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# -*- perl -*-
# $Id:,v 1.18 2003/11/21 18:30:56 eserte Exp $
# Author: Slaven Rezic
# Copyright (C) 1999,2003 Slaven Rezic. All rights reserved.
# This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
# Mail:
#use strict;use vars qw($TK_VERSION $VERSION);
$TK_VERSION = 800 if !defined $TK_VERSION;
sub Show {
$image_file, $image_width, $image_height, $title, $override) = @_;
$title = $0 if !defined $title;
my $splash_screen = {};
eval {
Tk; # hide from indexer
require DynaLoader;
eval q{ require Tk::Event };
@Tk::ISA = qw(DynaLoader);
bootstrap Tk;
sub TranslateFileName { $_[0] }
sub SplitString { split /\s+/, $_[0] } # rough approximation
if (Tk::FontRankInfo->can("encoding")) {
$Tk::FastSplash::TK_VERSION = 804;
if ($Tk::FastSplash::TK_VERSION < 804) {
Tk::Photo; # hide from indexer
@Tk::Photo::ISA = qw(DynaLoader);
bootstrap Tk::Photo;
if ($Tk::FastSplash::TK_VERSION >= 804) {
*Tk::getEncoding = \&Tk::FastSplash::getEncoding;
package Tk::FastSplash;
sub _Destroyed { }
$splash_screen = Tk::MainWindow::Create(".", $title);
bless $splash_screen, 'Tk::MainWindow';
$splash_screen->{"Exists"} = 1;
if ($override) {
require Tk::Wm;
my $img = Tk::image($splash_screen, 'create', 'photo', 'splashphoto',
-file => $image_file);
bless $img, 'Tk::Image';
$splash_screen->{Photo} = $img;
$image_width = $img->width if !defined $image_width;
$image_height = $img->height if !defined $image_height;
my $sw = Tk::winfo($splash_screen, 'screenwidth');
my $sh = Tk::winfo($splash_screen, 'screenheight');
Tk::wm($splash_screen, "geometry",
"+" . int($sw/2 - $image_width/2) .
"+" . int($sh/2 - $image_height/2));
$splash_screen->{ImageWidth} = $image_width;
my(@fontarg) = ($TK_VERSION >= 800
# dummy font to satisfy SplitString
? (-font => "Helvetica 10")
# no font for older Tk's
: ());
my $l_path = '.splashlabel';
my $l = Tk::label($splash_screen, $l_path,
-bd => 0,
-image => 'splashphoto');
if (!ref $l) {
# >= Tk803
$l = Tk::Widget::Widget($splash_screen, $l);
$l->{'_TkValue_'} = $l_path;
bless $l, 'Tk::Widget';
Tk::pack($l, -fill => 'both', -expand => 1);
warn $@ if $@;
bless $splash_screen, $pkg;
sub Raise {
my $w = shift;
if ($w->{"Exists"}) {
Tk::catch(sub { Tk::raise($w) });
sub Destroy {
my $w = shift;
if ($w->{Photo}) {
undef $w->{Photo};
if ($w->{"Exists"}) {
Tk::catch(sub { Tk::destroy($w) });
# Taken from (Tk804.025_beta6)
sub getEncoding
my ($class,$name) = @_;
eval { require Encode };
if ($@)
require Tk::DummyEncode;
return Tk::DummyEncode->getEncoding($name);
$Tk::encodeStopOnError = Encode::FB_QUIET();
$Tk::encodeFallback = Encode::FB_PERLQQ(); # Encode::FB_DEFAULT();
$name = $Tk::font_encoding{$name} if exists $Tk::font_encoding{$name};
my $enc = Encode::find_encoding($name);
unless ($enc)
$enc = Encode::find_encoding($name) if ($name =~ s/[-_]\d+$//)
# if ($enc)
# {
# print STDERR "Lookup '$name' => ".$enc->name."\n";
# }
# else
# {
# print STDERR "Failed '$name'\n";
# }
unless ($enc)
if ($name eq 'X11ControlChars')
require Tk::DummyEncode;
$Encode::encoding{$name} = $enc = Tk::DummyEncode->getEncoding($name);
return $enc;
=head1 NAME
Tk::FastSplash - create a fast starting splash screen
require Tk::FastSplash;
$splash = Tk::FastSplash->Show($image, $width, $height, $title,
use Tk;
$splash->Destroy if $splash;
This module creates a splash screen for perl/Tk programs. It uses
lowlevel perk/Tk stuff, so upward compatibility is not given (the
module should work at least for Tk800.015, .022 and .024). The splash screen
is created with the B<Show> function. Supplied arguments are: filename
of the displayed image, width and height of the image and the string
for the title bar. C<$width> and C<$height> may be left undefined. If
C<$overrideredirect> is set to a true value, then the splash screen
will come without window manager decoration. If something goes wrong,
then B<Show> will silently ignore all errors and continue without a
splash screen. The splash screen can be destroyed with the B<Destroy>
method, best short before calling B<MainLoop>.
If you want to run this module on a system, then you have to
set the variable C<$Tk::FastSplash::TK_VERSION> to a value less than
=head1 CAVEAT
This module does forbidden things e.g. bootstrapping the Tk shared
object or poking in the Perl/Tk internals. Because of this, this
module can stop working in a new Perl/Tk release. If you are concerned
about compatibility, then you should use L<Tk::Splash> instead. If
your primary concern is speed, then C<Tk::FastSplash> is for you (and
the primary reason I wrote this module). The splash window of
C<Tk::FastSplash> should pop up 1 or 2 seconds faster than using
C<Tk::Splash> or a vanilla L<Tk::Toplevel> window.
=head1 BUGS
Probably many.
You cannot call C<Tk::FastSplash> twice in one application.
The $^W variable should be turned off until the "use Tk" call.
If FastSplash is executed in a BEGIN block (which is recommended for
full speed), then strange things will happen when using C<perl -c> or
trying to compile a script: the splash screen will always pop up while
doing those things. Therefore it is recommended to disable the splash
screen in check or debug mode:
if (!$^C && !$^P) {
require Tk::FastSplash;
$splash = Tk::FastSplash->Show($image, $width, $height, $title,
The -display switch is not honoured (but setting the environment
variable DISPLAY will work).
=head1 AUTHOR
Slaven Rezic (
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Tk::Splash>, L<Tk::ProgressSplash>, L<Tk::Splashscreen>,