Apache::AuthExpire - mod_perl handler to provide Authentication time limits on .htaccess protected pages.
In httpd.conf file:
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthExpire
Optional httpd.conf file entry:
PerlSetVar DefaultLimit <seconds>
PerlSetVar TimeFileDir /location/of/timefilesdir
PerlSetVar AllowAlternateAuth yes
PerlSetVar TimeoutDebug <0 || 1>
Optional .htaccess entries:
PerlSetVar TimeLimit <seconds>
Optional .htaccess or httpd.conf entries:
PerlSetVar TimeoutPurge <minutes>
This is a simple mod_perl handler for the Authentication phase which sets a time limit based on user inactivity. It provides timeouts for any file under the protection of a .htaccess file. This handler can be set anywhere an Authentication handler can be specified.
PerlSetVar DefaultLimit <seconds>
Set the Default timeout limit for our session. (time in seconds) This is also used as the 'TimeLimit', if the 'TimeLimit' is not explicitly defined. Defaults to 60 seconds.
PerlSetVar TimeFileDir /path
Set the timeout file directory to an alternate location. Default is <SERVERROOT>/logs/authexpire.
PerlSetVar AllowAlternateAuth
Set to 'yes' to specify whether or not you would like to use a secondary authentication handler in conjunction with Apache::AuthExpire.
PerlSetVar TimeoutDebug <0 || 1>
Set to 1, if you would like the module to write debugging information to the error_log.
PerlSetVar TimeLimit <seconds>
Explicitly set the timeout limit to a value other than the 'DefaultLimit'. This value must be less than the 'DefaultLimit', or else the module will revert to using the value of the 'DefaultLimit' instead. Defaults to value of the 'DefaultLimit'.
PerlSetVar TimeoutPurge <minutes>
This removes the time file if 'TimeoutPurge' has expired, and if the 'stale' time file still exists.
This module uses the timestamps of files in the <SERVERROOT>/logs/authexpire directory to monitor sessions. Therefore, you need to manually create a 'authexpire' directory, and your web server user (ie nobody), needs to have read/write access to this directory.
Does not work well with all browsers at this stage, please see
mod_perl guide for more information.
None by default.
J. J. Horner Ported by Shannon Eric Peevey <>
perl and mod_perl.
Can be found on CPAN.
plaid and merlyn from for general help and debugging.