MSSQL::DBlib - Call DB-Library for Microsoft SQL Server from Perl


use MSSQL::DBlib;
use MSSQL::DBlib::Const;
use MSSQL::DBlib;
use MSSQL::DBlib::Const::General;
use MSSQL::DBlib::Const::Datatypes;


MSSQL::DBlib is an extension module to Perl (5.003 or higher) for calling Microsoft SQL Server through DB-Library. It is derived from Michael Peppler's Sybperl. See the section "Compatibility with Sybperl" if you are planning to use Sybperl scripts with MSSQL::DBlib.

Several DB-Library calls use constants, for parameters or return values. You import these from the MSSQL::DBlib::Const::* modules. Either you use the modules which hold the constants you need, or you use MSSQL::DBlib::Const which gives you all of them. See the section "MSSQL::DBlib::Const" below.

MSSQL::DBlib has an heir module, MSSQL::Sqllib which reduces sending queries to SQL Server to one call, including error handling. See further mssql-sqllib.


A simple Perl script using MSSQL::DBlib could look like this:

use MSSQL::DBlib;

$dbh = MSSQL::DBlib->dblogin('sa', $pwd, $server, 'test_app');
$dbh->dbcmd("SELECT * FROM sysprocesses");
while ($dbh->dbresults != NO_MORE_RESULTS) {
   while ($dbh->dbnextrow2($dataref) != NO_MORE_ROWS) {
      ... do something with @$dataref ...

Most of the routines in MSSQL::DBlib is accessed through a reference, and are therefore not exported. Only the routines in the subsection "Exported Routines" are exported.

Many functions in MSSQL::DBlib return a status value. For most such routines the only possible status values are SUCCEED and FAIL. When this is the case, I typically do not discuss on return-status values, but only in the cases where there are more values available. Constants for the return values are declared in MSSQL::DBlib::Const::General.

This document describes the routines as they appear from Perl. In many cases, they are simply passed on to DB-Library and the description on such routines are often brief in this document. Please refer to the DB-Library for C in Books Online or in the printed documentation for complete information on each routine.

NOTE ON SQL Server 7: With SQL Server 7, Microsoft has settled on not keeping DB-Library up in pace with the development of the server. For instance, new datatypes are not fully supported. It is inevitable that these restrictions apply to MSSQL::DBlib as well. These restrictions are discussed with the functions they apply to, as far as I am aware of them.

Standard Routines

dblogin dbopen

$dbh = MSSQL::DBlib->dblogin([$user [, $pwd [, $server [, $appname ]]]])
$dbh = MSSQL::DBlib->dbopen([$server [, $appname ]])

Initiates a connection to SQL Server, using the supplied user, password, server and application name and returns a blessed reference to a hash, that includes a DBPROCESS as well as other attributes. In this document I mainly refer to this reference as a handle. The user-accessible attributes are described in the section "Handle Attributes".

You can also set user, password and application name in advance with the "DBSETLUSER", "DBSETLPWD" and "DBSETLAPP" calls and leave these out when calling "dblogin" or "dbopen". If you don't provide a server name, DB-Library will apply its defaults. To use integrated security, call "DBSETLSECURE" before calling "dblogin" or "dbopen".

"dblogin" is somewhat confusing if you are acquainted with DB-Library for C. To wit, the real call to the DB-Library namesake is in fact performed when MSSQL::DBlib is bootstrapped, and "dblogin" is really a call to DB-Library's dbopen and the sole difference between MSSQL::DBlib's "dblogin" and "dbopen", is that the latter takes fewer parameters.



Close a connection while leaving the handle defined. Connections are automatically closed when a handle goes out of scope, so there is no urgent need to call this routine.

dbdead DBDEAD

$is_dead = $dbh->dbdead
$is_dead = $dbh->DBDEAD

Returns TRUE if the DBPROCESS has been marked dead by DB-Library. (That is, your connection to the server is lost.)


$status = $dbh->dbuse($database)

Make $database the current database.


$status = $dbh->dbcmd($sql_cmd)

Appends the string $sql_cmd to the current command buffer of this connection.



Free the command buffer. Only needed if you have turned on the DBNOAUTOFREE option.


$status = $dbh->dbsqlexec

Sends the content of the current command buffer to SQL Server for execution. "dbsqlexec" waits until it has received a response from the server, or a timeout elapses. If this is not feasable, use "dbsqlsend" followed by "dbsqlok" instead, and check whether a response is available with "dbdataready".


$status = $dbh->dbsqlsend

Sends the content of the current command buffer to SQL Server, but in difference to "dbsqlexec", "dbsqlsend" does not wait for response from the server. You must call "dbsqlok" to verify that the execution was successful, before you can start to process the result sets. To check whether there is any server response available, use "dbdataready".


$status = $dbh->sqlok

Retrieves the result of a batch previously sent with "dbsqlsend" or "dbrpcsend"(0). If no server response is available, "dbsqlok" waits until the server responds, or a timeout elapses.


$boolean = $dbh->dataready

Checks whether a response to a previous call to "dbsqlsend" or "dbrpcsend"(0) is available, and returns a true value if so, else a false value is returned.

The DB-Library documentation is somewhat inconsistent, but it appears that it can be meaningful calling "dbdataready" before calls "dbresults" and "dbnextrow2" as well, as these function also waits until the server has responded.

