Rename stringify() methods to string().
An incomplete port of the R "grid" library to Perl
For creating classes in Graphics::Grid
Role for supporting width and height in Graphics::Grid
Role for Graphics::Grid driver implementations
Cairo backend for Graphics::Grid
Grob's extents on the drawing layer
Function interface for Graphics::Grid
Graphical parameters used in Graphics::Grid
Grill grob
Role for graphical object (grob) classes in Graphics::Grid
Circle grob
Lines grob
Empty grob
Points grob
Polygon grob
Polyline grob
Rectangular grob
Line segments grob
Text grob
Empty grob with minimal size
Role for graphics parameters (gpar) in Graphics::Grid
Role for supporting positional justifications in Graphics::Grid
Role for supporting (x, y) position in Graphics::Grid
For creating roles in Graphics::Grid
Import stuffs into Graphics::Grid classes
Custom types and coercions
A vector of unit values
Expression created from Graphics::Grid::Unit objects
Role for unit-like classes in Graphics::Grid
List of UnitLikes
Utility functions used internally in Graphics::Grid
Role for Viewport and ViewportTree
Viewport tree