This resource returns a list (array) of all schedules for which the 'disabled' field has either not been set or has been set to 'false'. EOH }, 'schedule/all/disabled' => { target => { GET => 'schedule_all_disabled', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Schedule', acl_profile => 'admin', cli => 'schedule all disabled', description => 'Retrieves (GET) all schedules (disabled and non-disabled)', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

This resource returns a list (array) of all schedules, regardless of the contents of the 'disabled' field. EOH }, 'schedule/eid/:eid/?:ts' => { target => { GET => '_current_schedule', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Schedule', acl_profile => 'admin', cli => 'schedule eid $EID [$TIMESTAMP]', description => 'Get the current schedule of arbitrary employee, or with optional timestamp, that employee\'s schedule as of that timestamp', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

This resource retrieves the schedule of an arbitrary employee specified by EID.

If no timestamp is given, the current schedule is retrieved. If a timestamp is present, the schedule as of that timestamp is retrieved. EOH }, 'schedule/help' => { target => { GET => '_get_default', POST => '_post_default', PUT => '_put_default', DELETE => '_delete_default', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Schedule', acl_profile => 'passerby', cli => 'schedule help', description => 'Display schedule resources', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

This resource retrieves a listing of all schedule resources available to the caller (currently logged-in employee). EOH }, 'schedule/history/eid/:eid' => { target => { GET => '_history_eid', POST => '_history_eid', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Schedule', acl_profile => 'admin', cli => 'schedule history eid $EID [$JSON]', description => 'Retrieves (GET) entire history of schedule changes for employee with the given EID; adds (POST) a record to schedule history of employee', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

  • GET

    Retrieves the "schedule history", or history of changes in schedule, of the employee with the given EID.

  • POST

    Adds a record to the schedule history of the given employee. The content body should contain two properties: "effective" (timestamp) and "sid" (integer).

Update note: histories can be updated by adding new records and deleting old ones. Existing history records cannot be changed. Adds/deletes should be performed with due care - especially with regard to existing employee attendance data (if any). EOH }, 'schedule/history/eid/:eid/:tsrange' => { target => { GET => '_history_eid', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Schedule', acl_profile => 'admin', cli => 'schedule history eid $EID $TSRANGE', description => 'Retrieves a slice of history of schedule changes for employee with the given EID', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

Retrieves a slice (given by the tsrange argument) of the employee's "schedule history" (history of changes in schedule). EOH }, 'schedule/history/nick/:nick' => { target => { GET => '_history_nick', POST => '_history_nick', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Schedule', acl_profile => 'admin', cli => 'schedule history nick $NICK [$JSON]', description => 'Retrieves (GET) entire history of schedule changes for employee with the given nick; adds (POST) a record to schedule history of employee', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

  • GET

    Retrieves the "schedule history", or history of changes in schedule, of the employee with the given nick.

  • POST

    Adds a record to the schedule history of the given employee. The content body should contain two properties: "effective" (timestamp) and "sid" (integer).

Update note: histories can be updated by adding new records and deleting old ones. Existing history records cannot be changed. Adds/deletes should be performed with due care - especially with regard to existing employee attendance data (if any). EOH }, 'schedule/history/nick/:nick/:tsrange' => { target => { GET => '_history_nick', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Schedule', acl_profile => 'admin', cli => 'schedule history nick $NICK $TSRANGE', description => 'Get partial history of schedule changes for employee with the given nick ' . '(i.e, limit to given tsrange)', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

Retrieves a slice (given by the tsrange argument) of the employee's "schedule history" (history of changes in schedule). EOH }, 'schedule/history/self/?:tsrange' => { target => { GET => '_history_self', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Schedule', acl_profile => 'inactive', cli => 'schedule history self [$TSRANGE]', description => 'Get schedule history of current employee, with option to limit to :tsrange', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

This resource retrieves the "schedule history", or history of changes in schedule, of the current employee. Optionally, the listing can be limited to a specific tsrange such as "[2014-01-01, 2014-12-31)". EOH }, 'schedule/history/shid/:shid' => { target => { GET => '_sched_by_shid', DELETE => '_sched_by_shid', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Schedule', acl_profile => 'admin', cli => 'schedule history shid $SHID', description => 'GET or DELETE a schedule record by its SHID', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

  • GET

    Retrieves a schedule history record by its SHID.