Note that if there is a lock condition in SQL Server, "dbdataready" will return a false value until the lock condition is resolved. If you use this function, you should probably have some timeout mechanism.


$status = $dbh->dbresults

Makes the next result set of the query the current result set, from which "dbnextrow2" will fetch rows. Call "dbresults" after you have called "dbsqlexec", "dbsqlsend"/"dbsqlok" or "dbrpcsend".

"dbresults" can return any of these four values:

SUCCEED: result set was fetched successfully.

FAIL: something went wrong. Note that you must continue to call dbresults until it calls NO_MORE_RESULTS, or cancel the batch with "dbcancel".

NO_MORE_RESULTS: there are no further results sets to process. When processing a query batch, you must call "dbresults" until it returns NO_MORE_RESULTS (or you cancel the batch with "dbcancel").

NO_MORE_RPC_RESULTS: there are no more results of this stored procedure, but there were more stored procedures in the batch, of which the result sets have not been processed. Applies only when you call stored procedures with "dbrpcparam"/"dbrpcsend".


@data    = $dbh->dbnextrow([0])
%data    = $dbh->dbnextrow(1)
$dataref = $dbh->dbnextrow($use_hash, 1)

Get the next row from the current result set. If the second parameter $wantref has a false value, the return value is a list of scalar values. If the first parameter $use_hash has a true value, the names of the columns are included in the list, so that you can receive the data into a hash.

When $wantref has a true value, a reference to an array or a hash is returned, depending on $use_hash.

The return status from the DB-Library function dbnextrow is available in $dbh->{DBstatus}.

This function is deprecated and provided for compatibility only. It is implemented on top of "dbnextrow2", which is the preferred routine. See this routine for further details.


$status = $dbh->dbnextrow2($dataref[, $use_hash])

Get the next row from the current result set and return the status from the DB-Library function dbnextrow. On a successful fetch, the data in the row is available in $dataref. When a fetch fails (see possible status values below), $dataref will be undef.

$dataref is a reference to an array (when $use_hash has a false value or is omitted) or a hash (when $use_hash has a true value). When returning an array reference, the columns appear in the array, in the same order as they appear in the query.

When returning hash reference, the keys of the hash are the names of the columns in the result set. If there are unnamed columns, "dbnextrow2" will name them "Col n", where n is the column number in the result set, starting on 1. Beware! If two columns in the result set have the same name, obviously there is only room for one of them in the hash. If warnings are activated, "dbnextrow2" will emit a warning if a name collision is detected.

"dbnextrow2" can return the following return values:

REG_ROW: A regular result row was returned.

Any positive value: The row was a COMPUTE row, and the return value is the compute id for that row. It appears that then when there are more than one COMPUTE BY clauses, that the innermost COMPUTE BY clause has number 1. The compute id is also available in the handle attribute ComputeID.

FAIL: Something went wrong. Note that you must continue to call "dbnextrow2" until it returns NO_MORE_ROWS, unless you cancel the query with "dbcanquery".

NO_MORE_ROWS: There were no more rows to fetch. You must call "dbnextrow2" until you have fetched all row in the result (or cancel the query with "dbcanquery").

BUF_FULL: The row buffer is full, and you must clear the buffer with "dbclrbuf". This return value can only occur if you have set the DB-Library option DBBUFFER with "dbsetopt". See further the DB-Library documentation.

An example with "dbnextrow2" returning a hash:

$dbh->dbcmd("SELECT Name = name, Id = id FROM test_table");

while ($dbh->dbnextrow($dataref, 1) == NO_MORE_ROWS) {
   print "$$dataref{Name} : $$dataref{Id}\n";

This is how "dbnextrow2" return the different datatypes:

NULL: undef or the string "NULL", depending on the handle attribute dbNullIsUndef. The default is to return NULL as undef.

int, smallint, tinyint, bit: As integers (default) or strings depending on the handle attribute dbKeepNumeric. Bit columns with the value NULL, are returned as 0. (Nullable bit columns were an addition with SQL Server 7 and are not supported by DB-Library.)

datetime, smalldatetime: As strings, formatted either by DB-Library, or according to the handle attributes dateFormat and msecFormat. See these attributes for details.

float, real, numeric, decimal, money, smallmoney: As float values (default) or strings, depending on the handle attribute dbKeepNumeric.

char, varchar, nchar, nvarchar: As strings. Values longer than 255 chars (a novelty in SQL Server 7) are truncated to 255 characters due to limitations in DB-Library. Varchar and nvarchar values of the empty string, will be received as a string of one space by DB-Library. In nchar and nvarchar strings, characters with codes beyond the range of 0-255 are converted to some fallback character by SQL Server.

text: As strings. Truncation occurs if the length exceed what has been specified with the SQL command SET TEXTSIZE or any of the DB-Library options DBTEXTSIZE and DBTEXTLIMIT.

ntext: This datatype is not supported at all with DB-Library, an attempt to fetch such a column, will result in an error message from SQL Server.

binary, varbinary, timestamp: As a hex strings, with or without a leading 0x, depending on the handle attribute dbBin0x.

uniqueidentifier: Returned as a hex string, with or wihout a leading 0x. The regular formatting for a GUID is missing, and several bytes are tossed around. You can use the utility function "reformat_uniqueid" to convert it to a proper GUID string.

image: As a binary value, thus not a hex string. Same truncation rules as for the text datatype.


