mfile-www - App::MFILE::WWW server startup script


Version 0.097


Standalone mode:

$# start the HTTP server
$ mfile-www

Derived distribution mode with derived distro 'App::Dochazka::WWW':

  $# create necessary directories and symlinks
  $ sudo mfile-www --ddist=App-Dochazka-WWW

  $# start the HTTP server
  $ mfile-www --ddist=App-Dochazka-WWW

Be careful with any argument you may give with the --ddist option - especially when running as root - because the script will attempt to create new directories and symlinks wherever the derived distribution (i.e. any distribution specified by that argument) is installed.


Run this script from the bash prompt to start the server that will provide the HTTP server (e.g. Starman) for the frontend. For details see the main App::MFILE::WWW documentation.