histify - generate simple histograms from streamed data
generator | histify [--nbins=X] [--min=X] [--max=X] \
[--cumulative] \
[--desc=<center|left|right|number|none>] \
[--xw] [--dump-as-input]
Reads whitespace-separated numbers from STDIN and generates a histogram. If no histogram boundaries are specified using options, the number of bins defaults to 10 and the min/max are extracted from the data. That means reading all data into memory. If you specify min/max, the program works with constant memory overhead.
Prints the resulting histogram contents one bin per line.
Using --desc=<type> adds an extra column to the output before the histogram content (separated by a tab) that can be any one of: The bin "number", the bin "center", the "left" bin boundary, or the "right" bin boundary.
The --xw option will cause histify to read alternating X values and weights instead of just X values from STDIN. This is useful for re-binning partially aggregated input data.
The --dump-as-input (or -d) option indicates that the input will not be of the form outlined above, but instead be the dump of a Math::SimpleHisto::XS histogram of any format supported by the module. At this time, this option is not compatible with the --xw, --max, --min, --nbins
The --cumulative option causes histify
to calculate the cumulative histogram of the input.