$status = $dbh->dbcancel

Cancels the current command batch, discarding all results sets.


$status = $dbh->dbcanquery

Cancels the current query within the currently executing command batch. There may still be further result sets to retrieve.



Clears $n rows from the row buffer. Row buffering only applies if you have set DB-Library option DBBBUFFER with "dbsetopt". Note that this function does not return any value.


$status = $dbh->DBCURCMD

Returns the number of the currently executing command in the command batch. The first command is number 1.


$status = $dbh->DBMORECMDS

Returns SUCCEED if there are additional commands to be executed in the current command batch.


$status = $dbh->DBCMDROW

Returns SUCCEED if the current command can return rows.


$status = $dbh->DBROWS

Returns SUCCEED if the current command did return rows.


$count = $dbh->DBCOUNT

Returns the number of rows that the current command affected. Notice that for a SELECT statement you will not get a correct answer from "DBCOUNT" until you have retrieved all rows with "dbnextrow2".


$row_num = $dbh->DBCURROW

Returns the number (counting from 1) of the currently retrieved row in the current result set.


$count = $dbh->dbnumcols

How many columns there are in the current result set.


$type = $dbh->dbcoltype($colid)

Returns the column type of column $colid in the current result set. Constants for the datatypes are declared in MSSQL::DBlib::Const::Datatypes.


$len = $dbh->dbcollen($colid)

Returns the maximum length (in bytes) of column $colid in the current result set.


$string = $dbh->dbcolname($colid)

Returns the name of column $colid in the current result set.


$string = $dbh->dbstrcpy

Returns the contents of the command buffer.


$status = $dbh->dbsetopt($opt [, $char_val])

Sets option $opt with optional character parameter $char_val. $opt is one of the option values defined in the DB-Library manual (e.g. DBSTAT, DBTEXTSIZE). To get IO statistics from the server on, you would say:

$dbh->dbsetopt(DBSTAT, "io");

See also "dbclropt" and "dbisopt". See eq\ for an example of using "dbsetopt".

Constants for options are declared in MSSQL::DBlib::Const::Options.


$ret = $dbh->dbclropt($opt [, $char_val])

Unsets the option $opt, which might be on by default, or previously have been set with "dbsetopt".


$ret = $dbh->dbisopt($opt [, $char_val])

Returns a true value if the option $opt is set.


$status = $dbh->dbwritetext($colname, $dbh_2, $colnum, $text [, $log])

Inserts or updates data in a TEXT or IMAGE column. $colname is the name of the text column. $dbh_2 is the handle of another server connection, and which should have an active query against the table of the text column. $colnum is the number of the text column in that query (thus, not in the table). $text is the text to be inserted. $log specifies whether the operation is to be logged or not. If you leave out $log, the operation is not logged. Note, however, that you must set the db option select into/bulk copy to be able to use non-logged update.


$dbh_2->dbcmd('SELECT txt, t_index FROM text_table WHERE t_index = 5');
$dbh_2->dbsqlexec; $dbh_2->dbresults;

$dbh->dbwritetext ("text_table.txt", $dbh_2, 1,
                   "This is text added with MSSQL::DBlib");

See also eq\ for a complete script.

Exported Routines

These are functions that has no connection with any DBPROCESS handle, but are exported from MSSQL::DBlib. All but reformat_uniqueid are exported by default.


$old_handler = dberrhandle($err_handler)

Installs an error handler and returns the previously installed handler. This handler is called when an error occurs in DB-Library itself. To handle errors from SQL Server, see "dbmsghandle".

$err_handler should be a reference to a Perl sub, or a string containing the name of a Perl sub. In the latter case, specify the name with the package component, for instance main::my_error_handler. If you specify an unqualified name, and warnings are activated, "dberrhandle" will print a warning. Unqualified name are deceivable, and does for instance not work when you are using the debugger.

Pass undef to only uninstall the current handler.

NOTE: MSSQL::DBlib provides a built-in default error handler which applies if you have not called "dberrhandle" or uninstalled your own handler by passing undef.

The error handler you specify should take six parameters:

$dbproc: This is a reference to a hash. The reference may or may not be blessed. When $dbproc is blessed, it is the handle you used for calling the routine that caused the error. When unblessed it is just a temporary handle, containing nothing but a DBPROCESS reference. Thus, if you want to retrieve any of the handle attributes, you first need to examine ref $dbproc. Don't attempt to call any DB-Library routines from the error handler, as they may lead to futher errors with new calls to the error handler and...

$severity: the severity level of the error. Constants for DB-Library severities are declared in MSSQL::DBlib::Const::Severity.

$dberr: a number identifying the error. Constants for DB-Library errors are declared in MSSQL::DBlib::Const::Errors.

$oserr: a number identifying any error from the OS or network level that may have occurred. When there is no such error, $oserr is DBNOERR, which is declared in MSSQL::DBlib::Const::General.

$dberrstr: a string describing the DB-Library error.

$oserr: a string describing any OS or network error.

