Tk::Getopt - User configuration window for Tk with interface to Getopt::Long
use Tk::Getopt;
@opttable = (['opt1', '=s', 'default'], ['opt2', '!', 1], ...);
$opt = new Tk::Getopt(-opttable => \@opttable,
-options => \%options,
-filename => "$ENV{HOME}/.options");
print $options->{'opt1'}, $options->{'opt2'} ...;
$top = new MainWindow;
or using a Getopt::Long-like interface
$opt = new Tk::Getopt(-getopt => ['help' => \$HELP,
'file:s' => \$FILE,
'foo!' => \$FOO,
'num:i' => \$NO,
or an alternative Getopt::Long interface
%optctl = ('foo' => \$foo,
'bar' => \$bar);
$opt = new Tk::Getopt(-getopt => [\%optctl, "foo!", "bar=s"]);
Tk::Getopt provides an interface to access command line options via Getopt::Long and editing with a graphical user interface via a Tk window.
Unlike Getopt::Long, this package uses a object oriented interface, so you have to create a new Tk::Getopt object with new. Unlike other packages in the Tk hierarchy, this package does not define a Tk widget. The graphical interface is calles by the method option_editor.
After creating an object with new, you can parse command line options by calling get_options. This method calls itself Getopt::Long::GetOptions.
You need at least:
perl5.004 (perl5.003 near 5.004 may work too, e.g perl5.003_26)
Tk400.202 (better: Tk800.007) (only if you want the GUI)
Data-Dumper-2.07 (only if you want to save options and it's anyway standard in perl5.005)
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
Slaven Rezic <>
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.