Changes for version 0.126 - 2003-11-09
- Fixed parser bug with asinh, acosh.
- Added Oliver Ebenhoeh to the list of contributors.
- Now including a precompiled Parse::RecDescent grammar as Math::Symbolic::Parser::Precompiled. That's for startup performance.
Precompiled Math::Symbolic Parser
Symbolic calculations
Auxiliary functions for Math::Symbolic hierarchy
Base class for symbols in symbolic calculations
Compile Math::Symbolic trees to Perl code
Constants in symbolic calculations
Aggregate class for tree tests and transformations
Base class for tree tests and transformations
Default Math::Symbolic output routines
Default Math::Symbolic transformations
Default Math::Symbolic tree tests
Derive Math::symbolic trees
Export constants used for Math::Symbolic
Miscellaneous algebra routines like det()
Miscellaneous calculus routines (eg Taylor poly)
Operators in symbolic calculations
Parse strings into Math::Symbolic trees
Precompiled Math::Symbolic Parser
Variable in symbolic calculations
Symbolically comp. grad, Jacobi matrices etc.
in lib/Math/Symbolic/Parser/
- examples/
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- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/
- examples/