The error handler should return any of the values INT_EXIT (which causes DB-Library to exit and return an error status to the OS), INT_CANCEL (which causes the current DB-Library call to return FAIL) or INT_CONTINUE (which is only meaningful for timeout errors). These constants are declared in MSSQL::DBlib::Const::General.


$old_handler = dbmsghandle($msg_handler)

Installs a message handler to take care of messages from SQL Server and returns the old handler. These messages can arise from server errors, RAISERROR or PRINT statements or be output caused by SET SHOWPLAN or SET STATISTICS.

$msg_handler should be a reference to a Perl sub, or a string containing the name of a Perl sub. In the latter case, specify the name with the package component, for instance main::my_message_handler. If you specify an unqualified name, and warnings are activated, "dberrhandle" will print a warning. Unqualified name are deceivable, and does for instance not work when you are running the debugger.

Pass undef to uninstall the current handler.

NOTE: MSSQL::DBlib provides a built-in default message handler which applies if you have not called "dbmsghandle" or uninstalled your own handler by passing undef.

The message handler you specify should take eight parameters:

$dbproc: This is a reference to a hash. The reference may or may not be blessed. When $dbproc is blessed, it is the handle you used to call the routine that caused the error. When unblessed it is just a temporary handle, containing nothing but a DBPROCESS reference. Thus, if you want to retrieve any of the handle attributes, you first need to examine ref $dbproc. Only when $dbproc is blessed you can call other MSSQL::DBlib routines, however you should be very restrictive with this, as stated in the DB-Library documentation.

$msgno: the error number from SQL Server. 0 when the message comes from a PRINT statement in Transact-SQL.

$msgstate: the state associated with the SQL Server message.

$severity: the severity level of the message. See the SQL Server documentation for details.

$msgtext: the text of the message from SQL Server.

$server: the name of the server that sent the message.

$procname: the name of the stored procedure that generated the message. undef if there was no procedure involved.

$line: the line number in the stored procedure or batch where the message was generated.

The message handler should return 0.

See eg\ for an example of using a message handler that catches SHOW STATISTICS output.


$str = dbprtype($typeid)

Returns the textual representation of an SQL Server datatype such as SQLCHAR. These are declared in MSSQL::DBlib::Const::Datatypes. You can retrieve the datatype of a column with "dbcoltype".


$status = DBSETLAPP($appname)

Sets the application name for connections created with subsequent calls to "dblogin" or "dbopen". This name will appear with for instance sp_who. The name provided with "DBSETLAPP", can be overridden by an explicit parameter to "dblogin" or "dbopen".


$status = DBSETLHOST($hostname)

Sets the host name for connections created with subsequent calls to "dblogin" or "dbopen". This name will appear with for instance sp_who.


$status = DBSETLFALLBACK($onoff)

Turns fallback support on or off for subsequent calls to "dblogin" or "dbopen". $onoff should be any of the strings "ON" or "OFF". See Books Online for further details on fallback.


$status = DBSETLNATLANG($language)

Sets the national language for connections created with subsequent calls to "dblogin" or "dbopen". Preferrably, the language should be installed on the SQL Server you are connecting to.


$status = DBSETLPACKET($packet_size)

Sets the packet size for the TDS protocol for connections created with subsequent calls to "dblogin" or "dbopen".


$status = DBSETLPWD($pwd)

Sets the password for subsequent calls to "dblogin" or "dbopen". This parameter can be overridden by an explicit parameter to "dblogin".


$status = DBSETLSECURE()

Sets the secure connection flag for subsequent calls to "dblogin" or "dbopen". This means that SQL Server will use integrated security for authentication, and that any provided username and password will be ignored.


$status = DBSETLTIME($seconds)

Sets the time in seconds for how long MSSQL::DBlib is to wait when connecting to the server with "dblogin" or "dbopen". $seconds can also be any of the constants described in the DB-Library documentation. These are declared in MSSQL::DBlib::Const::Timeout.



Sets the username for subsequent calls to "dblogin" or "dbopen". This user name can be overridden by an explicit parameter to "dblogin".


$status = DBSETLVERSION($version)

Sets the DB-Library client behaviour to version 4.2 or 6.0 for connections created with subsequent calls to "dblogin" or "dbopen". Use the constants DBVER60 or DBVER42. These are declared in MSSQL::DBlib::Const::DBSETLNAME.

The choise of version applies to issues of which none concerns users of MSSQL::DBlib: 1) the function dbcolinfo which is not available in MSSQL::DBlib. 2) whether the datatypes decimal and numeric are converted to float or not when returned to the client. MSSQL::DBlib converts numeric values to float itself, so DB-Library's behaviour does not matter.


$time = DBGETTIME()

Returns the time MSSQL::DBlib waits for response from SQL Server. The timeout may be altered with "DBSETLTIME" or "dbsetlogintime".


$status = dbsettime($seconds)

Sets the time MSSQL::DBlib is to wait for response from SQL Server when calling "dbsqlexec", "dbnextrow", "dbresults", "dbnextrow2" or "dbrpcsend". To set the timeout for "dblogin", use "dbsetlogintime" or "DBSETLTIME".


$status = dbsetlogintime($seconds)

With MSSQL::DBlib this routine is equvivalent to "DBSETLTIME", see this routine.



