Changes for version 0.02
- • Relative URIs are now supported. • URIs are now checked to see whether they originate from the same server (and port and scheme) as the current page. • Fake cookies (created by setRequestHeader) are no longer clobbered when there are real cookies. • The event methods addEventListener, removeEventListener and dispatchEvent have been added. • There are now constants for the readyState (XMLHttpRequest.UNSENT etc.). • Non-standard HTTP method names are no longer folded to uppercase. • The ‘open’ method now dies if the method name is not a valid HTTP token or if it is CONNECT, TRACE or TRACK (case-tolerant). • The fragment part (#...) of a URI is now stripped. • The ‘open’ method now dies if the URL’s scheme is not supported. • Username and password are now gleaned from the URL if pres- ent and if the corresponding args to open are omitted. • The username and password info no longer leaks from one object to the next. (The send method used to set the creden- tials for all XHR objects that didn’t have any.)
WWW::Mechanize plugin that provides the XMLHttpRequest object
in lib/WWW/Mechanize/Plugin/Ajax/
in lib/WWW/Mechanize/Plugin/
in lib/WWW/Mechanize/Plugin/