The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

require 5.008003; # substr fixes
# This little piece of code is to solve (at least for this module) the oft-
# repeated problem of upgrades breaking code that relies on it. Releasing
# working versions of the other code is not a complete solution; the user
# has to be told as well.
# Unfortunately, previous versions of the JS plugin wouldn’t compile with-
# out WWW::Scripter loaded already. So this is a mess.
%broken_deps = (
WWW'Scripter => { breaks => 0.016, use => 0.017 },
WWW'Scripter'Plugin'JavaScript => { breaks => 0.002, use => 0.003 }
while(my($mod,$vers) = each %broken_deps) {
if(eval{require WWW'Scripter}
and eval"require $mod" and !eval{VERSION $mod $$vers{use}}) {
push @broken_deps, $mod;
if(@broken_deps == 1) {
my $mod = shift @broken_deps;
my $vers = $broken_deps{$mod};
$message = "WARNING: This distribution breaks compatibility with"
." $mod $$vers{breaks} and earlier. Please consider upgrading"
." to version $$vers{use}.";
print "\n";
print "\n";
elsif(@broken_deps) {
print "
WARNING: This distribution breaks compatibility with the follow-
ing modules:
map " $_ $broken_deps{$_}{breaks} and earlier - use $broken_deps{$_}{use}\n",
print "\n";
format STDOUT =
my %prq = (
Carp => 0,
constant => 1.03, # multiple at once
'CSS::DOM' => 0.06, # compute_style
'CSS::DOM::Style' => 0.05, # modification_handler
# and ::Style::parse’s
'CSS::DOM::StyleSheetList' => 0, # stringification
Date'Format => 0,
Exporter => 5.57, # for use Exporter 'import'
'HTML::Tagset' => 0,
'HTML::TreeBuilder' => 0,
'HTML::Element' => 0,
'HTML::Encoding' => 0,
HTML::Parser => 3,
HTTP::Message => eval('require HTTP::Message;
VERSION HTTP::Message') == 5.81
? 5.811 : 0,
HTTP::Request => 0,
HTTP::Request::Common => 0,
'HTTP::Headers::Util' => 0,
overload => 0,
'Scalar::Util' => 1.09, # refaddr
strict => 0,
eval { require Hash::Util::FieldHash } ? () : (
Tie'RefHash'Weak => .08, # fieldhash
URI => 0,
warnings => 0,
# used only in the tests:
CSS'DOM => 0.07, # !important ua rules
Scalar::Util => 1.14, # refaddr with ties
HTTP'Response => 0,
'Test::More' => 0,
utf8 => 0,
# also for the tests:
$prq{HTTP'Message} = 1.34 unless $prq{HTTP'Message}; # array ref headers
AUTHOR => 'Father Chrysostomos <sprout & cpan . org>',
PL_FILES => {},
PREREQ_PM => \%prq,
dist => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz',
clean => { FILES => 'HTML-DOM-*' },