Tell DB-Library that we're done. Once this call has been made, no further activity requiring DB-Library can be performed in the current program.

NOTE: do not call this routine, unless you have previously called "dbclose" for all your handles that still are in scope. Else you will get an error message from DB-Library when the handles eventually goes out of scope, for instance when Perl exits.


$GUID = MSSQL::DBlib::reformat_uniqueid($hexstring)

Converts $hexstring which supposedly have been returned by "dbnextrow2" as the value for a column of the type uniqueidentifier to the regular presentation form for a GUID. If $hexstring is already on this format, $hexstring is returned unchanged. If $hexstring is not a 32 character long hexstring (or 34 with a leading 0x), "reformat_uniqueid" returns undef.

This routine is not exported by default, so you either have to mention it explicitly in your use statment, or give a full qualification as shown above.

BCP Routines

Constants for BCP are in MSSQL::DBlib::Const::BCP.

There are two ways you can bulk copy data into the database: from variables and from file. To copy data out of the database there is only one way: to file.

When you copy from variables you use the routines "bcp_init", "bcp_meminit", "bcp_sendrow", "bcp_batch" and "bcp_done". MSSQL::DBlib has here simplified the sequence you would use in a C program.

When you copy from/to a file, you use the routines "bcp_init", "bcp_columns", "bcp_colfmt" and "bcp_exec". Optionally you can change parameters with "bcp_control". This calling sequence is equivavelent to the one in C.

Note: I have made no attempt to find out which of the extentions to the datatypes in SQL Server 7, if any, that can be used with MSSQL::DBlib. When in doubt assume that none of the novelties work until anything else is proven.


$status = BCP_SETL($state)

If you wish to use the BCP routines for a connection, you must call BCP_SETL with $state = 1 prior to creating that connection with "dblogin" or "dbopen".

This is an exported routine, thus you don't need any handle or package reference to call it.


$status = $dbh->bcp_init($table, $datafile, $errfile, $direction)

Initializes a bulk-copy operation. $table is the table you are bulking into or out from. $datafile is a file that the data is read from or written to. Specify undef if you are sending data from variables with "bcp_sendrow". $errfile is a file for BCP to write error messages to. $direction must be one of DB_OUT or DB_IN.


$status = $dbh->bcp_meminit($numcols)

This is a routine which is particular to MSSQL::DBlib and not available in DB-Library itself. It defines the number of columns to use for a bulk copy from program variables to SQL Server. It must be called prior to calling "bcp_sendrow".

See eg\ for a simple example.


$status = $dbh->bcp_sendrow(@list)

Sends the data in @list to the server. @list is assumed to contain one element for each column being updated. To send a NULL value set the appropriate element to undef.

Note that while data is sent to the server it is not actually committed until you call "bcp_batch" or "bcp_done".

You must call "bcp_meminit" prior to calling "bcp_sendrow".


$rows_copied = $dbh->bcp_batch

Commits what has been sent to the server in the previous calls to "bcp_sendrow". The return value is the number of rows copied.

If you never call "bcp_batch", all rows will be committed when you call "bcp_done".


$rows_copied = $dbh->bcp_done

Ends a bulk copy from Perl variables into SQL Server with "bcp_sendrow" and returns the number of rows copied in the last batch.


$status = $dbh->bcp_control($field, $value)

Changes the default settings for control parameters for a bulk copy between a file and SQL Server. The available values for $field are listed below. Note that for all parameters, specifying 0 for $value will give you the default value.

BCPMAXERRS The number of errors allowed before giving up. The default is 10. The maximum limit is 65.535.

BCPFIRST The first row to copy. The default is 1.

BCPLAST The last row to copy. By default all rows are copied.

BCPBATCH The number of rows per batch. The default is 0, that is all is sent in one batch.

BCPKEEPNULLS When set, empty data values in the file will be converted to NULL values in the SQL Server table. When unset, empty values will be converted to the default value for the column. By default the option is not set.


$status = $dbh->bcp_columns($colcount)

Sets the total number of columns found in the user file for use with a bulk copy into/out of SQL Server.


$status = $dbh->bcp_colfmt($file_colno, $file_datatype, $file_prefixlen,
                           $file_collen, $col_terminator, $termlen,

Specifies the format of a user file for bulk copy into/out of SQL Server. What follows is my attempt to clarify the meaning of these parameters. For a complete reference please see the, ehum somewhat obscure, documentation for DB-Library.

$file_colno is the number of the column in your data file. The first column is number 1.

$file_datatype is the datatype for the column in the data file. That is, if you have written a integer as a string to the file, you should say SQLCHAR here. Say SQLINT when you've written it as a binary value, e.g. with pack. If you specify 0, DB-Library will use the type of the column in the table. You can only use datatypes for which there exists a conversion between the datatype of the file column and the datatype of the database column.

You use $file_prefixlen when you want the boundaries of the column in the data file to be determined by a length prefix. This length prefix can be 1, 2 or 4 bytes long. Specify 0 if you don't use a length prefix. Specify -1 to let DB-Library decide. (I would not recommend this; you will scratch your hair, trying to understand what's going.) Notice that a datatype such as int has a fixed length of 4 with one exception: for NULL the length is 0.

