use Mojo::Base -base;
use Time::HiRes 'usleep';
use constant DEBUG => $ENV{MOJO_IOWATCHER_DEBUG} || 0;
# "I don't know.
# Can I really betray my country?
# I say the Pledge of Allegiance every day.
# You pledge allegiance to the flag.
# And the flag is made in China."
sub add {
my $self = shift;
my $handle = shift;
my $args = {@_, handle => $handle};
$self->{handles}->{fileno $handle} = $args;
? $self->writing($handle)
: $self->not_writing($handle);
return $self;
sub cancel {
my ($self, $id) = @_;
return 1 if delete $self->{timers}->{$id};
sub is_readable {
my ($self, $handle) = @_;
# Make sure we watch for readable and writable events
my $test = $self->{test} ||= IO::Poll->new;
$test->mask($handle, POLLIN);
my $result = $test->handles(POLLIN | POLLERR | POLLHUP);
return !$result;
sub not_writing {
my ($self, $handle) = @_;
# Make sure we only watch for readable events
my $poll = $self->_poll;
if delete $self->{handles}->{fileno $handle}->{writing};
$poll->mask($handle, $self->POLLIN);
return $self;
# "This was such a pleasant St. Patrick's Day until Irish people showed up."
sub one_tick {
my ($self, $timeout) = @_;
# IO
# Timers
my $timers = $self->{timers} || {};
for my $id (keys %$timers) {
my $t = $timers->{$id};
my $after = $t->{after} || 0;
if ($after <= time - ($t->{started} || $t->{recurring} || 0)) {
warn "TIMER $id\n" if DEBUG;
# Normal timer
if ($t->{started}) { $self->cancel($id) }
# Recurring timer
elsif ($after && $t->{recurring}) { $t->{recurring} += $after }
# Handle timer
if (my $cb = $t->{cb}) { $self->_sandbox("Timer $id", $cb, $id) }
sub recurring {
my $self = shift;
$self->_event(timers => pop, after => pop, recurring => time);
sub remove {
my ($self, $handle) = @_;
delete $self->{handles}->{fileno $handle};
return $self;
# "Bart, how did you get a cellphone?
# The same way you got me, by accident on a golf course."
sub timer {
my $self = shift;
$self->_event(timers => pop, after => pop, started => time);
sub watch {
my ($self, $timeout) = @_;
# Check for IO events
my $poll = $self->_poll;
my $handles = $self->{handles};
$self->_sandbox('Read', $handles->{fileno $_}->{on_readable}, $_)
for $poll->handles($self->POLLIN | $self->POLLHUP | $self->POLLERR);
$self->_sandbox('Write', $handles->{fileno $_}->{on_writable}, $_)
for $poll->handles($self->POLLOUT);
# Wait for timeout
usleep 1000000 * $timeout unless keys %{$self->{handles}};
sub writing {
my ($self, $handle) = @_;
my $poll = $self->_poll;
$poll->mask($handle, $self->POLLIN | $self->POLLOUT);
$self->{handles}->{fileno $handle}->{writing} = 1;
return $self;
sub _event {
my $self = shift;
my $pool = shift;
my $cb = shift;
# Events have an id for easy removal
my $e = {cb => $cb, @_};
(my $id) = "$e" =~ /0x([\da-f]+)/;
$self->{$pool}->{$id} = $e;
return $id;
sub _poll { shift->{poll} ||= IO::Poll->new }
sub _sandbox {
my $self = shift;
my $desc = shift;
return unless my $cb = shift;
warn "$desc failed: $@" unless eval { $self->$cb(@_); 1 };
=head1 NAME
Mojo::IOWatcher - Async IO Watcher
use Mojo::IOWatcher;
# Watch if io handles become readable or writable
my $watcher = Mojo::IOWatcher->new;
$watcher->add($handle, on_readable => sub {
my ($watcher, $handle) = @_;
# Use timers
$watcher->timer(15 => sub {
my $watcher = shift;
print "Timeout!\n";
# And loop!
$watcher->one_tick('0.25') while 1;
L<Mojo::IOWatcher> is a minimalistic async io watcher and the foundation of
L<Mojo::IOWatcher::KQueue> and L<Mojo::IOWatcher::Epoll> are good examples
for its extensibility.
Note that this module is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojo::IOWatcher> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements the
following new ones.
=head2 C<add>
$watcher = $watcher->add($handle, on_readable => sub {...});
Add handles and watch for io events.
These options are currently available:
=over 2
=item C<on_readable>
Callback to be invoked once the handle becomes readable.
=item C<on_writable>
Callback to be invoked once the handle becomes writable.
=head2 C<cancel>
my $success = $watcher->cancel($id);
Cancel timer.
=head2 C<is_readable>
my $readable = $watcher->is_readable($handle);
Quick check if a handle is readable, useful for identifying tainted
=head2 C<not_writing>
$watcher = $watcher->not_writing($handle);
Only watch handle for readable events.
=head2 C<one_tick>
Run for exactly one tick and watch for io and timer events.
=head2 C<recurring>
my $id = $watcher->recurring(3 => sub {...});
Create a new recurring timer, invoking the callback repeatedly after a given
amount of seconds.
=head2 C<remove>
$watcher = $watcher->remove($handle);
Remove handle.
=head2 C<timer>
my $id = $watcher->timer(3 => sub {...});
Create a new timer, invoking the callback after a given amount of seconds.
=head2 C<watch>
Run for exactly one tick and watch only for io events.
=head2 C<writing>
$watcher = $watcher->writing($handle);
Watch handle for readable and writable events.
You can set the C<MOJO_IOWATCHER_DEBUG> environment variable to get some
advanced diagnostics information printed to C<STDERR>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.