package Test::Mojo;
use Mojo::Base -base;
use Mojo::Util 'decode';
use Test::More ();
has ua => sub { Mojo::UserAgent->new->ioloop(Mojo::IOLoop->singleton) };
has 'tx';
# Silent or loud tests
$ENV{MOJO_LOG_LEVEL} ||= $ENV{HARNESS_IS_VERBOSE} ? 'debug' : 'fatal';
# "Ooh, a graduate student huh?
# How come you guys can go to the moon but can't make my shoes smell good?"
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new;
# Application
if (@_ % 2) { $self->app(shift) }
# DEPRECATED in Smiling Face With Sunglasses!
elsif (@_) {
warn <<EOF;
Test::Mojo->new(app => 'MyApp') is DEPRECATED in favor of
my $args = {@_};
for my $key (qw/app max_redirects tx ua/) {
$self->$key($args->{$key}) if $args->{$key};
return $self;
sub app {
my $self = shift;
return $self->ua->app unless @_;
return $self;
sub content_is {
my ($self, $value, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::is $self->_get_content($self->tx), $value,
$desc || 'exact match for content';
return $self;
sub content_isnt {
my ($self, $value, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::isnt $self->_get_content($self->tx), $value,
$desc || 'no match for content';
return $self;
sub content_like {
my ($self, $regex, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::like $self->_get_content($self->tx), $regex,
$desc || 'content is similar';
return $self;
sub content_unlike {
my ($self, $regex, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::unlike $self->_get_content($self->tx), $regex,
$desc || 'content is not similar';
return $self;
# "Marge, I can't wear a pink shirt to work.
# Everybody wears white shirts.
# I'm not popular enough to be different."
sub content_type_is {
my ($self, $type) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::is $self->tx->res->headers->content_type,
$type, "Content-Type: $type";
return $self;
sub content_type_isnt {
my ($self, $type) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::isnt $self->tx->res->headers->content_type,
$type, "not Content-Type: $type";
return $self;
sub content_type_like {
my ($self, $regex, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::like $self->tx->res->headers->content_type, $regex,
$desc || 'Content-Type is similar';
return $self;
sub content_type_unlike {
my ($self, $regex, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::unlike $self->tx->res->headers->content_type, $regex,
$desc || 'Content-Type is not similar';
return $self;
# "A job's a job. I mean, take me.
# If my plant pollutes the water and poisons the town,
# by your logic, that would make me a criminal."
sub delete_ok { shift->_request_ok('delete', @_) }
sub element_exists {
my ($self, $selector, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::ok $self->tx->res->dom->at($selector),
$desc || qq/"$selector" exists/;
return $self;
sub element_exists_not {
my ($self, $selector, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::ok !$self->tx->res->dom->at($selector),
$desc || qq/"$selector" exists not/;
return $self;
sub finish_ok {
my ($self, $desc) = @_;
Mojo::IOLoop->singleton->one_tick while !$self->{finished};
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::ok 1, $desc || 'finished websocket';
return $self;
sub get_ok { shift->_request_ok('get', @_) }
sub head_ok { shift->_request_ok('head', @_) }
sub header_is {
my ($self, $name, $value) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::is scalar $self->tx->res->headers->header($name),
$value, "$name: " . ($value ? $value : '');
return $self;
sub header_isnt {
my ($self, $name, $value) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::isnt scalar $self->tx->res->headers->header($name),
$value, "not $name: " . ($value ? $value : '');
return $self;
sub header_like {
my ($self, $name, $regex, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::like scalar $self->tx->res->headers->header($name), $regex,
$desc || "$name is similar";
return $self;
sub header_unlike {
my ($self, $name, $regex, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::unlike scalar $self->tx->res->headers->header($name), $regex,
$desc || "$name is not similar";
return $self;
sub json_content_is {
my ($self, $struct, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::is_deeply $self->tx->res->json, $struct,
$desc || 'exact match for JSON structure';
return $self;
sub max_redirects {
my $self = shift;
return $self->ua->max_redirects unless @_;
return $self;
sub message_is {
my ($self, $value, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::is $self->_message, $value, $desc || 'exact match for message';
return $self;
sub message_isnt {
my ($self, $value, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::isnt $self->_message, $value, $desc || 'no match for message';
return $self;
sub message_like {
my ($self, $regex, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::like $self->_message, $regex, $desc || 'message is similar';
return $self;
sub message_unlike {
my ($self, $regex, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::unlike $self->_message, $regex,
$desc || 'message is not similar';
return $self;
