Mojo::Base - Minimal Base Class For Mojo Projects


package Car;
use base 'Mojo::Base';

__PACKAGE__->attr('doors', default => 2);
__PACKAGE__->attr([qw/passengers seats/],
    chained => 0,
    default => sub { 2 }
__PACKAGE__->attr('trailer', weak => 1);

package main;
use Car;

my $bmw = Car->new;
print $bmw->doors;
print $bmw->passengers(5)->doors;

my $mercedes = Car->new(driver => 'Sebastian');
print $mercedes->passengers(7)->passengers;



Mojo::Base is a minimalistic base class for Mojo projects. For debugging you can set the MOJO_BASE_DEBUG environment variable.



my $instance = BaseSubClass->new;
my $instance = BaseSubClass->new(name => 'value');
my $instance = BaseSubClass->new({name => 'value'});


__PACKAGE__->attr([qw/name1 name2 name3/]);
__PACKAGE__->attr('name', chained => 0, default => 'foo');
__PACKAGE__->attr(name => (chained => 0, default => 'foo'));
__PACKAGE__->attr('name', {chained => 0, default => 'foo'});
__PACKAGE__->attr([qw/name1 name2 name3/] => {
    chained => 0,
    default => 'foo'}

Currently there are three options supported.

chained: Whenever you call an attribute with arguments the instance
         is returned instead of the value. (This will be activated by
         default and can be deactivated by setting chained to false)
default: Default value for the attribute, can be a coderef or constant
         value. (Not a normal reference!)
         Note that the default value is "lazy", which means it only
         gets assigned to the instance when the attribute has been
weak:    Weakens the attribute value, use to avoid memory leaks with
         circular references.