$file_collen specifies the maximum length of the column in the data file. -1 instructs DB-Library to ignore this parameter. 0 means that the column is always NULL; the column in the database will receive NULL for all rows. The value does not inlucde any length prefixes or terminators.

$col_terminator specifies a terminator string for the colunm in the data file. This string can be one or more characters long. Obviously the terminator must not appear in the data of the column. If you write a data file from Perl, and you want to inlucde newline in your terminator, you must specify "\r\n" and not only "\n", unless you applied binmode on the file handle. Specify an empty string if you don't use any terminator.

$term_len is length of $col_terminator. Set to 0 when you don't use a terminator.

$table_col is the number of the column in the table, starting on 1.

As you see there are several ways you can specify the boundaries of a column: fixed-length datatype, length prefix, maximum length or a terminator. If you use more than one, DB-Library will use the one that results in the smallest amount of data being copied. I wouldn't enourage this usage, though.


$rows_copied = $dbh->bcp_exec
($status, $rows_copied) = $dbh->bcp_exec

Executes a complete bulk copy of data between a database and a user file. As shown, you can retrieve the return value in two ways: With a scalar as a return value, you will get the number of rows successfully copied. With a two-element list, the first element will be status of the operation, SUCCEED or FAIL, and the second column will be the number of rows copied.


$status = $dbh->bcp_readfmt($filename)

Reads a datafile format definition from a user file for a bulk copy between a file and SQL Server and from the contents makes the corresponding calls to "bcp_columns" and "bcp_colfmt".


$status = $dbh->bcp_writefmt($filename)

Writes a datafile format definition to a user file for a bulk copy between a file and SQL Server. The contents of the file is derived from previous calls to "bcp_columns" and "bcp_colfmt".

RPC Routines

Constants for RPC are declared in MSSQL::DBlib::Const::RPC. See eg/ for an example on how to use these calls.


$status = $dbh->dbrpcinit($SP, $option)

Initializes an RPC call to the stored procedure $SP. Available options are DBRPCRECOMPILE, which forces a recompile (i.e. a re-optimization) of the called stored procedure, and DBRPCRESET which cancels any previous batch of stored procedures. It's probably a good habit to always use DBRPCRESET unless you are really having more than one procedure in the same batch.


$status = $dbh->dbrpcparam($parname, $output, $type, $maxlen, 
                           $datalen, $value)

Adds a parameter to an RPC call initiated with "dbrpcinit".

$parname is the name of the variable, with @ included. Send undef to send an unamed parameter; this will be interpreted as the first, second etc paramter of the procedure. Once you have provided one named parameter, the remaining parameters must also be named.

$output is either zero or DBRPCRETURN to specify that the parameter is an output parameter.

$type is the datatype of the parameter. Constants for datatypes are declared in MSSQL::DBlib::Const::Datatypes. All floating-point and decimal types (money, decimal, real etc) are converted to float before being sent to the server. You can specify SQLUNIQUEIDENTIFIER for the type uniqueidentifier; "dbrpcparam" will actually send this as SQLVARCHAR (as DB-Library does not support uniqueidentifier).

For datetime and smalldatetime parameters you can specify either a character datatype or a datetime datatype for $type. In the former case, conversion from string value to (small)datetime is performed by SQL Server, in the latter case by DB-Library (by dbconvert). This can yield different results, as DB-Library may look on regional settings (as determined in the SQL Client Configuration Utility), but SQL Server does not. Also, the two may not support exactly the same set of date formats.

You cannot specify the new datatypes nchar, nvarchar and ntext. Pass these as SQLCHAR, SQLVARCHAR and SQLTEXT respectively.

$maxlen specifies the maximum length of an OUTPUT value. My empirical tests indicate that you can set $maxlen to -1 in all cases, except when specifying NULL for a text or image parameter, when it must be 0.

$datalen is the length of the data you send in. This should be -1 for a non-NULL fixed-length datatypes. Specify 0 for $datalen to send NULL for all datatypes. If you want to send an empty string, you need to actually send one blank. $datalen cannot exceed 255.

$value is the value for the parameter. When $datalen is 0, $value is ignored. When sending in a binary type, $value may, but does not need to, include a leading 0x. Note that with DB-Library you cannot pass an empty string for a varchar parameter, although SQL Server 7 supports this.


$status = $dbh->dbrpcsend([$wait])

Executes a call to a stored procedure initiated with "dbrpcinit". The parameter $wait determines if you want to wait for SQL Server to return a reply. The default is 1, to wait.

When you specify a false value for $wait, you must later call "dbsqlok" before you can fetch data with "dbresults".

Seasoned DB-Library programmers should note that this function is slighlty different from its DB-Library namesake, which never waits for reply from SQL Server.


@data = $dbh->dbretdata([0])
%data = $dbh->dbretdata(1)
$dataref = $dbh->dbretdata($use_hash, 1)

Retrieves the values of the parameters marked as OUTPUT in a stored procedure executed with "dbrpcsend" in the current batch.

If the second parameter $wantref has a false value, the return value is a list of scalar values. If the first parameter $use_hash has a true value, the names of the parameters are included in the list, so that you can receive the data into a hash.

When $wantref has a true value, a reference to an array or a hash is returned, depending on $use_hash.

