The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

package Mojo::JSON;
use Mojo::Base -base;
use B;
has 'error';
# Literal names
our $FALSE = Mojo::JSON::_Bool->new(0);
our $TRUE = Mojo::JSON::_Bool->new(1);
# Regex
my $BOM_RE = qr/
\357\273\277 # UTF-8
\377\376\0\0 # UTF-32LE
\0\0\376\377 # UTF-32BE
\376\377 # UTF-16BE
\377\376 # UTF-16LE
my $WHITESPACE_RE = qr/[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*/;
# Escaped special character map (with u2028 and u2029)
my %ESCAPE = (
'"' => '"',
'\\' => '\\',
'/' => '/',
'b' => "\x07",
'f' => "\x0C",
'n' => "\x0A",
'r' => "\x0D",
't' => "\x09",
'u2028' => "\x{2028}",
'u2029' => "\x{2029}"
for (0x00 .. 0x1F, 0x7F) { $REVERSE{pack 'C', $_} = sprintf '\u%.4X', $_ }
for my $key (keys %ESCAPE) { $REVERSE{$ESCAPE{$key}} = "\\$key" }
# Unicode encoding detection
"\0\0\0[^\0]" => 'UTF-32BE',
"\0[^\0]\0[^\0]" => 'UTF-16BE',
"[^\0]\0\0\0" => 'UTF-32LE',
"[^\0]\0[^\0]\0" => 'UTF-16LE'
# "Hey...That's not the wallet inspector..."
sub decode {
my ($self, $string) = @_;
# Cleanup
# Missing input
$self->error('Missing or empty input.') and return unless $string;
# Remove BOM
$string =~ s/^$BOM_RE//go;
# Wide characters
$self->error('Wide character in input.') and return
unless utf8::downgrade($_, 1);
# Detect and decode unicode
my $encoding = 'UTF-8';
for my $pattern (keys %$UTF_PATTERNS) {
if ($string =~ /^$pattern/) {
$encoding = $UTF_PATTERNS->{$pattern};
Mojo::Util::decode $encoding, $string;
# Object or array
my $res = eval {
local $_ = $string;
# Leading whitespace
# Array
my $ref;
if (m/\G\[/gc) { $ref = _decode_array() }
# Object
elsif (m/\G\{/gc) { $ref = _decode_object() }
# Unexpected
else { _exception('Expected array or object') }
# Leftover data
unless (m/\G$WHITESPACE_RE\z/xogc) {
my $got = ref $ref eq 'ARRAY' ? 'array' : 'object';
_exception("Unexpected data after $got");
# Exception
if (!$res && (my $e = $@)) {
chomp $e;
return $res;
sub encode {
my ($self, $ref) = @_;
my $string = _encode_values($ref);
Mojo::Util::encode 'UTF-8', $string;
return $string;
sub false {$FALSE}
sub true {$TRUE}
sub _decode_array {
my @array;
until (m/\G$WHITESPACE_RE\]/xogc) {
# Value
push @array, _decode_value();
# Separator
redo if m/\G$WHITESPACE_RE,/xogc;
# End
last if m/\G$WHITESPACE_RE\]/xogc;
# Invalid character
_exception('Expected comma or right square bracket while parsing array');
return \@array;
sub _decode_object {
my %hash;
until (m/\G$WHITESPACE_RE\}/xogc) {
# Quote
or _exception("Expected string while parsing object");
# Key
my $key = _decode_string();
# Colon
or _exception('Expected colon while parsing object');
# Value
$hash{$key} = _decode_value();
# Separator
redo if m/\G$WHITESPACE_RE,/xogc;
# End
last if m/\G$WHITESPACE_RE\}/xogc;
# Invalid character
_exception(q/Expected comma or right curly bracket while parsing object/);
return \%hash;
sub _decode_string {
my $pos = pos;
# Extract string with escaped characters
my $str = $1;
# Missing quote
unless (m/\G"/gc) {
_exception('Unexpected character or invalid escape while parsing string')
if m/\G[\x00-\x1F\\]/x;
_exception('Unterminated string');
# Unescape popular characters
if (index($str, '\\u') < 0) {
$str =~ s/\\(["\\\/bfnrt])/$ESCAPE{$1}/gs;
return $str;
# Unescape everything else
my $buffer = '';
while ($str =~ m/\G([^\\]*)\\(?:([^u])|u(.{4}))/gc) {
$buffer .= $1;
# Popular character
if ($2) { $buffer .= $ESCAPE{$2} }
# Escaped
else {
my $ord = hex $3;
# Surrogate pair
if (($ord & 0xF800) == 0xD800) {
# High surrogate
($ord & 0xFC00) == 0xD800
or pos($_) = $pos + pos($str),
_exception('Missing high-surrogate');
# Low surrogate
$str =~ m/\G\\u([Dd][C-Fc-f]..)/gc
or pos($_) = $pos + pos($str),
_exception('Missing low-surrogate');
# Pair
$ord = 0x10000 + ($ord - 0xD800) * 0x400 + (hex($1) - 0xDC00);
# Character
$buffer .= pack 'U', $ord;
# The rest
$buffer .= substr $str, pos($str), length($str);
return $buffer;
