HTML::DOM::Interface - A list of HTML::DOM's interface members in machine-readable format


use HTML::DOM::Interface ':all';

# name of DOM interface (HTMLDocument):

# interface it inherits from (Document):

# whether this can be used as an array
# or hash

# Properties and Methods

# list them all
grep !/^_/, keys %{ $HTML::DOM::Interface{HTMLDocument} };

# see whether a given property is supported
exists $HTML::DOM::Interface{HTMLDocument}{foo}; # false

# Is it a method?
$HTML::DOM::Interface{HTMLDocument}{title} & METHOD; # false
$HTML::DOM::Interface{HTMLDocument}{open}  & METHOD; # true

# Does the method return nothing?
$HTML::DOM::Interface{HTMLDocument}{open} & VOID; # true

# Is a property read-only?
$HTML::DOM::Interface{HTMLDocument}{referrer} & READONLY; # true

# Data types of properties
($HTML::DOM::Interface{HTMLDocument}{referrer} & TYPE) == STR;  # true
($HTML::DOM::Interface{HTMLDocument}{title}    & TYPE) == BOOL; # false
($HTML::DOM::Interface{HTMLDocument}{cookie}   & TYPE) == NUM;  # false
($HTML::DOM::Interface{HTMLDocument}{forms}    & TYPE) == OBJ;  # false

# and return types of methods:
                         ->{getElementById} & TYPE) == STR;  # false
($HTML::DOM::Interface{Node}{hasChildNodes} & TYPE) == BOOL; # true
($HTML::DOM::Interface{Node}{appendChild}   & TYPE) == NUM;  # false
($HTML::DOM::Interface{Node}{replaceChild}  & TYPE) == OBJ;  # true

# Constants

# list of constant names in the form "HTML::DOM::Node::ELEMENT_NODE";
@{ $HTML::DOM::Interface{Node}{_constants} };


The synopsis should tell you almost everything you need to know. But be warned that $foo & TYPE is meaningless when $foo & METHOD and $foo & VOID are both true. For more gory details, look at the source code. In fact, here it is:

our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => \@EXPORT_OK);

sub METHOD   () {      1 }
sub VOID     () {   0b10 } # for methods
sub READONLY () {   0b10 } # for properties
sub BOOL     () { 0b0000 }
sub STR      () { 0b0100 }
sub NUM      () { 0b1000 }
sub OBJ      () { 0b1100 }
sub TYPE     () { 0b1100 } # only for use as a mask

