use Mojo::Util 'unquote';
has [qw/comment domain httponly max_age port secure/];
# Regex
my $FIELD_RE = qr/
| Domain
| expires
| HttpOnly # IE6 FF3 Opera 9.5
| Max-Age
| Path
| Port
| Secure
| Version
my $FLAG_RE = qr/(?:Secure|HttpOnly)/i;
sub expires {
my ($self, $expires) = @_;
# Set
if (defined $expires) {
$self->{expires} = $expires;
return $self;
return unless defined $self->{expires};
# Upgrade
$self->{expires} = Mojo::Date->new($self->{expires})
unless ref $self->{expires};
return $self->{expires};
# "Remember the time he ate my goldfish?
# And you lied and said I never had goldfish.
# Then why did I have the bowl Bart? Why did I have the bowl?"
sub parse {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
# Walk tree
my @cookies;
for my $knot ($self->_tokenize($string)) {
for my $i (0 .. $#{$knot}) {
my ($name, $value) = @{$knot->[$i]};
# Value might be quoted
unquote $value if $value;
# This will only run once
if (not $i) {
push @cookies, Mojo::Cookie::Response->new;
# Field
if (my @match = $name =~ m/$FIELD_RE/o) {
# Underscore
(my $id = lc $match[0]) =~ tr/-/_/;
# Flag
$cookies[-1]->$id($id =~ m/$FLAG_RE/o ? 1 : $value);
return \@cookies;
sub to_string {
my $self = shift;
# Version
return '' unless $self->name;
my $cookie = $self->name;
my $value = $self->value;
$cookie .= "=$value" if defined $value && length $value;
$cookie .= sprintf "; Version=%d", ($self->version || 1);
# Domain
if (my $domain = $self->domain) { $cookie .= "; Domain=$domain" }
# Path
if (my $path = $self->path) { $cookie .= "; Path=$path" }
# Max-Age
if (defined(my $max_age = $self->max_age)) {
$cookie .= "; Max-Age=$max_age";
# Expires
if (defined(my $expires = $self->expires)) {
$cookie .= "; expires=$expires";
# Port
if (my $port = $self->port) { $cookie .= qq/; Port="$port"/ }
# Secure
if (my $secure = $self->secure) { $cookie .= "; Secure" }
# HttpOnly
if (my $httponly = $self->httponly) { $cookie .= "; HttpOnly" }
# Comment
if (my $comment = $self->comment) { $cookie .= "; Comment=$comment" }
return $cookie;
=head1 NAME
Mojo::Cookie::Response - HTTP 1.1 Response Cookie Container
use Mojo::Cookie::Response;
my $cookie = Mojo::Cookie::Response->new;
print "$cookie";
L<Mojo::Cookie::Response> is a container for HTTP 1.1 response cookies as
described in RFC 2965.
L<Mojo::Cookie::Response> inherits all attributes from L<Mojo::Cookie> and
implements the followign new ones.
=head2 C<comment>
my $comment = $cookie->comment;
$cookie = $cookie->comment('test 123');
Cookie comment.
=head2 C<domain>
my $domain = $cookie->domain;
$cookie = $cookie->domain('localhost');
Cookie domain.
=head2 C<httponly>
my $httponly = $cookie->httponly;
$cookie = $cookie->httponly(1);
HTTP only flag.
=head2 C<max_age>
my $max_age = $cookie->max_age;
$cookie = $cookie->max_age(60);
Max age for cookie in seconds.
=head2 C<port>
my $port = $cookie->port;
$cookie = $cookie->port('80 8080');
Cookie port.
=head2 C<secure>
my $secure = $cookie->secure;
$cookie = $cookie->secure(1);
Secure flag.
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojo::Cookie::Response> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Cookie> and
implements the following new ones.
=head2 C<expires>
my $expires = $cookie->expires;
$cookie = $cookie->expires(time + 60);
Expiration for cookie in seconds.
=head2 C<parse>
my $cookies = $cookie->parse('f=b; Version=1; Path=/');
Parse cookies.
=head2 C<to_string>
my $string = $cookie->to_string;
Render cookie.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.