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use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray :config no_auto_abbrev no_ignore_case);
use Mojo::JSON 'decode_json';
use Mojo::Util qw(dumper tablify);
has description => 'Manage Minion jobs';
has usage => sub { shift->extract_usage };
sub run {
my ($self, @args) = @_;
my $args = [];
my $options = {};
GetOptionsFromArray \@args,
'a|args=s' => sub { $args = decode_json($_[1]) },
'd|delay=i' => \$options->{delay},
'e|enqueue=s' => \my $enqueue,
'l|limit=i' => \(my $limit = 100),
'o|offset=i' => \(my $offset = 0),
'p|priority=i' => \$options->{priority},
'R|retry' => \my $retry,
'r|remove' => \my $remove,
'S|state=s' => \$options->{state},
's|stats' => \my $stats,
't|task=s' => \$options->{task},
'w|workers' => \my $workers;
my $id = @args ? shift @args : undef;
# Enqueue
return say $self->app->minion->enqueue($enqueue, $args, $options)
if $enqueue;
# Show stats or list jobs/workers
return $self->_stats if $stats;
return $self->_list_workers($offset, $limit) if $workers;
return $self->_list_jobs($offset, $limit, $options) unless defined $id;
die "Job does not exist.\n" unless my $job = $self->app->minion->job($id);
# Remove job
return $job->remove || die "Job is active.\n" if $remove;
# Retry job
return $job->retry || die "Job is active.\n" if $retry;
# Job info
sub _info {
my ($self, $job) = @_;
# Details
my $info = $job->info;
my ($state, $priority, $retries) = @$info{qw(state priority retries)};
say $info->{task}, " ($state, p$priority, r$retries)";
print dumper $info->{args};
if (my $result = $info->{result}) { print dumper $result }
# Timing
say Mojo::Date->new($info->{created})->to_datetime, ' (created)';
my $delayed = $info->{delayed};
say Mojo::Date->new($delayed)->to_datetime, ' (delayed)' if $delayed > time;
my $retried = $info->{retried};
say Mojo::Date->new($retried)->to_datetime, ' (retried)' if $retried;
my $started = $info->{started};
say Mojo::Date->new($started)->to_datetime, ' (started)' if $started;
my $finished = $info->{finished};
say Mojo::Date->new($finished)->to_datetime, ' (finished)' if $finished;
sub _list_jobs {
my $jobs = shift->app->minion->backend->list_jobs(@_);
print tablify [map { [@$_{qw(id state task)}] } @$jobs];
sub _list_workers {
my $workers = shift->app->minion->backend->list_workers(@_);
print tablify [map { [_worker()] } @$workers];
sub _stats {
my $stats = shift->app->minion->stats;
say "Inactive workers: $stats->{inactive_workers}";
say "Active workers: $stats->{active_workers}";
say "Inactive jobs: $stats->{inactive_jobs}";
say "Active jobs: $stats->{active_jobs}";
say "Failed jobs: $stats->{failed_jobs}";
say "Finished jobs: $stats->{finished_jobs}";
sub _worker {
$_->{id}, @{$_->{jobs}} ? 'active' : 'inactive', "$_->{host}:$_->{pid}";
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Minion::Command::minion::job - Minion job command
Usage: APPLICATION minion job [OPTIONS] [ID]
./ minion job
./ minion job -t foo -S inactive
./ minion job -e foo -a '[23, "bar"]'
./ minion job -e foo -p 5
./ minion job -s
./ minion job -w -l 5
./ minion job 10023
./ minion job -R 10023
./ minion job -r 10023
-a, --args <JSON array> Arguments for new job in JSON format
-d, --delay <seconds> Delay new job for this many seconds
-e, --enqueue <name> New job to be enqueued
-l, --limit <number> Number of jobs/workers to show when listing
them, defaults to 100
-o, --offset <number> Number of jobs/workers to skip when listing
them, defaults to 0
-p, --priority <number> Priority of new job, defaults to 0
-R, --retry Retry job
-r, --remove Remove job
-S, --state <state> List only jobs in this state
-s, --stats Show queue statistics
-t, --task <name> List only jobs for this task
-w, --workers List workers instead of jobs
L<Minion::Command::minion::job> manages L<Minion> jobs.
L<Minion::Command::minion::job> inherits all attributes from
L<Mojolicious::Command> and implements the following new ones.
=head2 description
my $description = $job->description;
$job = $job->description('Foo');
Short description of this command, used for the command list.
=head2 usage
my $usage = $job->usage;
$job = $job->usage('Foo');
Usage information for this command, used for the help screen.
=head1 METHODS
L<Minion::Command::minion::job> inherits all methods from
L<Mojolicious::Command> and implements the following new ones.
=head2 run
Run this command.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Minion>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.