Tk::HistEntry - Entry widget with history capability
use Tk::HistEntry;
$hist1 = $top->HistEntry(-textvariable => \$var1);
$hist2 = $top->SimpleHistEntry(-textvariable => \$var2);
defines entry widgets with history capabilities. The widgets come in two flavours:
(in packageTk::HistEntry::Browse
) - with associated browse entrySimpleHistEntry
(in packageTk::HistEntry::Simple
) - plain widget without browse entry
The user may browse with the Up and Down keys through the history list. New history entries may be added either manually by binding the Return key to historyAdd() or automatically by setting the -command option.
HistEntry is an descendant of BrowseEntry and thus supports all of its standard options.
SimpleHistEntry is an descendant of Entry and supports all of the Entry options.
In addition, the widgets support following specific options:
- -textvariable or -variable
Variable which is tied to the HistEntry widget. Either -textvariable (like in Entry) or -variable (like in BrowseEntry) may be used.
- -command
Specifies a callback, which is executed when the Return key was pressed or the invoke method is called. The callback reveives three arguments: the reference to the HistEntry widget, the current textvariable value and a boolean value, which tells whether the string was added to the history list (e.g. duplicates and empty values are not added to the history list).
- -dup
Specifies whether duplicate entries are allowed in the history list. Defaults to true.
- -bell
If set to true, rings the bell if the user tries to move off of the history or if a search was not successful. Defaults to true.
- -limit
Limits the number of history entries. Defaults to unlimited.
- historyAdd([string])
Adds string (or the current textvariable value if not set) manually to the history list.
- invoke([string])
Invokes the command.
- history([arrayref])
Without argument, gets the current history list. With argument (a reference to an array), replaces the history list.
- Up, Control-p
Selects the previous history entry.
- Down, Control-n
Selects the next history entry.
- Control-r
The current content of the widget is searched backward in the history.
- Control-s
The current content of the widget is searched forward in the history.
- Return
If -command is set, adds current content to the history list and executes the associated callback.
use Tk;
use Tk::HistEntry;
$top = new MainWindow;
$he = $top->HistEntry(-textvariable => \$foo,
-command => sub {
# automatically adds $foo to history
print STDERR "Do something with $foo\n";
$b = $top->Button(-text => 'Do it',
-command => sub { $he->invoke })->pack;
- C-s/C-r do not work as nice as in gnu readline
- use -browsecmd from Tk::BrowseEntry
Slaven Rezic <>
Copyright (c) 1997 Slaven Rezic. All rights reserved. This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.