Math::Symbolic - Symbolic calculations
use Math::Symbolic;
my $tree = Math::Symbolic->parse_from_string('1/2 * m * v^2');
# Now do symbolic calculations with $tree.
# ... like deriving it...
my ($sub) = Math::Symbolic::Compiler->compile_to_sub($tree);
my $kinetic_energy = $sub->($mass, $velocity);
Math::Symbolic is intended to offer symbolic calculation capabilities to the Perl programmer without using external (and commercial) libraries and/or applications.
Unless, however, some interested and knowledgable developers turn up to participate in the development, the library will be severely limited by my experience in the area. Symbolic calculations are an active field of research in CS.
There are several ways to construct Math::Symbolic trees. There are no actual Math::Symbolic objects, but rather trees of objects of subclasses of Math::Symbolic. The most general but unfortunately also the least intuitive way of constructing trees is to use the constructors of the Math::Symbolic::Operator, Math::Symbolic::Variable, and Math::Symbolic::Constant classes to create (nested) objects of the corresponding types.
Furthermore, you may use the overloaded interface to apply the standard Perl operators (and functions, see "OVERLOADED OPERATORS") to existing Math::Symbolic trees and standard Perl expressions.
Possibly the most convenient way of constructing Math::Symbolic trees is using the builtin parser to generate trees from expressions such as '2 * x^5'. You may use the Math::Symbolic->parse_from_string() class method for this.
Of course, you may combine the overloaded interface with the parser to generate trees with Perl code such as "$term * 5 * 'sin(omega*t+phi)'" which will create a tree of the existing tree $term times 5 times the sine of the vars omega times t plus phi.
There are several modules in the distribution that contain subroutines related to calculus. These are not loaded by Math::Symbolic by default. For example, Math::Symbolic::MiscCalculus contains routines to compute Taylor Polynomials and the associated errors.
Routines related to vector calculus such as grad, div, rot, and Jacobi- and Hesse matrices are availlable through the Math::Symbolic::VectorCalculus module. This module is also able to compute Taylor Polynomials of functions of two variables, directional derivatives, and total differentials.
Some basic support for linear algebra can be found in Math::Symbolic::MiscAlgebra. This includes a routine to compute the determinant of a matrix of Math::Symbolic trees.
None by default, but you may choose to have the following constants exported to your namespace using the standard Exporter semantics. There are two export tags: :all and :constants. :all will export all constants and the parse_from_string subroutine.
Constants for transcendetal numbers:
EULER (2.7182...)
PI (3.14159...)
Constants representing operator types: (First letter indicates arity)
(These evaluate to the same numbers that are returned by the type()
method of Math::Symbolic::Operator objects.)
U_P_DERIVATIVE (partial derivative)
U_T_DERIVATIVE (total derivative)
Constants representing Math::Symbolic term types:
(These evaluate to the same numbers that are returned by the term_type()
parse_from_string (returns Math::Symbolic tree)
The package variable $Parser will contain a Parse::RecDescent object that is used to parse strings at runtime.
This subroutine takes a string as argument and parses it using a Parse::RecDescent parser taken from the package variable $Math::Symbolic::Parser. It generates a Math::Symbolic tree from the string and returns that tree.
The string may contain any identifiers matching /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/ which will be parsed as variables of the corresponding name.
Please refer to Math::Symbolic::Parser for more information.
This example demonstrates variable and operator creation using object prototypes as well as partial derivatives and the various ways of applying derivatives and simplifying terms. Furthermore, it shows how to use the compiler for simple expressions.
use Math::Symbolic qw/:all/;
my $energy = parse_from_string(<<'HERE');
kinetic(mass, velocity, time) +
potential(mass, z, time)
$energy->implement(kinetic => '(1/2) * mass * velocity(time)^2');
$energy->implement(potential => 'mass * g * z(t)');
$energy->set_value(g => 9.81); # permanently
print "Energy is: $energy\n";
# Is how does the energy change with the height?
my $derived = $energy->new('partial_derivative', $energy, 'z');
$derived = $derived->apply_derivatives()->simplify();
print "Changes with the heigth as: $derived\n";
# With whatever values you fancy:
print "Putting in some sample values: ",
$energy->value(mass => 20, velocity => 10, z => 5),
# Too slow?
$energy->implement(g => '9.81'); # To get rid of the variable
my ($sub) = Math::Symbolic::Compiler->compile($energy);
print "This was much faster: ",
$sub->(20, 10, 5), # vars ordered alphabetically
Since version 0.102, several arithmetic operators have been overloaded.
That means you can do most arithmetic with Math::Symbolic trees just as if they were plain Perl scalars.
The following operators are currently overloaded to produce valid Math::Symbolic trees when applied to an expression involving at least one Math::Symbolic object:
+, -, *, /, **, sqrt, log, exp, sin, cos
Furthermore, some contexts have been overloaded with particular behaviour: '""' (stringification context) has been overloaded to produce the string representation of the object. '0+' (numerical context) has been overloaded to produce the value of the object. 'bool' (boolean context) has been overloaded to produce the value of the object.
Due to several design decisions, it is probably rather difficult to extend the Math::Symbolic related modules through subclassing. Instead, we chose to make the module extendable through delegation.
That means you can introduce your own methods to extend Math::Symbolic's functionality. How this works in detail can be read in Math::Symbolic::Custom.
Please send feedback, bug reports, and support requests to the Math::Symbolic support mailing list: math-symbolic-support at lists dot sourceforge dot net. Please consider letting us know how you use Math::Symbolic. Thank you.
If you're interested in helping with the development or extending the module's functionality, please contact the developers' mailing list: math-symbolic-develop at lists dot sourceforge dot net.
List of contributors:
Steffen Müller, symbolic-module at steffen-mueller dot net
Stray Toaster, mwk at users dot sourceforge dot net
New versions of this module can be found on or CPAN. The module development takes place on Sourceforge at
Math::Symbolic::ExportConstants, Math::Symbolic::AuxFunctions
Math::Symbolic::Base, Math::Symbolic::Operator, Math::Symbolic::Constant, Math::Symbolic::Variable
Math::Symbolic::Custom, Math::Symbolic::Custom::Base, Math::Symbolic::Custom::DefaultTests, Math::Symbolic::Custom::DefaultMods Math::Symbolic::Custom::DefaultDumpers
Math::Symbolic::Derivative, Math::Symbolic::MiscCalculus, Math::Symbolic::VectorCalculus, Math::Symbolic::MiscAlgebra
Math::Symbolic::Parser, Math::Symbolic::Compiler
1 POD Error
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