This function is deprecated and provided for compatibility. The preferred routine is "dbretdata2" on top which "dbretdata" is implemented. See "dbretdata2" for further details.


$dataref = $dbh->dbretdata2([$use_hash])

Retrieves the values of the parameters marked as OUTPUT in a stored procedure executed with "dbrpcsend" in the current batch.

"dbretdata2" returns a reference, which is a reference to an array if $use_hash has a false value or is omitted. Else it is a reference to a hash with the parameter names (including leading @) as keys. If you did not provide any parameter names with "dbrpcparam", the keys will be "Par n", where n is the number of that output parameter, counting only the output parameters of the SP.

You must not call "dbretdata2" until you have processed the results of the SP. That is, "dbresults" should have returned NO_MORE_RESULTS (for the last procedure in a batch) or NO_MORE_RPC_RESULTS (for the all but the last procedure in a batch).

For information on how "dbretdata2" return different datatypes, see "dbnextrow2" which has an identical behaviour in this area, except in one case: parameters of the type uniqueidentifier are returned as properly formatted GUID strings.


$status = $dbh->dbretstatus

Retrieve the return status of the most recently executed stored procedure in the batch. You must not call "dbretstatus" until you have processed the results of the SP. That is, "dbresults" should have returned NO_MORE_RESULTS (for the last procedure in a batch) or NO_MORE_RPC_RESULTS (for the all but the last procedure in a batch).


$status = $dbh->dbhasretstat

Returns a true value if the most recently executed stored procedure returned a status value. As with "dbretstatus" you must first process the results sets of the stored procedure.

Two-Phase Commit Routines

$dbh = MSSQL::DBlib->open_commit($user, $pwd, $server, $appname)
$id = $dbh->start_xact($app_name, $xact_name, $site_count)
$status = $dbh->stat_xact($id)
$status = $dbh->commit_xact($id)
$status = $dbh->abort_xact($id)
$string = MSSQL::DBlib::build_xact_string($xact_name, $service_name, $id)
$status = $dbh->remove_xact($id, $site_count)

These functions are provided for compatibility with Sybperl only. Descriptions of them are available in the DB-Library documentation that comes with SQL Server 6.0 and 6.5. However, in Books Online for SQL Server 7, they are absent.

Handle Attributes

The handle you get with "dblogin" or "dbopen" has a number of attributes that you can use to alter the behaviour of MSSQL::DBlib. You access these with the Perl hash table syntax:

$dbh->{'Attribute Name'}

The following attributes are currently defined:


Controls how NULL values are to be returned by "dbnextrow2" and "dbretdata2". When unset, NULLs are returned as the string "NULL". When set, NULLs are returned as undef, which is the default.


Controls the data type of numeric values returned by "dbnextrow2" and "dbretdata2". If unset, numeric varaibles are returned to Perl as string variables. If set, numeric values appear as numeric in Perl, which is the default.


Controls how binary values are returned by "dbnextrow2" and "dbretdata2". Binary values (except for the datatype image) are returned as string of hex digits. With dbBin0x set, the string is preceded with 0x, else not. By default this attribute is not set.


These control how datetime and smalldatetime values are converted to strings by "dbnextrow2" and "dbretdata2". dateFormat controls how everything but the milliseconds are formatted, while msecFormat takes care of that part, including the millisecond delimiter. (Obviously, msecFormat does not apply to smalldatetime values.)

When defined the dateFormat and msecFormat are passed to the C run-time functions strftime and sprintf respectively. (And this is why there are two of them; strftime does not deal with milliseconds.) If dateFormat is undefined, msecFormat is not looked at, and the DB-Library function dbconvert is used for the conversion.

A selection of format codes for dateFormat follows. For a full reference see the documentation for strftime in, for instance, the Visual C++ reference.

%b, %B   Abbreviated/full month name.
%c       Date and time representation appropriate for locale.
%d       Day of month as decimal number (01 – 31)
%H, %I   Hour in 24/12-hour format (00 – 23)/(01 - 12)
%m       Month as decimal number (01 – 12)
%M       Minute as decimal number (00 – 59)
%p       Current locale's A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock.
%S       Second as decimal number (00 – 59)
%y, %Y   Year without/with century, as decimal number.
%%       Percent sign

Note: Looking at a Solaris manpage for strftime, there appears to be differences to what Visual C++ provides. The codes above seem to coincide, though.

For the format of msecFormat, see the entry for sprintf in the Camel book, or look up in sprintf in any appropriate C reference.

The defaults are undef for dateFormat and ".%3.3d" for msecFormat.

While you can pick any format you like, I would suggest that you use a format that SQL Server understands. If you plan to use the RPC routines, you should know that DB-Library fails with some formats that SQL Server grasps. So the format code "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" (e.g. "1998-01-01 12:12:12") works with "dbcmd"/"dbsqlexec", but not if you pass it to "dbrpcparam" as a datetime datatype. The format "19980101 12:12:12" works with both, though.


If you for some reason make a temporary copy of the hash the handle is pointing to, you need to set the attribute cloneFlag for that copy, or else Perl will close the SQL Server connection associated with that handle, when the copy goes out of scope.

The following read-only attribues are available:


The return status of the last call to dbnextrow. Undefined after all other calls.


