Enables existing activity objects to be updated by sending a POST request to the REST server. Along with the properties to be modified, the request body must include an 'aid' property, the value of which specifies the AID to be updated. EOH }, 'activity/aid/:aid' => { target => { GET => '_aid', PUT => '_aid', DELETE => '_aid', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Activity', acl_profile => { GET => 'active', PUT => 'admin', DELETE => 'admin', }, cli => 'activity aid $AID', description => 'GET, PUT, or DELETE an activity object by its AID', documentation => <<'EOH', =over

  • GET

    Retrieves an activity object by its AID.

  • PUT

    Updates the activity object whose AID is specified by the ':aid' URI parameter. The fields to be updated and their new values should be sent in the request body, e.g., like this:

    { "long_desc" : "new description", "disabled" : "f" }

    Deletes the activity object whose AID is specified by the ':aid' URI parameter. This will work only if nothing in the database refers to this activity.

Retrieves all activity objects in the database (excluding disabled activities). EOH }, 'activity/all/disabled' => { target => { GET => '_get_all_including_disabled', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Activity', acl_profile => 'admin', cli => 'activity all disabled', description => 'Retrieve all activity objects, including disabled ones', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

Retrieves all activity objects in the database (including disabled activities). EOH }, 'activity/code' => { target => { POST => '_code', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Activity', acl_profile => 'admin', cli => 'activity aid', description => 'Update an existing activity object via POST request (activity code must be included in request body)', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

This resource enables existing activity objects to be updated, and new activity objects to be inserted, by sending a POST request to the REST server. Along with the properties to be modified/inserted, the request body must include an 'code' property, the value of which specifies the activity to be updated. EOH }, 'activity/code/:code' => { target => { GET => '_code', PUT => '_code', DELETE => '_code', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Activity', acl_profile => { GET => 'active', PUT => 'admin', DELETE => 'admin', }, cli => 'activity code $CODE', description => 'GET, PUT, or DELETE an activity object by its code', documentation => <<'EOH', =over

  • GET

    Retrieves an activity object by its code.

  • PUT

    Inserts new or updates existing activity object whose code is specified by the ':code' URI parameter. The fields to be updated and their new values should be sent in the request body, e.g., like this:

    { "long_desc" : "new description", "disabled" : "f" }

    Deletes an activity object by its code whose code is specified by the ':code' URI parameter. This will work only if nothing in the database refers to this activity.

Displays information on all activity resources available to the logged-in employee, according to her privlevel. EOH },


4 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 83:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 100:

=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back EOH }, 'activity/all' => { target => { GET => '_get_all_without_disabled', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Activity', acl_profile => 'active', cli => 'activity all', description => 'Retrieve all activity objects (excluding disabled ones)', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

Around line 170:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

Around line 188:

=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back EOH }, 'activity/help' => { target => { GET => '_get_default', POST => '_post_default', PUT => '_put_default', DELETE => '_delete_default', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Activity', acl_profile => 'passerby', cli => 'activity help', description => 'Display available activity resources for given HTTP method', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod