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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION $tk_opt $tree $server $portfile $Mblib @I $debug);
$VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 5.7 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
sub INIT {
my $home = $ENV{'HOME'} || $ENV{'HOMEDRIVE'}.$ENV{'HOMEPATH'};
$portfile = "$home/.tkpodsn";
my $port = $ENV{'TKPODPORT'};
return if $^C;
unless (defined $port) {
if (open(SN,"$portfile")) {
$port = <SN>;
if (defined $port) {
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => 'localhost',
PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp');
if ($sock) {
foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
unless (print $sock "$file\n") {
die "Cannot print $file to socket: $!";
print "Requested '$file'\n";
$sock->close || die "Cannot close socket: $!";
} else {
warn "Cannot connect to server on $port: $!";
use Tk;
# Experimental mousewheel support. This is part of newer Tk versions.
# XXX <MouseWheel> support for Windows is untested.
if ($Tk::VERSION < 800.024012) {
local $^W = 0;
require Tk::Listbox;
my $orig_tk_listbox_classinit = \&Tk::Listbox::ClassInit;
*Tk::Listbox::ClassInit = sub {
$mw->bind($class, "<4>", ['yview', 'scroll', -5, 'units']);
$mw->bind($class, "<5>", ['yview', 'scroll', +5, 'units']);
$mw->bind($class, '<MouseWheel>',
[ sub { $_[0]->yview('scroll',-($_[1]/120)*3,'units') }, Tk::Ev("D")]);
require Tk::ROText;
my $orig_tk_text_classinit = \&Tk::ROText::ClassInit;
*Tk::ROText::ClassInit = sub {
$mw->bind($class, "<4>", ['yview', 'scroll', -5, 'units']);
$mw->bind($class, "<5>", ['yview', 'scroll', +5, 'units']);
$mw->bind($class, '<MouseWheel>',
[ sub { $_[0]->yview('scroll',-($_[1]/120)*3,'units') }, Tk::Ev("D")]);
require Tk::HList;
my $orig_tk_hlist_classinit = \&Tk::HList::ClassInit;
*Tk::HList::ClassInit = sub {
$mw->bind($class, "<4>", ['yview', 'scroll', -5, 'units']);
$mw->bind($class, "<5>", ['yview', 'scroll', +5, 'units']);
$mw->bind($class, '<MouseWheel>',
[ sub { $_[0]->yview('scroll',-($_[1]/120)*3,'units') }, Tk::Ev("D")]);
### Problems under Windows... do not use it anymore
#BEGIN { eval { require Tk::FcyEntry; }; };
use Tk::Pod 4.18;
use Tk::Pod::Text; # for findpod
#require Tk::ErrorDialog;
my $mw = MainWindow->new();
my $orig_state = $mw->state; # may be iconic
my $function;
my $question;
$tree = 0;
#XXX Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
if (!GetOptions("tk" => \$tk_opt,
"tree" => \$tree,
"notree" => sub { $tree = 0 },
"s|server!" => \$server,
"Mblib" => \$Mblib,
"I=s@" => \@I,
"d|debug!" => \$debug,
"f=s" => \$function,
"q=s" => \$question,
"filedialog=s" => sub {
my $mod = $_[1];
eval qq{ use $mod qw(as_default) };
die $@ if $@;
)) {
die <<EOT;
Usage: $0 [-tk] [[-no]tree] [-Mblib] [-I dir] [-d|debug] [-s|server]
[-filedialog module]
[-f function | -q FAQRegex | directory | name [...]]
# Add 'Tk' subdirectories to search path so, e.g.,
# 'Scrolled' will find doc in 'Tk/Scrolled'
if ($tk_opt) {
my $tkdir;
foreach (reverse @INC) {
$tkdir = "$_/Tk";
unshift @ARGV, $tkdir if -d $tkdir;
if ($debug) {
$ENV{'TKPODDEBUG'} = $debug;
my $use_reloader = 0;
if (eval { require Tk::App::Reloader; 1 }) {
warn "Loaded Tk::App::Reloader ...\n";
$Tk::App::Reloader::VERBOSE = $Tk::App::Reloader::VERBOSE = 1;
$use_reloader = 1;
if (eval { require Tk::App::Debug; 1 }) {
warn "Loaded Tk::App::Debug...\n";
start_server() if $server;
# CDE use Font Settings if available
my $ufont = $mw->optionGet('userFont','UserFont'); # fixed width
my $sfont = $mw->optionGet('systemFont','SystemFont'); # proportional
if (defined($ufont) and defined($sfont)) {
foreach ($ufont, $sfont) { s/:$//; };
$mw->optionAdd('*Font', $sfont);
$mw->optionAdd('*Entry.Font', $ufont);
$mw->optionAdd('*Text.Font', $ufont);
if (1 && $^O ne "MSWin32") { # XXX still decide
my $lighter = $mw->Darken(Tk::NORMAL_BG, 110);
foreach my $class (qw(Entry BrowseEntry.Entry More*ROText Pod*Tree)) {
$mw->optionAdd("*$class*background", $lighter, "userDefault");
$mw->optionAdd("*Pod*Pod*Frame*More*ROText*background", $lighter, "interactive");
$mw->optionAdd('*Menu.tearOff', $Tk::platform ne 'MSWin32' ? 1 : 0);
my @extra_dirs;
if (defined $Mblib) {
# XXX better to use Tk::Pod->Dir? blib/scripts => Tk::Pod->ScriptDir?
require blib;
if (@I) {
push @extra_dirs, @I;
Tk::Pod->Dir(@extra_dirs) if @extra_dirs;
require Config;
for my $dir (split $Config::Config{'path_sep'}, $ENV{TKPODDIRS}) {
my $tl;
my $file;
my $opened = 0;
foreach $file (@ARGV)
if (-d $file && !Tk::Pod::Text->findpod($file, -quiet => 1))
$tl = $mw->Pod(-tree => $tree,
-exitbutton => 1);
# -file => ... should be called after creating the Pod window,
# because -title => ... is set implicitly by Pod's new
$tl->configure(-file => $file);
if (defined $function)
$tl = $mw->Pod(-tree => $tree,
-exitbutton => 1);
$tl->configure($tl->getpodargs(-f => $function));
if (defined $question)
$tl = $mw->Pod(-tree => $tree,
-exitbutton => 1);
$tl->configure($tl->getpodargs(-q => $question));
if (!$opened) # This may happen if all arguments are directories
if ($tree)
$tl = $mw->Pod(-tree => 1, -exitbutton => 1);
$tl = $mw->Pod(-tree => $tree, -exitbutton => 1);
$tl->configure(-file => "perl");
if (Tk::Exists($tl) && $orig_state eq 'iconic') {
# xxx dirty but it works. A simple $mw->destroy if $mw->children
# does not work because Tk::ErrorDialogs could be created.
# (they are withdrawn after Ok instead of destory'ed I guess)
if ($mw->children) {
$mw->repeat(1000, sub {
if (Tk::Exists($mw)) {
# ErrorDialog is withdrawn not deleted :-(
foreach ($mw->children) {
return if "$_" =~ /^Tk::Pod/ # ->isa('Tk::Pod')
} else {
Tk::App::Reloader::check_loop() if $use_reloader;
sub start_server {
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(Listen => 5, Proto => 'tcp');
die "Cannot open listen socket: $!" unless defined $sock;
my $port = $sock->sockport;
$ENV{'TKPODPORT'} = $port;
open(SN,">$portfile") || die "Cannot open $portfile: $!";
print SN $port;
print STDERR "Accepting connections on $port\n";
sub {
print STDERR "accepting $sock\n";
my $client = $sock->accept;
if (defined $client) {
print STDERR "Connection $client\n";
$SIG{TERM} = \&server_cleanup;
sub server_cleanup {
unlink $portfile if -e $portfile;
sub PodRequest {
my($client) = @_;
local $_;
while (<$client>) {
print STDERR "'$_'\n";
my $pod = $mw->Pod(-tree => $tree,
-exitbutton => 1);
$pod->configure(-file => $_);
warn "Odd $!" unless eof($client);
print STDERR "Close $client\n";
=head1 NAME
tkpod - Perl/Tk Pod browser
tkpod [-tk] [[-no]tree] [-Mblib] [-I dir] [-d|debug] [-s|server]
[-filedialog module]
[-f function | -q FAQRegex | directory | name [...]]
B<tkpod> is a simple Pod browser with hypertext capabilities.
Pod (L<Plain Old Document|perlpod>) is a simple and readable
markup language that could be mixed with L<perl> code.
Pods are searched by default in C<@INC> and C<$ENV{PATH}>. Directories
listed on the command line or with the B<-I> option are added to the
default search path.
For each C<name> listed on the command line B<tkpod> tries
to find Pod in C<name>, C<name.pod> and C<> in the search
path. For each C<name> a new Pod browser window is opened.
If no C<name> is listed, then the main C<perl> pod is opened instead.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 4
=item B<-tree>
When specified, C<tkpod> will show a tree window with all available
Pods on the local host. However, this may be slow on startup,
especially first time because there is no cache yet. You can always
turn on the tree view with the menu entry 'View' -E<gt> 'Pod Tree'.
=item B<-tk>
Useful for perl/Tk documentation. When specified it adds all
C<Tk> subdirectories in C<@INC> to the Pod search path. This way
when C<Scrolled> is selected in the browser the C<Tk/Scrolled>
documentation is found.
=item B<-s> or B<-server>
Start C<tkpod> in server mode. Subsequent calls to C<tkpod> (without
the B<-s> option) will cause to load the requested Pods into the
server program, thus minimizing startup time and memory usage. Note
that there is no access control, so this might be a security hole!
=item B<-d> or B<-debug>
Turn debugging on.
=item B<-Mblib>
Add the C<blib> directories under the current directory to the Pod
search path.
=item B<-I> I<dir>
Add another directory to the Pod search path. Note that the space is
=item B<-f> I<function>
Show documentation for I<function>.
=item B<-q> I<FAQRegex>
Show the FAQ entry matching I<FAQRegex>.
=item B<-filedialog> I<module>
Use an alternative file dialog module, e.g. L<Tk::FileSelect>,
L<Tk::FBox> or L<Tk::PathEntry::Dialog>.
=head1 USAGE
How to navigate with the Pod browser is described in L<Tk::Pod_usage>.
It's also accessible via the menu 'Help' -> 'Usage...'.
Force a port for tkpod's server mode.
A list of directories (on Unix usually separated by C<:>, on Windows
by C<;>) for additional Pod directories. These directories will appear
in the "local dirs" section of the tree view.
See L<Tk::Pod::Text/Environment> and L<Tk::Pod::FindPods/Environment>
for more environment variables.
see L<Tk::Pod::Text>
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Nick Ing-Simmons <F<>>
Former maintainer: Achim Bohnet <F<>>.
Code currently maintained by Slaven Rezic <F<>>.
Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved. This program
is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
terms as Perl itself.