Tk::Options - Access to options via Getopt::Long and Tk window interface
use Tk::Options;
@opttable = (['opt1', '=s', 'default'], ['opt2', '!', 1], ...);
$opt = new Tk::Options(-opttable => \@opttable,
-options => \%options,
-filename => "$ENV{HOME}/.options");
provides an interface to access options via Getopt::Long (command line) and via a Tk window.
The API of this package is likely to change!
needs Data::Dumper
and, of course, the Tk
package. You can found these packages at CPAN.
- new Tk::Options(arg_hash)
Constructs a new object of the class Tk::Options. Arguments are delivered in a hash with following keys:
- -opttable
This argument is mandatory and should be a reference to an array containing all used options. Elements of this array may be strings, which indicate the beginning of a new group, or array references describing the options. The first element of this array is the name of the option, the second is the type (string, integer, boolean etc., see
) of this option. The third element is optional and is the default value (otherwise the default is undefined). The fourth element is optional too and have to be a reference to a hash:- alias
An array of aliases also accepted by Getopt::Long.
- label
A label to be displayed in the options editor instead of the option name.
- help
A short help string used by usage and the Balloon help facility in options_editor.
- longhelp
A long help string used by options_editor.
- choices
An array of additional choices for the options editor.
- from
The beginning of a range for an integer or float value.
- to
The end of a range for an integer or float value.
- strict
Must be used with choices or from/to. When set to true, options have to match either the choices or the range between from and to.
- var
Use variable instead of $options->{optname} to store the value.
- Example:
@opttable = (['debug', '!', 0, {'sub' => sub { $^W = 1 if $options->{'debug'}; }}], ['age', '=i', 18, {'strict' => 1, 'from' => 0, 'to' => 100, 'alias' => ['year', 'years']}], ['browser', '=s', 'tkweb', {'choices' => ['mosaic', 'netscape', 'lynx', 'chimera'], 'label' => 'WWW browser program'}], ['foo', '=f', undef, {'help' => 'This is a short help', 'longhelp' => 'And this is a slightly longer help'}]);
- -options
This argument is mandatory and should be a reference to a (empty) hash. Options are set into this hash.
- -filename
This argument is optional and specified the filename for loading saved options from a file.
- load_options(filename)
Loads options from file filename, or, if not specified, from object's filename as specified in new. The loading is done with a do-Statement. The loaded file should have a reference to a hash named loadoptions.
- save_options(filename)
Writes options to file filename, or, if not specified, from object's filename as specified in new. The saving is done with Data::Dumper.
- process_options
Gets options via GetOptions. Returns the same value as GetOptions, i.e. 0 indicates that the function detected one or more errors.
- usage
Generates an usage string from object's opttable. The usage string is constructed from the option name, default value and help entries.
- do_options([undo_hash])
Checks wheather given values are valid (if strict is set) and calls any subroutines specified by the sub option. If undo_hash is given and the new value of an option did not change, no sub is called.
- options_editor(widget, [string_hash])
Pops the options editor up. The editor provides facilitied for editing options, undoing, restoring to their default valued and saving to the default options file.
Not all of Getopt::Long is supported (using arrays or hashs for options).
This POD is out of date.
Slaven Rezic <>
This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
perl(1), Getopt::Long(3), Data::Dumper(3), Tk(3), Tk::NoteBook(3)