%HTML::DOM::Interface = (
      'HTML::DOM::Exception' => 'DOMException',
      'HTML::DOM::Implementation' => 'DOMImplementation',
      'HTML::DOM::Node' => 'Node',
      'HTML::DOM::DocumentFragment' => 'DocumentFragment',
      'HTML::DOM' => 'HTMLDocument',
      'HTML::DOM::CharacterData' => 'CharacterData',
      'HTML::DOM::Text' => 'Text',
      'HTML::DOM::Comment' => 'Comment',
      'HTML::DOM::Element' => 'HTMLElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::HTML' => 'HTMLHtmlElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Head' => 'HTMLHeadElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Link' => 'HTMLLinkElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Title' => 'HTMLTitleElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Meta' => 'HTMLMetaElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Base' => 'HTMLBaseElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::IsIndex' => 'HTMLIsIndexElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Style' => 'HTMLStyleElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Body' => 'HTMLBodyElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Form' => 'HTMLFormElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Select' => 'HTMLSelectElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::OptGroup' => 'HTMLOptGroupElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Option' => 'HTMLOptionElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Input' => 'HTMLInputElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::TextArea' => 'HTMLTextAreaElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Button' => 'HTMLButtonElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Label' => 'HTMLLabelElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::FieldSet' => 'HTMLFieldSetElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Legend' => 'HTMLLegendElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::UL' => 'HTMLUListElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::OL' => 'HTMLOListElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::DL' => 'HTMLDListElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Dir' => 'HTMLDirectoryElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Menu' => 'HTMLMenuElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::LI' => 'HTMLLIElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Div' => 'HTMLDivElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::P' => 'HTMLParagraphElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Heading' => 'HTMLHeadingElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Quote' => 'HTMLQuoteElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Pre' => 'HTMLPreElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Br' => 'HTMLBRElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::BaseFont' => 'HTMLBaseFontElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Font' => 'HTMLFontElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::HR' => 'HTMLHRElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Mod' => 'HTMLModElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::A' => 'HTMLAnchorElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Img' => 'HTMLImageElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Object' => 'HTMLObjectElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Param' => 'HTMLParamElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Applet' => 'HTMLAppletElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Map' => 'HTMLMapElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Area' => 'HTMLAreaElement',
      'HTML::DOM::Element::Script' => 'HTMLScriptElement',
      'HTML::DOM::NodeList' => 'NodeList',
      'HTML::DOM::NodeList::Radio' => 'NodeList',
      'HTML::DOM::NodeList::Magic' => 'NodeList',
      'HTML::DOM::NamedNodeMap' => 'NamedNodeMap',
      'HTML::DOM::Attr' => 'Attr',
      'HTML::DOM::Collection' => 'HTMLCollection',
      'HTML::DOM::Collection::Elements' => 'HTMLCollection',
      'HTML::DOM::Event' => 'Event',
       DOMException => {
              _constants => [qw[
       DOMImplementation => {
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              hasFeature => METHOD | BOOL,
       DocumentFragment => {
              _isa => 'Node',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
       Document => {
              _isa => 'Node',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              doctype => OBJ | READONLY,
              implementation => OBJ | READONLY,
              documentElement => OBJ | READONLY,
              createElement => METHOD | OBJ,
              createDocumentFragment => METHOD | OBJ,
              createTextNode => METHOD | OBJ,
              createComment => METHOD | OBJ,
              createCDATASection => METHOD | OBJ,
              createProcessingInstruction => METHOD | OBJ,
              createAttribute => METHOD | OBJ,
              createEntityReference => METHOD | OBJ,
              getElementsByTagName => METHOD | OBJ,
       Node => {
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              _constants => [qw[
              nodeName => STR | READONLY,
              nodeValue => STR,
              nodeType => NUM | READONLY,
              parentNode => OBJ | READONLY,
              childNodes => OBJ | READONLY,
              firstChild => OBJ | READONLY,
              lastChild => OBJ | READONLY,
              previousSibling => OBJ | READONLY,
              nextSibling => OBJ | READONLY,
              attributes => OBJ | READONLY,
              ownerDocument => OBJ | READONLY,
              insertBefore => METHOD | OBJ,
              replaceChild => METHOD | OBJ,
              removeChild => METHOD | OBJ,
              appendChild => METHOD | OBJ,
              hasChildNodes => METHOD | BOOL,
              cloneNode => METHOD | OBJ,
              addEventListener => METHOD | VOID,
              removeEventListener => METHOD | VOID,
              dispatchEvent => METHOD | BOOL,
       NodeList => {
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 1,
              item => METHOD | OBJ,
              length => NUM | READONLY,
       NamedNodeMap => {
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              getNamedItem => METHOD | OBJ,
              setNamedItem => METHOD | OBJ,
              removeNamedItem => METHOD | OBJ,
              item => METHOD | OBJ,
              length => NUM | READONLY,
       CharacterData => {
