Changes for version 0.005
- • max_docs and max_history have been added. Mech’s stack_depth is now honoured. (max_docs is an off-by-one alias to stack_depth.) • When no browsing has happened, the current page is now about:blank. (It used to be an uninitialised state in which some methods, such as uri, would just die.) • URL fragments are now supported. They are now stripped from URLs when the actual request is made (they used to be sent to the server). Fetching a URL that differs from the current one only by its fragment does not reload the page, but does add a history entry. You can now use the location object to get the URL with its fragment. Use the uri method to get the real URL. • location->replace now works correctly. (It used to be a quick- and-dirty ‘back’ followed by ‘get’.) • location->reload now actually reloads the page. In version 0.002, it would simply refresh the page from the response object. Version 0.003 broke that by making it a no-op. • Support for onunload handlers • onload handlers are now called on the window, not the body ele- ment, with the document as the event target. • WWW::Scripter no longer inherits from HTML::DOM::EventTarget, but it still provides the interface, so it now has a DOES method. • Setting the value of the location object’s hash and search attributes now works. It used to be a no-op unless it was set to the old value. • The host, hostname, pathname, port, protocol, search and href methods of the location object now return the old value upon setting. • The host and hostname methods of the location object have been corrected such that host now returns the port as well, hostname no longer returns the port, setting hostname to a string containing a port no longer sets the port and setting host with a port number now works. (In other words, they were switched round and were a bit buggy, too.) • I forgot to add the CSS interface to the class_info. Now it’s there.
For scripting web sites that have scripts
History object for WWW::Scripter
Location object for WWW::Scripter