App::Dochazka::REST::Docs::Resources - Documentation of App::Dochazka::REST resources
Version 0.263
Display available top-level resources for given HTTP method
This is the toppest of the top-level targets or, if you wish, the "root target". If the base UID of your App::Dochazka::REST instance is and your username/password are "demo/demo", then this resource is triggered by either of the URLs:
In terms of behavior, the "" resource is identical to "help" -- it returns the set of top-level resources available to the user.
Display available employee resources for given HTTP method
Lists activity resources available to the logged-in employee.
Display the address for reporting bugs in App::Dochazka::REST
Returns a "report_bugs_to" key in the payload, containing the address to report bugs to.
Display on-line Plain Old Documentation (POD) on the resource whose name is provided in the request body (in double-quotes)
This resource provides access to App::Dochazka::REST on-line help documentation. It expects to find a resource (e.g. "employee/eid/:eid" including the double-quotes, and without leading or trailing slash) in the request body. It returns a string containing the POD source code of the resource documentation.
Display on-line HTML documentation on the resource whose name is provided in the request body (in double-quotes)
This resource provides access to App::Dochazka::REST on-line help documentation. It expects to find a resource (e.g. "employee/eid/:eid" including the double-quotes, and without leading or trailing slash) in the request body. It returns HTML source code of the resource documentation.
Echo the request body
This resource simply takes whatever content body was sent and echoes it back in the response body.
Display available employee resources for given HTTP method
Lists employee resources available to the logged-in employee.
A resource that is forbidden to all
This resource always returns 405 Method Not Allowed, no matter what.
Display available top-level resources for given HTTP method
The purpose of the "help" resource is to give the user an overview of all the top-level resources available to her, with regard to her privlevel and the HTTP method being used.
If the HTTP method is GET, only resources with GET targets will be displayed (same applies to other HTTP methods)
If the user's privlevel is 'inactive', only resources whose ACL profile is 'inactive' or lower (i.e., 'inactive' or 'passerby') will be displayed
The information provided is sent as a JSON string in the HTTP response body, and includes the resource's name, full URI, ACL profile, and brief description, as well as a link to the App::Dochazka::REST on-line documentation.
Display (GET) or set (PUT) meta configuration parameter
Assuming that the argument
is the name of an existing meta parameter, displays the parameter's value and metadata (type, name, file and line number where it was defined). This resource is available only to users withadmin
Regardless of whether
is an existing metaparam or not, set that parameter's value to the (entire) request body. If the request body is "123", then the parameter will be set to that value. If it is { "value" : 123 }, then it will be set to that structure.DELETE
If the argument is an existing metaparam, delete that parameter (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
A resource that will never be implemented
Regardless of anything, returns a NOTICE status with status code DISPATCH_RESOURCE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
Display available priv resources for given HTTP method
Lists priv resources available to the logged-in employee.
Display available schedule resources for given HTTP method
Lists schedule resources available to the logged-in employee.
Display the current session
Dumps the current session data (server-side).
Display site configuration parameter
Assuming that the argument ":param" is the name of an existing site parameter, displays the parameter's value and metadata (type, name, file and line number where it was defined).
Display App::Dochazka::REST version
Shows the App::Dochazka::REST version running on the present instance.
Display the current employee (i.e. the one we authenticated with)
Displays the profile of the currently logged-in employee (same as "employee/current")
Update an existing activity object via POST request (AID must be included in request body)
Enables existing activity objects to be updated by sending a POST request to the REST server. Along with the properties to be modified, the request body must include an 'aid' property, the value of which specifies the AID to be updated.
GET, PUT, or DELETE an activity object by its AID
Retrieves an activity object by its AID.
Updates the activity object whose AID is specified by the ':aid' URI parameter. The fields to be updated and their new values should be sent in the request body, e.g., like this:
{ "long_desc" : "new description", "disabled" : "f" }
Deletes the activity object whose AID is specified by the ':aid' URI parameter. This will work only if nothing in the database refers to this activity.
Retrieve all activity objects (excluding disabled ones)
Retrieves all activity objects in the database (excluding disabled activities).
Retrieve all activity objects, including disabled ones
Retrieves all activity objects in the database (including disabled activities).
Update an existing activity object via POST request (activity code must be included in request body)
This resource enables existing activity objects to be updated, and new activity objects to be inserted, by sending a POST request to the REST server. Along with the properties to be modified/inserted, the request body must include an 'code' property, the value of which specifies the activity to be updated.
GET, PUT, or DELETE an activity object by its code
Retrieves an activity object by its code.
Inserts new or updates existing activity object whose code is specified by the ':code' URI parameter. The fields to be updated and their new values should be sent in the request body, e.g., like this:
{ "long_desc" : "new description", "disabled" : "f" }
Deletes an activity object by its code whose code is specified by the ':code' URI parameter. This will work only if nothing in the database refers to this activity.
Display available activity resources for given HTTP method
Displays information on all activity resources available to the logged-in employee, according to her privlevel.
