—=head1 NAME
Mojolicious::Guides - Mojolicious Guide To The Galaxy
=head1 DON'T PANIC!
We are constantly working on new documentation, follow us at
L<http://twitter.com/kraih> and L<http://github.com/kraih/mojo> or join the
official IRC channel C<#mojo> on C<irc.perl.org> to get all the latest
=over 2
=item L<Mojolicious::Lite>
A really fast and fun way to get started developing web applications with
Mojolicious is the L<Mojolicious::Lite> tutorial.
Almost everything you learn there can also be applied to normal
L<Mojolicious> applications and is considered a prerequisite for the guides.
You should definitely take a look!
=head1 GUIDES
=over 2
=item L<Mojolicious::Guides::Routing>
Simple and fun introduction to the L<Mojolicious> router.
=item L<Mojolicious::Guides::Rendering>
Generating content with the L<Mojolicious> renderer.
=item L<Mojolicious::Guides::Growing>
Starting a L<Mojolicious::Lite> prototype from scratch and growing it into a
well structured L<Mojolicious> application.
=item L<Mojolicious::Guides::Cookbook>
Cooking with L<Mojolicious>, recipes for every taste.
=item L<Mojolicious::Guides::Cheatsheet>
A concise all-purpose reference.
=item L<Mojolicious::Guides::FAQ>
Frequently asked questions with the right answers.
=item L<Mojolicious::Guides::CodingGuidelines>
Coding guidelines and mission statement.
A must read for developers and contributors!
L<Mojolicious> and L<Mojolicious::Lite> are the sum of many parts, small
building blocks that can be used independently, these are the most prominent
=over 2
=item L<Mojo::UserAgent>
Full featured non-blocking I/O HTTP 1.1 and WebSocket user agent.
=item L<Mojo::DOM>
Very fun and minimalistic HTML5/XML DOM parser with CSS3 selector support.
=item L<Mojo::JSON>
Minimalistic JSON implementation that just works.
=item L<Mojo::Server::Daemon>
Highly portable non-blocking I/O HTTP 1.1 and WebSocket server with
self-restart support through L<Mojo::Server::Morbo>, perfect for development
and testing.
=item L<Mojo::Server::Hypnotoad>
Full featured UNIX optimized preforking non-blocking I/O HTTP 1.1 and
WebSocket server with support for zero downtime software upgrades
(hot deployment).
=item L<Mojo::Server::CGI>, L<Mojo::Server::FastCGI>, L<Mojo::Server::PSGI>
Transparent CGI, FastCGI and PSGI support out of the box.
=item L<Mojo::Template>
Very perlish and minimalistic template system.
=item L<Mojo::ByteStream>
Countless portable and very convenient bytestream manipulation methods.
=item L<Mojolicious::Commands>
Pluggable command line system and the backbone of the L<mojo> script.
=item L<Test::Mojo>
Test driven development toolkit for web applications.
=item L<ojo>
Fun oneliners using everything above.
=head1 MORE
A lot more documentation and examples by many different authors can be found
in the Mojolicious wiki at L<http://github.com/kraih/mojo/wiki>.