Changes for version 0.118 - 2003-09-09
- No more requiring Parse::RecDescent via Makefile.PL. After all, you can use Math::Symbolic without the parser (though you sacrifice the best piece of the interface that way.)
- Updated META.yml to recommend Parse::RecDescent and require it for building.
- Added Hesse() to M::S::VectorCalculus.
- Amended tests for M::S::VectorCalculus.
- Fixed typo in AUTHORS sections
- is_identical now auto-parses first argument if not a M::S tree.
- Slightly improved the simplification process using is_identical.
- Fixed various small bugs in M::S::Constant and M::S::Operator.
- Fixed parser bugs related to unary minus.
- Improved unary minus simplification.
- Added more unary minus parsing/simplification tests.
Symbolic calculations
Auxiliary functions for Math::Symbolic hierarchy
Base class for symbols in symbolic calculations
Compile Math::Symbolic trees to Perl code
Constants in symbolic calculations
Aggregate class for tree tests and transformations
Base class for tree tests and transformations
Default Math::Symbolic transformations
Default Math::Symbolic tree tests
Derive Math::symbolic trees
Export constants used for Math::Symbolic
Operators in symbolic calculations
Parse strings into Math::Symbolic trees
Variable in symbolic calculations
Symbolically comp. grad, Jacobi matrices etc.