Display total count of employees (all privilege levels)
Gets the total number of employees in the database. This includes employees of all privilege levels, including not only administrators and active employees, but inactives and passerbies as well. Keep this in mind when evaluating the number returned.
Display total count of employees with given privilege level
Gets the number of employees with a given privilege level. Valid privlevels are:
Display the current employee (i.e. the one we authenticated with)
Displays the profile of the currently logged-in employee. The information is limited to just the employee object itself.
Display the privilege level of the current employee (i.e. the one we authenticated with)
Displays the "full profile" of the currently logged-in employee. The information includes the employee object in the 'current_emp' property and the employee's privlevel in the 'priv' property.
Update existing employee (JSON request body with EID required)
This resource provides a way to update employee objects using the POST method, provided the employee's EID is provided in the content body. The properties to be modified should also be included, e.g.:
{ "eid" : 43, "fullname" : "Foo Bariful" }
This would change the 'fullname' property of the employee with EID 43 to "Foo Bariful" (provided such an employee exists).
GET: look up employee (exact match); PUT: update existing employee; DELETE: delete employee
Retrieves an employee object by its EID.
Updates the "employee profile" (employee object) of the employee with the given EID. For example, if the request body was:
{ "fullname" : "Foo Bariful" }
the reques would changesthe 'fullname' property of the employee with EID 43 to "Foo Bariful" (provided such an employee exists). Any 'eid' property provided in the content body will be ignored.
Deletes the employee with the given EID (will only work if the EID exists and nothing in the database refers to it).
Display available employee resources for given HTTP method
Displays information on all employee resources available to the logged-in employee, according to her privlevel.
Insert new/update existing employee (JSON request body with nick required)
This resource provides a way to insert/update employee objects using the POST method, provided the employee's nick is provided in the content body.
Consider, for example, the following request body:
{ "nick" : "foobar", "fullname" : "Foo Bariful" }
If an employee "foobar" exists, such a request would change the 'fullname' property of that employee to "Foo Bariful". On the other hand, if the employee doesn't exist this HTTP request would cause a new employee 'foobar' to be created.
Retrieves (GET), updates/inserts (PUT), and/or deletes (DELETE) the employee specified by the ':nick' parameter
Retrieves employee object(s) by exact match or % wildcard. For example:
GET employee/nick/foobar
would look for an employee whose nick is 'foobar'. Another example:
GET employee/nick/foo%
would return a list of employees whose nick starts with 'foo'.
Inserts a new employee or updates an existing one (exact match only). If a 'nick' property is provided in the content body and its value is different from the nick provided in the URI, the employee's nick will be changed to the value provided in the content body.
Deletes an employee (exact match only). This will work only if the exact nick exists and nothing else in the database refers to the employee in question.
Get the present privlevel of arbitrary employee, or with optional timestamp, that employee's privlevel as of that timestamp
This resource retrieves the privlevel of an arbitrary employee specified by EID.
If no timestamp is given, the present privlevel is retrieved. If a timestamp is present, the privlevel as of that timestamp is retrieved.
Display priv resources
This resource retrieves a listing of all resources available to the caller (currently logged-in employee).
Retrieves entire history of privilege level changes for employee with the given EID (GET); or, with an appropriate content body, adds (PUT) or deletes (DELETE) a record to employee's privhistory
Retrieves the "privhistory", or history of changes in privilege level, of the employee with the given EID.
Adds a record to the privhistory of the given employee. The content body should contain two properties: "timestamp" and "privlevel".
Deletes a record from the privhistory of the given employee. The content body should contain two properties: "timestamp" and "privlevel".
Get a slice of history of privilege level changes for employee with the given EID
Retrieves a slice (given by the tsrange argument) of the employee's "privhistory" (history of changes in privilege level).
Retrieves entire history of privilege level changes for employee with the given nick (GET); or, with an appropriate content body, adds (PUT) or deletes (DELETE) a record to employee's privhistory
Retrieves the "privhistory", or history of changes in privilege level, of the employee with the given nick.
Adds a record to the privhistory of the given employee. The content body should contain two properties: "timestamp" and "privlevel".
Deletes a record from the privhistory of the given employee. The content body should contain two properties: "timestamp" and "privlevel".
Get partial history of privilege level changes for employee with the given nick (i.e, limit to given tsrange)
Retrieves a slice (given by the tsrange argument) of the employee's "privhistory" (history of changes in privilege level).
Retrieves (GET) or deletes (DELETE) a single privilege history record by its PHID
Retrieves a privhistory record by its PHID.
Deletes a privhistory record by its PHID.
(N.B.: to add a privhistory record, use "PUT priv/history/eid/:eid" or "PUT priv/history/nick/:nick")
Retrieves privhistory of present employee, with option to limit to :tsrange
This resource retrieves the "privhistory", or history of changes in privilege level, of the present employee. Optionally, the listing can be limited to a specific tsrange such as "[2014-01-01, 2014-12-31)".
