With this resource, administrators can retrieve any employee's locks over a given tsrange.

There are no syntactical limitations on the tsrange, but if too many records would be fetched, the return status will be DISPATCH_TOO_MANY_RECORDS_FOUND. EOH }, 'lock/help' => { target => { GET => '_get_default', POST => '_post_default', PUT => '_put_default', DELETE => '_delete_default', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Lock', acl_profile => 'passerby', cli => 'lock help', description => 'Display available lock resources for given HTTP method', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

Displays information on all lock resources available to the logged-in employee, according to her privlevel. EOH }, 'lock/lid' => { target => { POST => 'iid_lid', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Shared', acl_profile => 'admin', cli => 'lock lid $JSON', description => 'Update an existing lock object via POST request (lid must be included in request body)', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

Enables existing lock objects to be updated by sending a POST request to the REST server. Along with the properties to be modified, the request body must include an 'lid' property, the value of which specifies the lid to be updated. EOH }, 'lock/lid/:lid' => { target => { GET => 'iid_lid', PUT => 'iid_lid', DELETE => 'iid_lid', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Shared', acl_profile => { GET => 'active', PUT => 'admin', DELETE => 'admin', }, cli => 'lock lid $lid [$JSON]', validations => { 'lid' => 'Int', }, description => 'GET, PUT, or DELETE an lock object by its lid', documentation => <<'EOH', =over

  • GET

    Retrieves an lock object by its lid.

  • PUT

    Updates the lock object whose lid is specified by the ':lid' URI parameter. The fields to be updated and their new values should be sent in the request body, e.g., like this:

    { "eid" : 34, "intvl" : '[ 2014-11-18 00:00, 2014-11-18 24:00 )' }

    Deletes the lock object whose lid is specified by the ':lid' URI parameter.

ACL note: 'active' employees can view only their own locks, and of course admin privilege is required to modify or remove a lock. EOH }, 'lock/new' => { target => { POST => '_new', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Lock', acl_profile => 'active', cli => 'lock new $JSON', description => 'Add a new attendance data lock', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

This is the resource by which the attendance data entered by an employee for a given time period can be "locked" to prevent any subsequent modifications. It takes a request body containing, at the very least, an intvl property specifying the tsrange to lock. Additionally, administrators can specify remark and eid properties. EOH }, 'lock/nick/:nick/:tsrange' => { target => { GET => 'fetch_by_nick', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Shared', acl_profile => 'admin', cli => 'lock nick $NICK $TSRANGE', validations => { 'nick' => qr/^[[:alnum:]_][[:alnum:]_-]+$/, 'tsrange' => qr/^[[(].*,.*[])]$/, }, description => 'Retrieve an arbitrary employee\'s locks over the given tsrange', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

With this resource, administrators can retrieve any employee's locks over a given tsrange.

There are no syntactical limitations on the tsrange, but if too many records would be fetched, the return status will be DISPATCH_TOO_MANY_RECORDS_FOUND. EOH }, 'lock/self/:tsrange' => { target => { GET => 'fetch_own', }, target_module => 'App::Dochazka::REST::Dispatch::Shared', acl_profile => 'inactive', cli => 'lock self $TSRANGE', validations => { 'tsrange' => qr/^[[(].*,.*[])]$/, }, description => 'Retrieve one\'s own locks over the given tsrange', documentation => <<'EOH', =pod

With this resource, employees can retrieve their own attendance locks over a given tsrange.

There are no syntactical limitations on the tsrange, but if too many records would be fetched, the return status will be DISPATCH_TOO_MANY_RECORDS_FOUND. EOH },


1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 128:

'=item' outside of any '=over'