              _isa => 'Node',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              data => STR,
              length => NUM | READONLY,
              substringData => METHOD | STR,
              appendData => METHOD | VOID,
              insertData => METHOD | VOID,
              deleteData => METHOD | VOID,
              replaceData => METHOD | VOID,
       Attr => {
              _isa => 'Node',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              name => STR | READONLY,
              specified => BOOL | READONLY,
              value => STR,
       Element => {
              _isa => 'Node',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              tagName => STR | READONLY,
              getAttribute => METHOD | STR,
              setAttribute => METHOD | VOID,
              removeAttribute => METHOD | VOID,
              getAttributeNode => METHOD | OBJ,
              setAttributeNode => METHOD | OBJ,
              removeAttributeNode => METHOD | OBJ,
              getElementsByTagName => METHOD | OBJ,
              normalize => METHOD | VOID,
       Text => {
              _isa => 'CharacterData',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              splitText => METHOD | OBJ,
       Comment => {
              _isa => 'CharacterData',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
       HTMLCollection => {
              _hash => 1,
              _array => 1,
              length => NUM | READONLY,
              item => METHOD | OBJ,
              namedItem => METHOD | OBJ,
       HTMLDocument => {
              _isa => 'Document',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              title => STR,
              referrer => STR | READONLY,
              domain => STR | READONLY,
              URL => STR | READONLY,
              body => OBJ,
              images => OBJ | READONLY,
              applets => OBJ | READONLY,
              links => OBJ | READONLY,
              forms => OBJ | READONLY,
              anchors => OBJ | READONLY,
              cookie => STR,
              open => METHOD | VOID,
              close => METHOD | VOID,
              write => METHOD | VOID,
              writeln => METHOD | VOID,
              getElementById => METHOD | OBJ,
              getElementsByName => METHOD | OBJ,
              createEvent => METHOD | OBJ,
       HTMLElement => {
              _isa => 'Element',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              id => STR,
              title => STR,
              lang => STR,
              dir => STR,
              className => STR,
       HTMLHtmlElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              version => STR,
       HTMLHeadElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              profile => STR,
       HTMLLinkElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              disabled => BOOL,
              charset => STR,
              href => STR,
              hreflang => STR,
              media => STR,
              rel => STR,
              rev => STR,
              target => STR,
              type => STR,
       HTMLTitleElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              text => STR,
       HTMLMetaElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              content => STR,
              httpEquiv => STR,
              name => STR,
              scheme => STR,
       HTMLBaseElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              href => STR,
              target => STR,
       HTMLIsIndexElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              form => OBJ | READONLY,
              prompt => STR,
       HTMLStyleElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              disabled => BOOL,
              media => STR,
              type => STR,
       HTMLBodyElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              aLink => STR,
              background => STR,
              bgColor => STR,
              link => STR,
              text => STR,
              vLink => STR,
       HTMLFormElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 1,
              _array => 1,
              elements => OBJ | READONLY,
              length => NUM | READONLY,
              name => STR,
              acceptCharset => STR,
              action => STR,
              enctype => STR,
              method => STR,
              target => STR,
              submit => METHOD | VOID,
              reset => METHOD | VOID,
       HTMLSelectElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              type => STR | READONLY,
              selectedIndex => NUM,
              value => STR,
              length => NUM | READONLY,
              form => OBJ | READONLY,
              options => OBJ | READONLY,
              disabled => BOOL,
              multiple => BOOL,
              name => STR,
              size => NUM,
              tabIndex => NUM,
#             add => METHOD | VOID,
#             remove => METHOD | VOID,
              blur => METHOD | VOID,
              focus => METHOD | VOID,
       HTMLOptGroupElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              disabled => BOOL,
              label => STR,
       HTMLOptionElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              form => OBJ | READONLY,
              defaultSelected => BOOL,
              text => STR | READONLY,
              index => NUM,
              disabled => BOOL,
              label => STR,
              selected => BOOL | READONLY,
              value => STR,
       HTMLInputElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              defaultValue => STR,
              defaultChecked => BOOL,
              form => OBJ | READONLY,
              accept => STR,
              accessKey => STR,
              align => STR,
              alt => STR,
              checked => BOOL,
              disabled => BOOL,
              maxLength => NUM,
              name => STR,
              readOnly => BOOL,
              size => STR,
              src => STR,
              tabIndex => NUM,
              type => STR | READONLY,
              useMap => STR,
              value => STR,
              blur => METHOD | VOID,
              focus => METHOD | VOID,
              select => METHOD | VOID,
              click => METHOD | VOID,
       HTMLTextAreaElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              defaultValue => STR,