Get the present privlevel of arbitrary employee, or with optional timestamp, that employee's privlevel as of that timestamp
This resource retrieves the privlevel of an arbitrary employee specified by nick.
If no timestamp is given, the present privlevel is retrieved. If a timestamp is present, the privlevel as of that timestamp is retrieved.
Get the present privlevel of the currently logged-in employee, or with optional timestamp, that employee's privlevel as of that timestamp
This resource retrieves the privlevel of the caller (currently logged-in employee).
If no timestamp is given, the present privlevel is retrieved. If a timestamp is present, the privlevel as of that timestamp is retrieved.
Retrieves (GET) all non-disabled schedules
This resource returns a list (array) of all schedules for which the 'disabled' field has either not been set or has been set to 'false'.
Retrieves (GET) all schedules (disabled and non-disabled)
This resource returns a list (array) of all schedules, regardless of thie contents of the 'disabled' field.
Get the current schedule of arbitrary employee, or with optional timestamp, that employee's schedule as of that timestamp
This resource retrieves the schedule of an arbitrary employee specified by EID.
If no timestamp is given, the current schedule is retrieved. If a timestamp is present, the schedule as of that timestamp is retrieved.
Display schedule resources
This resource retrieves a listing of all schedule resources available to the caller (currently logged-in employee).
GET: Get entire history of schedule changes for employee with the given EID, PUT: add a record to schedule history of employee, DELETE: delete a schedule record
Retrieves the "schedule history", or history of changes in schedule, of the employee with the given EID.
Adds a record to the schedule history of the given employee. The content body should contain two properties: "effective" (timestamp) and "sid" (integer).
Deletes a record from the schedule history of the given employee. The content body should contain two properties: "effective" (timestamp) and "sid" (integer).
Get a slice of history of schedule changes for employee with the given EID
Retrieves a slice (given by the tsrange argument) of the employee's "schedule history" (history of changes in schedule).
Get entire history of schedule changes for employee with the given nick
Retrieves the "schedule history", or history of changes in schedule, of the employee with the given nick.
Adds a record to the schedule history of the given employee. The content body should contain two properties: "effective" (timestamp) and "sid" (integer).
Deletes a record from the schedule history of the given employee. The content body should contain two properties: "effective" (timestamp) and "sid" (integer).
Get partial history of schedule changes for employee with the given nick (i.e, limit to given tsrange)
Retrieves a slice (given by the tsrange argument) of the employee's "schedule history" (history of changes in schedule).
Get schedule history of current employee, with option to limit to :tsrange
This resource retrieves the "schedule history", or history of changes in schedule, of the current employee. Optionally, the listing can be limited to a specific tsrange such as "[2014-01-01, 2014-12-31)".
GET or DELETE a schedule record by its SHID
Retrieves a schedule history record by its SHID.
Deletes a schedule history record by its SHID.
(N.B.: to add a schedule history record, use "PUT schedule/history/eid/:eid" or "PUT schedule/history/nick/:nick")
Insert and delete schedules
Inserts (POST) or deletes (DELETE) a schedule.
The request body must contain an array of non-overlapping tsranges (intervals) that fall within a 168-hour (7-day) period. If successful, the payload will contain three properties: 'ssid' (containing the SSID assigned to the intervals), 'intervals' (containing the intervals themselves), and 'schedule' (containing the intervals converted into the format suitable for insertion into the 'schedule' table).
If the exact schedule already exists in the database, the POST operation returns it. Instead of DISPATCH_SCHEDULE_INSERT_OK, in this case the return status code will be DISPATCH_SCHEDULE_OK.
An 'ssid' property must be given as a property in the request body. If found, the scratch schedule will be deleted in an atomic operation. If the SSID is found and the delete operation is successful, the status will be "OK".
Get the current schedule of arbitrary employee, or with optional timestamp, that employee's schedule as of that timestamp
This resource retrieves the schedule of an arbitrary employee specified by nick.
If no timestamp is given, the current schedule is retrieved. If a timestamp is present, the schedule as of that timestamp is retrieved.
Get the current schedule of the currently logged-in employee, or with optional timestamp, that employee's schedule as of that timestamp
This resource retrieves the schedule of the caller (currently logged-in employee).
If no timestamp is given, the current schedule is retrieved. If a timestamp is present, the schedule as of that timestamp is retrieved.
Retrieve (GET), update (POST) or delete (DELETE) a schedule by its SID
Retrieves (GET), updates (POST), or deletes (DELETE) a schedule by its SID.
An integer SID must be given as an URI parameter. If a schedule with this SID is found, it is returned in the payload.
This resource/method provides a way to set (modify) the 'remark' and 'disabled' fields of a schedule record. Simply provide the properties and their new values in the request body, e.g.:
{ "remark" : "foobar", "disabled" : "t" }
An integer SID must be given as an URI parameter. If found, the schedule with that SID will be deleted in an atomic operation. If the operation is sucessful the return status will be "OK".