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Math::Symbolic::Operator - Operators in symbolic calculations


  use Math::Symbolic::Operator;
  my $sum = Math::Symbolic::Operator->new('+', $term1, $term2);
  my $division = Math::Symbolic::Operator->new(
       type => B_DIVISON,
       operands => [$term1, $term2],
  my $derivative = Math::Symbolic::Operator->new(
       type => U_P_DERIVATIVE,
       operands => [$term],


This module implements all Math::Symbolic::Operator objects. These objects are overloaded in stringification-context to evaluate to their term's value.


None by default.


Constructor new

Expects a hash reference as first argument. That hash's contents will be treated as key-value pairs of object attributes.

Special case: if no hash reference was found, first argument is assumed to be the operator's symbol and the operator is assumed to be binary. The following 2 arguments will be treated as operands. This special case will ignore attempts to clone objects.

Returns a Math::Symbolic::Operator.

Supported operator symbols: (number of operands and their function in parens)

  +                  => sum (2)
  -                  => difference (2)
  *                  => product (2)
  /                  => division (2)
  log                => logarithm (2: base, function)
  ^                  => exponentiation (2: base, exponent)
  neg                => unary minus (1)
  partial_derivative => partial derivative (2: function, var)
  total_derivative   => total derivative (2: function, var)
  sin                => sine (1)
  cos                => cosine (1)
  tan                => tangent (1)
  cot                => cotangent (1)
  asin               => arc sine (1)
  acos               => arc cosine (1)
  atan               => arc tangent (1)
  acot               => arc cotangent (1)
  sinh               => hyperbolic sine (1)
  cosh               => hyperbolic cosine (1)
  asinh              => hyperbolic area sine (1)
  acosh              => hyperbolic area cosine (1)

Method arity

Returns the operator's arity as an integer.

Method type

Optional integer argument that sets the operator's type. Returns the operator's type as an integer.

Method to_string

Returns a string representation of the operator and its operands. Optional argument: 'prefix' or 'infix'. Defaults to 'infix'.

Method term_type

Returns the type of the term. ( T_OPERATOR )

Method simplify

Term simpilification.

Method op1 and op2

Returns first/second operand of the operator if it exists or undef.

Method apply

Applies the operation to its operands' value() and returns the result as a constant (-object).

Method value

For operators, value() is just a wrapper around apply().

Method apply_derivatives

If the operator is a derivative, this applies the derivative to its first operand. Regardless what kind of operator this is called on, apply_derivatives will be applied recursively on its operands.

If the first parameter to this function is an integer, at maximum that number of derivatives are applied (from top down the tree if possible).


Steffen Mueller, <symbolic-module at steffen-mueller dot net>