# "God bless those pagans."
sub post_ok { shift->_request_ok('post', @_) }
sub post_form_ok {
my $self = shift;
my $url = shift;
$self->tx($self->ua->post_form($url, @_));
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
my $desc = "post $url";
utf8::encode $desc;
Test::More::ok $self->tx->is_done, $desc;
return $self;
# "WHO IS FONZY!?! Don't they teach you anything at school?"
sub put_ok { shift->_request_ok('put', @_) }
sub reset_session {
my $self = shift;
return $self;
sub send_message_ok {
my ($self, $message, $desc) = @_;
$self->tx->send_message($message, sub { Mojo::IOLoop->stop });
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::ok 1, $desc || 'send message';
return $self;
# "Internet! Is that thing still around?"
sub status_is {
my ($self, $status) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::is $self->tx->res->code, $status, "$status "
. Mojo::Message::Response->new(code => $status)->default_message;
return $self;
sub status_isnt {
my ($self, $status) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::isnt $self->tx->res->code, $status, "not $status "
. Mojo::Message::Response->new(code => $status)->default_message;
return $self;
sub test_server { shift->ua->test_server(@_) }
sub text_is {
my ($self, $selector, $value, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::is $self->_text($selector), $value, $desc || $selector;
return $self;
sub text_isnt {
my ($self, $selector, $value, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::isnt $self->_text($selector), $value, $desc || $selector;
return $self;
# "Hello, my name is Barney Gumble, and I'm an alcoholic.
# Mr Gumble, this is a girl scouts meeting.
# Is it, or is it you girls can't admit that you have a problem?"
sub text_like {
my ($self, $selector, $regex, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::like $self->_text($selector), $regex, $desc || $selector;
return $self;
sub text_unlike {
my ($self, $selector, $regex, $desc) = @_;
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::unlike $self->_text($selector), $regex, $desc || $selector;
return $self;
sub websocket_ok {
my $self = shift;
my $url = shift;
my $desc = "websocket $url";
utf8::encode $desc;
$self->{messages} = [];
$self->{finished} = 0;
$url, @_,
sub {
$self->tx(my $tx = pop);
$tx->on_finish(sub { $self->{finished} = 1 });
$tx->on_message(sub { push @{$self->{messages}}, pop });
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
Test::More::ok $self->tx->res->code eq 101, $desc;
return $self;
sub _get_content {
my ($self, $tx) = @_;
# Charset
my $charset;
($tx->res->headers->content_type || '') =~ /charset=\"?([^"\s]+)\"?/
and $charset = $1;
# Content
my $content = $tx->res->body;
decode $charset, $content if $charset;
return $content;
sub _message {
my $self = shift;
while !$self->{finished} && !@{$self->{messages}};
return shift @{$self->{messages}};
# "Are you sure this is the Sci-Fi Convention? It's full of nerds!"
sub _request_ok {
my ($self, $method, $url, $headers, $body) = @_;
$body = $headers if !ref $headers && @_ > 3;
$headers = {} if !ref $headers;
# Perform request against application
$self->tx($self->ua->$method($url, %$headers, $body));
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 2;
my ($error, $code) = $self->tx->error;
my $desc = "$method $url";
utf8::encode $desc;
Test::More::diag $error if !(my $ok = !$error || $code) && $error;
Test::More::ok $ok, $desc;
return $self;
sub _text {
my ($self, $selector) = @_;
my $text;
if (my $e = $self->tx->res->dom->at($selector)) { $text = $e->text }
return $text;
=head1 NAME
Test::Mojo - Testing Mojo!
use Test::More tests => 10;
use Test::Mojo;
my $t = Test::Mojo->new('MyApp');
->content_like(qr/Hello!/, 'welcome message');
$t->post_form_ok('/search', {title => 'Perl', author => 'taro'})
->header_is('X-Powered-By' => 'Mojolicious (Perl)')
->header_isnt('X-Bender' => 'Bite my shiny metal ass!');
->content_is('Hello world!');
->message_is('echo: hello')
L<Test::Mojo> is a collection of testing helpers for everyone developing
L<Mojo> and L<Mojolicious> applications.