    Deletes a schedule history record by its SHID.

(N.B.: history records can be added using POST requests on "priv/history/eid/:eid" or "priv/history/nick/:nick") EOH }, 'schedule/new' => { target => { POST => '_intervals_post', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Schedule', acl_profile => 'admin', cli => 'schedule new $JSON', description => 'Insert schedules', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

Given a set of intervals, all of which must fall within a single contiguous 168-hour (7-day) period, this resource performs all actions necessary to either create a new schedule from those intervals or verify that an equivalent schedule already exists.

Sample JSON:

{ "schedule" : [
    "[2014-09-22 08:00, 2014-09-22 12:00)",
    "[2014-09-22 12:30, 2014-09-22 16:30)",
    "[2014-09-23 08:00, 2014-09-23 12:00)",
    "[2014-09-23 12:30, 2014-09-23 16:30)",
    "[2014-09-24 08:00, 2014-09-24 12:00)",
    "[2014-09-24 12:30, 2014-09-24 16:30)",
    "[2014-09-25 08:00, 2014-09-25 12:00)",
    "[2014-09-25 12:30, 2014-09-25 16:30)"
] }

Read on for details:

First, a set of scratch intervals is created in the 'schedintvls' table. If this succeeds, an INSERT operation is used to create a new record in the 'schedule' table. This operation has two possible successful outcomes depending on whether such a schedule already existed in the database, or not. The status codes for these outcomes are DISPATCH_SCHEDULE_OK and DISPATCH_SCHEDULE_INSERT_OK, respectively.

In both cases, the underlying scratch intervals are deleted automatically. (All operations on the 'schedintlvs' table are supposed to be hidden from Dochazka clients.)

Note that many sets of intervals can map to a single schedule (the conversion process is only interested in the day of the week), so this resource may return DISPATCH_SCHEDULE_OK more often than you think.

Whether or not the exact schedule existed already, if the underlying database operation is successful the payload will contain three properties: 'sid' (the SID assigned to the schedule containing the intervals), 'intervals' (the intervals themselves), and 'schedule' (the intervals as they appear after being converted into the format suitable for insertion into the 'schedule' table).

N.B. At present there is no way to just check for the existence of a schedule corresponding to a given set of intervals. EOH }, 'schedule/nick/:nick/?:ts' => { target => { GET => '_current_schedule', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Schedule', acl_profile => 'admin', cli => 'schedule nick $NICK [$TIMESTAMP]', description => 'Get the current schedule of arbitrary employee, or with optional timestamp, that employee\'s schedule as of that timestamp', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

This resource retrieves the schedule of an arbitrary employee specified by nick.

If no timestamp is given, the current schedule is retrieved. If a timestamp is present, the schedule as of that timestamp is retrieved. EOH }, 'schedule/self/?:ts' => { target => { GET => '_current_schedule', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Schedule', acl_profile => 'passerby', cli => 'schedule current [$TIMESTAMP]', description => 'Get the current schedule of the currently logged-in employee, or with optional timestamp, that employee\'s schedule as of that timestamp', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

This resource retrieves the schedule of the caller (currently logged-in employee).

If no timestamp is given, the current schedule is retrieved. If a timestamp is present, the schedule as of that timestamp is retrieved. EOH }, 'schedule/sid/:sid' => { target => { GET => '_schedule_get', POST => '_schedule_post', DELETE => '_schedule_delete', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Schedule', acl_profile => 'admin', cli => 'schedule sid $SID', description => 'Retrieves, updates, or deletes a schedule by its SID', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

  • GET

    An integer SID must be given as an URI parameter. If a schedule with this SID is found, it is returned in the payload.

  • POST

    This resource/method provides a way to set (modify) the 'remark' and 'disabled' fields of a schedule record. Simply provide the properties and their new values in the request body, e.g.:

    { "remark" : "foobar", "disabled" : "t" }

    An integer SID must be given as an URI parameter. If found, the schedule with that SID will be deleted in an atomic operation. If the operation is sucessful the return status will be "OK".


1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 389:

=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back EOH },