# "Eternity with nerds.
# It's the Pasadena Star Trek convention all over again."
sub _decode_value {
# Leading whitespace
# String
return _decode_string() if m/\G"/gc;
# Array
return _decode_array() if m/\G\[/gc;
# Object
return _decode_object() if m/\G\{/gc;
# Number
return 0 + $1
if m/\G([-]?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)/gc;
# True
return $TRUE if m/\Gtrue/gc;
# False
return $FALSE if m/\Gfalse/gc;
# Null
return undef if m/\Gnull/gc;
# Invalid data
_exception('Expected string, array, object, number, boolean or null');
sub _encode_array {
my $array = shift;
# Values
my @array;
for my $value (@$array) {
push @array, _encode_values($value);
# Stringify
my $string = join ',', @array;
return "[$string]";
sub _encode_object {
my $object = shift;
# Values
my @values;
for my $key (keys %$object) {
my $name = _encode_string($key);
my $value = _encode_values($object->{$key});
push @values, "$name:$value";
# Stringify
my $string = join ',', @values;
return "{$string}";
sub _encode_string {
my $string = shift;
# Escape string
=~ s/([\x00-\x1F\x7F\x{2028}\x{2029}\\\"\/\b\f\n\r\t])/$REVERSE{$1}/gs;
# Stringify
return "\"$string\"";
sub _encode_values {
my $value = shift;
# Reference
if (my $ref = ref $value) {
# Array
return _encode_array($value) if $ref eq 'ARRAY';
# Object
return _encode_object($value) if $ref eq 'HASH';
# "null"
return 'null' unless defined $value;
# "false"
return 'false' if ref $value eq 'Mojo::JSON::_Bool' && !$value;
# "true"
return 'true' if ref $value eq 'Mojo::JSON::_Bool' && $value;
# Number
my $flags = B::svref_2object(\$value)->FLAGS;
return $value
if $flags & (B::SVp_IOK | B::SVp_NOK) && !($flags & B::SVp_POK);
# String
sub _exception {
# Leading whitespace
# Context
my $context = 'Malformed JSON: ' . shift;
if (m/\G\z/gc) { $context .= ' before end of data'; }
else {
my @lines = split /\n/, substr($_, 0, pos);
$context .= ' at line ' . @lines . ', offset ' . length(pop @lines || '');
# Throw
die "$context.\n";
# Emulate boolean type
use Mojo::Base -base;
'0+' => sub { $_[0]->{value} },
'""' => sub { $_[0]->{value} },
fallback => 1;
sub new { shift->SUPER::new(value => shift) }
=head1 NAME
Mojo::JSON - Minimalistic JSON
use Mojo::JSON;
my $json = Mojo::JSON->new;
my $string = $json->encode({foo => [1, 2], bar => 'hello!'});
my $hash = $json->decode('{"foo": [3, -2, 1]}');
L<Mojo::JSON> is a minimalistic and relaxed implementation of RFC 4627.
While it is possibly the fastest pure-Perl JSON parser available, you should
not use it for validation.
It supports normal Perl data types like C<Scalar>, C<Array>, C<Hash> and will
try to stringify blessed references.
[1, -2, 3] -> [1, -2, 3]
{"foo": "bar"} -> {foo => 'bar'}
Literal names will be translated to and from L<Mojo::JSON> constants or a
similar native Perl value.
true -> Mojo::JSON->true
false -> Mojo::JSON->false
null -> undef
Decoding UTF-16 (LE/BE) and UTF-32 (LE/BE) will be handled transparently,
encoding will only generate UTF-8.
The two unicode whitespace characters C<u2028> and C<u2029> will always be
escaped to make JSONP easier.
L<Mojo::JSON> implements the following attributes.
=head2 C<error>
my $error = $json->error;
$json = $json->error('Oops!');
Parser errors.
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojo::JSON> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements the
following new ones.
=head2 C<decode>
my $array = $json->decode('[1, 2, 3]');
my $hash = $json->decode('{"foo": "bar"}');
Decode JSON string.
=head2 C<encode>
my $string = $json->encode({foo => 'bar'});
Encode Perl structure.
=head2 C<false>
my $false = Mojo::JSON->false;
my $false = $json->false;
False value, used because Perl has no native equivalent.
=head2 C<true>
my $true = Mojo::JSON->true;
my $true = $json->true;
True value, used because Perl has no native equivalent.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.