L<Test::Mojo> implements the following attributes.
=head2 C<tx>
my $tx = $t->tx;
$t = $t->tx(Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new);
Current transaction, usually a L<Mojo::Transaction::HTTP> object.
=head2 C<ua>
my $ua = $t->ua;
$t = $t->ua(Mojo::UserAgent->new);
User agent used for testing, defaults to a L<Mojo::UserAgent> object.
=head1 METHODS
L<Test::Mojo> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements the
following new ones.
=head2 C<new>
my $t = Test::Mojo->new;
my $t = Test::Mojo->new('MyApp');
my $t = Test::Mojo->new(MyApp->new);
Construct a new L<Test::Mojo> object.
=head2 C<app>
my $app = $t->app;
$t = $t->app(MyApp->new);
Alias for L<Mojo::UserAgent/"app">.
my $secret = $t->app->secret;
$t->app->defaults(testing => 'oh yea!');
=head2 C<content_is>
$t = $t->content_is('working!');
$t = $t->content_is('working!', 'right content');
Check response content for exact match.
=head2 C<content_isnt>
$t = $t->content_isnt('working!');
$t = $t->content_isnt('working!', 'different content');
Opposite of C<content_is>.
=head2 C<content_like>
$t = $t->content_like(qr/working!/);
$t = $t->content_like(qr/working!/, 'right content');
Check response content for similar match.
=head2 C<content_unlike>
$t = $t->content_unlike(qr/working!/);
$t = $t->content_unlike(qr/working!/, 'different content');
Opposite of C<content_like>.
=head2 C<content_type_is>
$t = $t->content_type_is('text/html');
Check response C<Content-Type> header for exact match.
=head2 C<content_type_isnt>
$t = $t->content_type_isnt('text/html');
Opposite of C<content_type_is>.
=head2 C<content_type_like>
$t = $t->content_type_like(qr/text/);
$t = $t->content_type_like(qr/text/, 'right content type');
Check response C<Content-Type> header for similar match.
=head2 C<content_type_unlike>
$t = $t->content_type_unlike(qr/text/);
$t = $t->content_type_unlike(qr/text/, 'different content type');
Opposite of C<content_type_like>.
=head2 C<delete_ok>
$t = $t->delete_ok('/foo');
Perform a C<DELETE> request and check for success, takes the exact same
arguments as L<Mojo::UserAgent/"delete">.
=head2 C<element_exists>
$t = $t->element_exists('[x=y]');
$t = $t->element_exists('html head title', 'has a title');
Checks for existence of the CSS3 selectors first matching XML/HTML element
with L<Mojo::DOM>.
=head2 C<element_exists_not>
$t = $t->element_exists_not('[x=y]');
$t = $t->element_exists_not('html head title', 'has no title');
Opposite of C<element_exists>.
=head2 C<finish_ok>
$t = $t->finish_ok;
$t = $t->finish_ok('finished successfully');
Finish C<WebSocket> connection.
Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!
=head2 C<get_ok>
$t = $t->get_ok('/foo');
Perform a C<GET> request and check for success, takes the exact same
arguments as L<Mojo::UserAgent/"get">.
=head2 C<head_ok>
$t = $t->head_ok('/foo');
Perform a C<HEAD> request and check for success, takes the exact same
arguments as L<Mojo::UserAgent/"head">.
=head2 C<header_is>
$t = $t->header_is(Expect => 'fun');
Check response header for exact match.
=head2 C<header_isnt>
$t = $t->header_isnt(Expect => 'fun');
Opposite of C<header_is>.
