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TV::Humax::Foxsat - Parse metadata files from your Humax satellite TV receiver.


Version 0.02


  use TV::Humax::Foxsat::hmt_data;

  my $hmt_data = new TV::Humax::Foxsat::hmt_data();
  $hmt_data->raw_from_file('/path/to/TV Show_20121007_2159.hmt');
  printf "Recording %s ran from %s till %s on %s (channel %d).\n",

  my @epg_records = @{ $hmt_data->EPG_blocks() };
  my $epg_block = pop @epg_records;
  printf "The last show in the recording was of %s starting at %s for %d minutes.\n",
    ( $epg_block1->duration / 60 );

  printf "The show description is %s\n", $epg_block->guideInfo;

Hmt files are meta data files used by Humax

NB: There is no support for modifying and saving hmt data files. You should treat the fields as read only.


The following fields are avalable in hmt_data

Numbers/strings: lastPlay ChanNum progName ChanNameEPG AudioType VideoPID AudioPID TeletextPID VideoType EPG_Block_count fileName

Datetime: startTime endTime

Boolean: Freesat Viewed Locked HiDef Encrypted CopyProtect Locked Subtitles

The field EPG_blocks contains the list of electronic program guide data blocks that are instances of TV::Humax::Foxsat::epg_data

The following fields are avalable in epg_data

startTime duration progName guideInfo guideFlag guideBlockLen

guideInfo is the Long program guide text. Up to 255 bytes


"spudsoup", <"spudsoup at">


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-tv-humax-foxsat at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.

I would also be interested in any suggestions for improvement you might have.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc TV::Humax::Foxsat

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2013 "spudsoup".

This program is released under the following license: gpl --verbose