The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use Tk;
package Packer;
use base qw(Tk::Frame);
Construct Tk::Widget 'Packer';
sub new
{my $class = shift;
my $parent = shift;
my $obj = $parent->Frame('-class' => Packer);
$obj->{Slaves} = [];
$obj->{LayoutPending} = 0;
bless $obj,$class;
sub Layout
my $m = shift;
$m->{LayoutPending} = 0;
my $w = 0;
my $h = 0;
my $x = 0;
my $y = 0;
my $s;
# find size of largest slave
foreach $s (@{$m->{Slaves}})
my $sw = $s->ReqWidth;
my $sh = $s->ReqHeight;
$w = $sw if ($sw > $w);
$h = $sh if ($sh > $h);
# Set size and position of slaves
foreach $s (@{$m->{Slaves}})
$y += $h;
# Now ask for enough space
sub QueueLayout
my $m = shift;
$m->afterIdle(['Layout',$m]) unless ($m->{LayoutPending}++);
sub SlaveGeometryRequest
sub LostSlave
my ($m,$s) = @_;
@{$m->{Slaves}} = grep($_ != $s,@{$m->{Slaves}});
sub Manage
my ($m,$s) = @_;
$top = MainWindow->new();
$packer = $top->Packer();
$var = "This can grow";
$one = $top->Label('-text' => 'Label One');
$packer->Manage($packer->Label('-textvariable' => \$var));
$packer->Manage($packer->Label('-text' => 'A Very Long Label'));
$top->Button('-text' => 'Grow', '-command' => sub { $var .= " more" })->pack;
$top->Button('-text' => 'Loose', '-command' => [ 'pack' , $one])->pack;
$top->Button('-text' => 'Add', '-command' => [
my $packer = shift;
$packer->Manage($packer->Label('-text' => 'Added thing'));
}, $packer ])->pack;
$top->Button('-text' => 'Quit', '-command' => [ 'destroy' , $top ])->pack;