Some internal information about the WE_Framework
the system architecture of WE_Framework
upgrade existing content files with new prototype files
create an intial database for a web.editor site
not supported anymore
export a complete WE_Framework database with content files
import an archive created by we_db_export
dump a WE ObjDB database
export content to be imported with we_import_content
import content previously created by we_export_content
import files into a WE_Framework database
import files from a HyperWave hwx file into a WE_Framework database
check a permission file
a simple interactive shell for accessing the web.editor databases
mod_perl WE_Framework authentication module
a tie interface to DBI databases
root of web editor database collection
base class for all database classes
Webeditor user database.
the content database for the web.editor
filesystem implementation of WE::DB
glossary data database.
interface to hyperwave content
interface to hyperwave objects
handle INFO.yml files in the we data directory
Webeditor interface to NIS user databases.
a name to id database
object database for the WE_Framework
base class for WE_Framework object databases
methods for users who are currently online
Webeditor user database.
export a WE::DB database
base object class for the web editor framework
a document object
base class for objects holding content data
an object containing other objects
base class for folder-like objects
an object containing other objects
a folder containing language dependent documents
a language-specific version of a document
a object holding an ordered sequence of objects
the root object of a site
the root object of a site
an object holding WE::Obj::Site objects
WE_Framework server using the SOAP protocol
date-specific functions
generic class for tree representations
creating GenericTrees from a string representation
a permission model just like the H*perW*ve model
create apache .htaccess files
create apache AuthGroupFile files from a user database
create apache .htpasswd files from a user database
language-dependent strings
MIME support functions
rule-based permission model
support functions for the WE::DB framework
base class for all web.editor content implementations
provide ordered hashes
web.editor content in perl data dumper files
tools for content objects
web.editor content in XML files
minimal web.editor text content in XML files
web.editor content in YAML files
font information per browser/OS/font
interface to the htdig search engine
classes for the new config file
handle servicepack creation and handling
check a site for broken links
logging facility
a collection of we_redisys (frontend) related functions
a collection of we_redisys (frontend) related functions
find the current WEsiteinfo and Main* implementation
common methods for all WE_Frontend::Main* modules
TT plugin for making benchmarks
insert a "breadcrumb"
format a textual table description to HTML
numeric html/xml entities
filters for quoting and escaping javascript
gather site keywords
assume hierarchy as a "linear" list
utilities for navigation creation
object for Navigation plugin
null plugin which can print an important sentence
a sample custom filter
teaser support
format a textual table description to HTML
specialized navigation plugin
object for WE_Navigation plugin
specialized navigation plugin
common used variables
publish a complete site with ftp
publish with FTP using MD5 fingerprints
publish files via rdist protocol
publish files via the rsync protocol
publish files to a tar.gz archive file
create text images
support functions for layouting text and html
a sample implementation for a multi-site environment
sample web.editor interface to the Hyperwave server
a sample implementation for a site
a simple implementation for a site
manager for time based publishing jobs
replace the TT html filter
create a postscript file from the site
create a PDF file from the site
create a postscript file from the site
notify functions
additionally process print templates
return system information
feature to add teasers to pages
in lib/WebEditor/
in lib/WebEditor/
in lib/WE/DB/
in lib/WE_Content/
in lib/WE/DB/ComplexUser/
in lib/WE/DB/ComplexUser/
in lib/WE/DB/
in lib/WE/Util/
in lib/WE/Util/
in lib/WE/DB/
in lib/WE/Util/
in lib/WE/DB/
in lib/WE/Server/
in lib/WE/Util/
in lib/WE/Util/
in lib/WE/DB/
in lib/WE/DB/
in lib/WE/DB/
in lib/WE/DB/
in lib/WE/Util/
in lib/WE/Util/
in lib/WE/Util/
in lib/WE_Content/
in lib/WE_Content/
in lib/WE_Content/
in lib/WE_Frontend/
in lib/WE_Frontend/
in lib/WE_Frontend/Publish/
in lib/WE_Frontend/Publish/
in lib/WE_Frontend/Publish/
in lib/WE_Frontend/Plugin/
in lib/WE_Frontend/Plugin/
in lib/WE_Frontend/Plugin/
in lib/WE_Frontend/Plugin/WE_Navigation_WML/
in lib/WE_Singlesite/
in lib/WE_Singlesite/
in lib/WE_Frontend/
in lib/WE_Frontend/
in lib/WE_Frontend/
in lib/WE_Frontend/
in lib/WE_Frontend/
in lib/WE_Frontend/
in lib/WebEditor/
in lib/WebEditor/OldController/
in lib/WebEditor/OldController/
in lib/WebEditor/OldController/
in lib/WebEditor/OldFeatures/
in lib/WebEditor/OldFeatures/
in lib/WebEditor/OldFeatures/
in lib/WebEditor/OldFeatures/
in lib/WebEditor/OldFeatures/
in lib/WebEditor/OldFeatures/
in lib/WebEditor/OldFeatures/
in lib/WebEditor/OldFeatures/
in lib/WebEditor/OldFeatures/
in lib/WebEditor/OldFeatures/
in lib/WebEditor/OldFeatures/
in lib/WebEditor/
in lib/WebEditor/
in lib/WE_Frontend/Publish/
in lib/WE_Frontend/Publish/
in lib/WebEditor/OldFeatures/