The compute id of the most recently returned row by "dbnextrow2". See further this routine.

If you examine the handle in the Perl debugger, you may find a few more attributes. These are strictly internal.



The version number of MSSQL::DBlib. Can be interpreted as a string or as a number.


A longer blurb of version information that includes the copyright stuff.


The constants that are defined in SQLFRONT.H are available either from MSSQL::DBlib::Const that contains all constants, or MSSQL::DBlib::Const::* where you find the constants split up over several modules, so that you can use only those you need.

The constants TRUE and FALSE are not provided, though.

This is the complete list of modules in MSSQL::DBlib::Const::*

MSSQL::DBlib::Const::BCP          -- Constants for BCP
MSSQL::DBlib::Const::Datatypes    -- SQL Server datatypes.
MSSQL::DBlib::Const::DBSETLNAME   -- Useful only for DBSETLVERSION.
MSSQL::DBlib::Const::Errors       -- DB-Library error codes.
MSSQL::DBlib::Const::General      -- See below.
MSSQL::DBlib::Const::MaxValues    -- Various max and default values.
MSSQL::DBlib::Const::Options      -- Options with dbsetopt/dbclropt/dbgetopt.
MSSQL::DBlib::Const::RPC          -- Constants for RPC.
MSSQL::DBlib::Const::Severity     -- Severity levels of DB-Library errors.
MSSQL::DBlib::Const::Timeout      -- Constants for DBSETLTIME.

Those I have left uncommented are probably not useful with MSSQL::DBlib as the DB-Library routines that use these with are not included in MSSQL::DBlib.

The module MSSQL::DBlib::Const::General includes the most commonly used DB-Library constants (and a few more which didn't seem to fit anywhere else):


Notice that SQLESMG is also declared in MSSQL::DBlib::Const::Errors and that DBANSItoOEM and DBOEMtoANSI also appear in MSSQL::DBlib::Const::Options. If you are running with the -w switch, you will get warnings about redefined subroutines, if you include both General and any of the other two modules. While these warnings are ignorable, they are not pretty. You can avoid them by replacing

use MSSQL::DBlib::Const::General;

with the following kludge:

       local($^W = 0);
       require 'MSSQL/DBlib/Const/';
       import MSSQL::DBlib::Const::General;

Note that you must include MSSQL::DBlib::Const::General after the other constant modules for the kludge to work.


If you call "dbexit" without calling "dbclose" on your handles, you will get an error message from DB-Library when the Perl script exits.

If you run a script from the Perl debugger and the exit the debugger while in a message or error handler, Perl will hang until you kill it with CTRL/C. Obviously DB-Library doesn't like its dbclose being called from a error or message handler. (dbclose is called implicitly when an object is destroyed.)

The 2PC calls have not been tested.

This version of MSSQL::DBlib have been tested SQL 6.5 and SQL 7.0 but not with SQL 6.0 or SQL 4.21. Binaries included in the distribution are not likely to work with 6.0 and 4.21. You must also remove "DBSETLFALLBACK" to build MSSQL::DBlib with 6.0 and 4.21. 4.21 may require further deletions.

Compatibility with Sybperl

This section only concerns the module Sybase::DBlib. There is no support for Sybase::Sybperl or Sybase::BCP, and even less for Sybase::CTlib, as this library is not available with Microsoft SQL Server.

  • You must change use Sybase::DBlib to say use MSSQL::DBlib.

    You probably also need to add use for the MSSQL::DBlib::Const::* modules you need, see the section "MSSQL::DBlib::Const" above. Also note that some constant names are different with MS SQL Server. For instance, the for the error codes the names start with SQL, not SYB.

  • The following routines available in Sybperl 2.03 are missing:

    DBSETLCHARSET, bcp_getl, dbgetpacket, the dbmny* routines, dbrecftos, dbsafestr, dbsetifile, dbversion, dbrpwset, dbrpwset, scan_xact.

    All of these are not available in Microsoft's DB-Library. (Except for scan_xact which is documented, but doesn't link...)

  • The routines "dbsetopt" and "bcp_colfmt" have a shorter parameter list with MSSQL::DBlib than in Sybperl, since Microsoft does not provide these parameters.

  • The constant DBLIBVS is not avaiable. Also, constants that were added by Sybase after the split between Sybase and Microsoft are likely to be missing.

  • Features that Michael Peppler added to Sybperl in version 2.04 and later are not present, as MSSQL::DBlib is based on a port of Sybperl 2.03 to NT. This include the debug/trace feautre, the Sybase::Money and Sybase::DateTime classes, and the BCP module. There is likely to be more.

  • "dbprtype" has a different behaviour from Sybperl. (Then again, this routine is undocumented in Sybperl).

  • The routine Sybase::DBlib::sql is not available in MSSQL::DBlib, but has a much more powerful namesake in the MSSQL::Sqllib module. That also means that the handle attribute MaxRows have no meaning in MSSQL::DBlib.


Larry Wall invented Perl.

Michael Peppler wrote the original Sybperl.

Christian Mallwitz of Intershop GmbH ported Sybperl 2.03 to NT.

Erland Sommarskog <> turned Michael's and Christian's efforts into MSSQL::DBlib and is the maintainer of this module.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1144:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '–'. Assuming CP1252