HTML::DOM::NodeList::Radio - A Perl class for representing lists of radio buttons in an HTML DOM tree
use HTML::DOM;
$doc = HTML::DOM->new;
<input name=r type=radio value=one>
<input name=r type=radio value=two>
$radio_list = $doc->forms->[0]{r};
# returns an HTML::DOM::NodeList::Radio object
$radio_list->[0]; # get first button
$radio_list->item(0); # same
# also:
$radio_list->value('two'); # select a radio button
$radio-list->name; # returns 'r'
An object of this class represents a list of radio buttons in an HTML::DOM tree. This class inherits from HTML::DOM::NodeList and is provided for compatibility with WWW::Mechanize.
In addition to those inherited from HTML::DOM::NodeList, this class implements the following methods:
- type
Returns the string 'radio'.
- name
Returns the name of the set of radio buttons. If you pass an argument, it will become the new name of the set (all the buttons will be renamed), and the old name will be returned.
- value
Returns the value attribute of the currently selected radio button. If you pass a value as an argument, the radio button with that value will be selected, and the value of the previously selected one will be returned.
- possible_values
Returns a list of the value attributes of all the radio buttons.
- form_name_value
Returns a list of two items: (0) the name of the set of buttons and (1) the value of the currently selected button.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 75:
'=end for me' is invalid. (Stack: =begin for)