              form => OBJ | READONLY,
              accessKey => STR,
              cols => NUM,
              disabled => BOOL,
              name => STR,
              readOnly => BOOL,
              rows => NUM,
              tabIndex => NUM,
              type => STR | READONLY,
              value => STR,
              blur => METHOD | VOID,
              focus => METHOD | VOID,
              select => METHOD | VOID,
       HTMLButtonElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              form => OBJ | READONLY,
              accessKey => STR,
              disabled => BOOL,
              name => STR,
              tabIndex => NUM,
              type => STR | READONLY,
              value => STR,
       HTMLLabelElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              form => OBJ | READONLY,
              accessKey => STR,
              htmlFor => STR,
       HTMLFieldSetElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              form => OBJ | READONLY,
       HTMLLegendElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              form => OBJ | READONLY,
              accessKey => STR,
              align => STR,
       HTMLUListElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              compact => BOOL,
              type => STR,
       HTMLOListElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              compact => BOOL,
              start => NUM,
              type => STR,
       HTMLDListElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              compact => BOOL,
       HTMLDirectoryElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              compact => BOOL,
       HTMLMenuElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              compact => BOOL,
       HTMLLIElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              type => STR,
              value => NUM,
       HTMLDivElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              align => STR,
       HTMLParagraphElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              align => STR,
       HTMLHeadingElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              align => STR,
       HTMLQuoteElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              cite => STR,
       HTMLPreElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              width => NUM,
       HTMLBRElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              clear => STR,
       HTMLBaseFontElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              color => STR,
              face => STR,
              size => STR,
       HTMLFontElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              color => STR,
              face => STR,
              size => STR,
       HTMLHRElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              align => STR,
              noShade => BOOL,
              size => STR,
              width => STR,
       HTMLModElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              cite => STR,
              dateTime => STR,
       HTMLAnchorElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              accessKey => STR,
              charset => STR,
              coords => STR,
              href => STR,
              hreflang => STR,
              name => STR,
              rel => STR,
              rev => STR,
              shape => STR,
              tabIndex => NUM,
              target => STR,
              type => STR,
              blur => METHOD | VOID,
              focus => METHOD | VOID,
       HTMLImageElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              lowSrc => STR,
              name => STR,
              align => STR,
              alt => STR,
              border => STR,
              height => STR,
              hspace => STR,
              isMap => BOOL,
              longDesc => STR,
              src => STR,
              useMap => STR,
              vspace => STR,
              width => STR,
       HTMLObjectElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              form => OBJ | READONLY,
              code => STR,
              align => STR,
              archive => STR,
              border => STR,
              codeBase => STR,
              codeType => STR,
              data => STR,
              declare => BOOL,
              height => STR,
              hspace => STR,
              name => STR,
              standby => STR,
              tabIndex => NUM,
              type => STR,
              useMap => STR,
              vspace => STR,
              width => STR,
       HTMLParamElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              name => STR,
              type => STR,
              value => STR,
              valueType => STR,
       HTMLAppletElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              align => STR,
              alt => STR,
              archive => STR,
              code => STR,
              codeBase => STR,
              height => STR,
              hspace => STR,
              name => STR,
              object => STR,
              vspace => STR,
              width => STR,
       HTMLMapElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              areas => OBJ | READONLY,
              name => STR,
       HTMLAreaElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              accessKey => STR,
              alt => STR,
              coords => STR,
              href => STR,
              noHref => BOOL,
              shape => STR,
              tabIndex => NUM,
              target => STR,
       HTMLScriptElement => {
              _isa => 'HTMLElement',
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              text => STR,
              htmlFor => STR,
              event => STR,
              charset => STR,
              defer => BOOL,
              src => STR,
              type => STR,
       Event => {
              _hash => 0,
              _array => 0,
              _constants => [qw[
              type => STR | READONLY,
              target => OBJ | READONLY,
              currentTarget => OBJ | READONLY,
              eventPhase => NUM | READONLY,
              bubbles => BOOL | READONLY,
              cancelable => BOOL | READONLY,
              timeStamp => OBJ | READONLY,
              stopPropagation => METHOD | VOID,
              preventDefault => METHOD | VOID,
              initEvent => METHOD | VOID,