=head2 C<header_like>
$t = $t->header_like(Expect => qr/fun/);
$t = $t->header_like(Expect => qr/fun/, 'right header');
Check response header for similar match.
=head2 C<header_unlike>
$t = $t->header_like(Expect => qr/fun/);
$t = $t->header_like(Expect => qr/fun/, 'different header');
Opposite of C<header_like>.
=head2 C<json_content_is>
$t = $t->json_content_is([1, 2, 3]);
$t = $t->json_content_is([1, 2, 3], 'right content!');
$t = $t->json_content_is({foo => 'bar', baz => 23}, 'right content!');
Check response content for JSON data.
=head2 C<max_redirects>
my $max_redirects = $t->max_redirects;
$t = $t->max_redirects(3);
Alias for the L<Mojo::UserAgent/"max_redirects">.
=head2 C<message_is>
$t = $t->message_is('working!');
$t = $t->message_is('working!', 'right message');
Check WebSocket message for exact match.
Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!
=head2 C<message_isnt>
$t = $t->message_isnt('working!');
$t = $t->message_isnt('working!', 'different message');
Opposite of C<message_is>.
Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!
=head2 C<message_like>
$t = $t->message_like(qr/working!/);
$t = $t->message_like(qr/working!/, 'right message');
Check WebSocket message for similar match.
Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!
=head2 C<message_unlike>
$t = $t->message_unlike(qr/working!/);
$t = $t->message_unlike(qr/working!/, 'different message');
Opposite of C<message_like>.
Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!
=head2 C<post_ok>
$t = $t->post_ok('/foo');
Perform a C<POST> request and check for success, takes the exact same
arguments as L<Mojo::UserAgent/"post">.
=head2 C<post_form_ok>
$t = $t->post_form_ok('/foo' => {test => 123});
Submit a C<POST> form and check for success, takes the exact same arguments
as L<Mojo::UserAgent/"post_form">.
=head2 C<put_ok>
$t = $t->put_ok('/foo');
Perform a C<PUT> request and check for success, takes the exact same
arguments as L<Mojo::UserAgent/"put">.
=head2 C<reset_session>
$t = $t->reset_session;
Reset user agent session.
=head2 C<send_message_ok>
$t = $t->send_message_ok('hello');
$t = $t->send_message_ok('hello', 'sent successfully');
Send C<WebSocket> message.
Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!
=head2 C<status_is>
$t = $t->status_is(200);
Check response status for exact match.
=head2 C<status_isnt>
$t = $t->status_isnt(200);
Opposite of C<status_is>.
=head2 C<test_server>
my $url = $t->test_server;
my $url = $t->test_server('http');
my $url = $t->test_server('https');
Alias for L<Mojo::UserAgent/"test_server">.
Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!
=head2 C<text_is>
$t = $t->text_is('[x=y]' => 'Hello!');
$t = $t->text_is('html head title' => 'Hello!', 'right title');
Checks text content of the CSS3 selectors first matching XML/HTML element for
exact match with L<Mojo::DOM>.
=head2 C<text_isnt>
$t = $t->text_isnt('[x=y]' => 'Hello!');
$t = $t->text_isnt('html head title' => 'Hello!', 'different title');
Opposite of C<text_is>.
=head2 C<text_like>
$t = $t->text_like('[x=y]' => qr/Hello/);
$t = $t->text_like('html head title' => qr/Hello/, 'right title');
Checks text content of the CSS3 selectors first matching XML/HTML element for
similar match with L<Mojo::DOM>.
=head2 C<text_unlike>
$t = $t->text_unlike('[x=y]' => qr/Hello/);
$t = $t->text_unlike('html head title' => qr/Hello/, 'different title');
Opposite of C<text_like>.
=head2 C<websocket_ok>
$t = $t->websocket_ok('/echo');
Open a C<WebSocket> connection with transparent handshake, takes the exact
same arguments as L<Mojo::UserAgent/"websocket">.
Note that this method is EXPERIMENTAL and might change without warning!
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.