use Mojo::Base -base;
use Carp 'croak';
use Encode qw/decode encode/;
use constant CHUNK_SIZE => $ENV{MOJO_CHUNK_SIZE} || 131072;
# "If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you."
has [qw/auto_escape compiled/];
has [qw/append code prepend/] => '';
has capture_end => 'end';
has capture_start => 'begin';
has comment_mark => '#';
has encoding => 'UTF-8';
has escape_mark => '=';
has expression_mark => '=';
has line_start => '%';
has name => 'template';
has namespace => 'Mojo::Template::SandBox';
has replace_mark => '%';
has tag_start => '<%';
has tag_end => '%>';
has template => '';
has tree => sub { [] };
has trim_mark => '=';
# Helpers
my $HELPERS = <<'EOF';
use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';
use Mojo::Util;
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
sub capture;
*capture = sub { shift->(@_) };
sub escape;
*escape = sub {
return "$_[0]" if ref $_[0] && ref $_[0] eq 'Mojo::ByteStream';
my $v;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
$v = "$_[0]";
Mojo::Util::xml_escape $v;
use Mojo::Base -strict;
$HELPERS =~ s/\n//g;
sub build {
my $self = shift;
# Compile
my (@lines, $cpst);
my $multi = 0;
for my $line (@{$self->tree}) {
# New line
push @lines, '';
for (my $j = 0; $j < @{$line}; $j += 2) {
my $type = $line->[$j];
my $value = $line->[$j + 1] || '';
my $newline = chomp $value;
# Capture end
if ($type eq 'cpen') {
# End block
$lines[-1] .= 'return b($_M) }';
# No following code
my $next = $line->[$j + 3];
$lines[-1] .= ';' if !defined $next || $next =~ /^\s*$/;
# Text
if ($type eq 'text') {
# Quote and fix line ending
$value = quotemeta($value);
$value .= '\n' if $newline;
$lines[-1] .= "\$_M .= \"" . $value . "\";" if length $value;
# Code or multiline expression
if ($type eq 'code' || $multi) { $lines[-1] .= "$value" }
# Expression
if ($type ~~ [qw/expr escp/]) {
# Start
unless ($multi) {
# Escaped
my $a = $self->auto_escape;
if (($type eq 'escp' && !$a) || ($type eq 'expr' && $a)) {
$lines[-1] .= "\$_M .= escape";
$lines[-1] .= " +$value" if length $value;
# Raw
else { $lines[-1] .= "\$_M .= $value" }
# Multiline
$multi = ($line->[$j + 2] || '') eq 'text'
&& ($line->[$j + 3] || '') eq '' ? 0 : 1;
# Append semicolon
$lines[-1] .= ';' if !$multi && !$cpst;
# Capture started
if ($cpst) {
$lines[-1] .= $cpst;
$cpst = undef;
# Capture start
if ($type eq 'cpst') { $cpst = " sub { my \$_M = ''; " }
# Wrap
my $prepend = $self->prepend;
my $append = $self->append;
my $namespace = $self->namespace;
$lines[0] ||= '';
$lines[0] =
"package $namespace; $HELPERS sub { my \$_M = ''; $prepend; do {"
. $lines[0];
$lines[-1] .= "$append; \$_M; } };";
# Final code
$self->code(join "\n", @lines);
return $self;
sub compile {
my $self = shift;
# Compile
return unless my $code = $self->code;
my $compiled = eval $code;
# Use local stacktrace for compile exceptions
return Mojo::Exception->new($@, [$self->template, $code], $self->name)
if $@;
sub interpret {
my $self = shift;
# Compile
unless ($self->compiled) {
my $e = $self->compile;
return $e if ref $e;
my $compiled = $self->compiled;
return unless $compiled;
# Stacktrace
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub {
CORE::die($_[0]) if ref $_[0];
Mojo::Exception->throw(shift, [$self->template, $self->code],
# Interpret
my $output = eval { $compiled->(@_) };
$output =
Mojo::Exception->new($@, [$self->template], $self->name)->verbose(1)
if $@;
return $output;
# "I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! I mean S-M-A-R-T..."
sub parse {
my ($self, $tmpl) = @_;
# Clean start
delete $self->{tree};
# Token
my $raw_start = $self->line_start;
my $raw_tag_start = $self->tag_start;
my $raw_tag_end = $self->tag_end;
my $raw_expr = $self->expression_mark;
my $raw_trim = $self->trim_mark;
my $raw_replace = $self->replace_mark;
my $start = quotemeta $raw_start;
my $tag_start = quotemeta $raw_tag_start;
my $tag_end = quotemeta $raw_tag_end;
my $cmnt = quotemeta $self->comment_mark;
my $escp = quotemeta $self->escape_mark;
my $expr = quotemeta $raw_expr;
my $trim = quotemeta $raw_trim;
my $cpst = quotemeta $self->capture_start;
my $cpen = quotemeta $self->capture_end;
my $replace = quotemeta $raw_replace;
# Token regex
my $token_re = qr/
$tag_start$replace # Replace
$tag_start$expr$escp\s*$cpen # Escaped expression (end)
$tag_start$expr$escp # Escaped expression
$tag_start$expr\s*$cpen # Expression (end)
$tag_start$expr # Expression
$tag_start$cmnt\s*$cpen # Comment (end)
$tag_start$cmnt # Comment
$tag_start\s*$cpen # Code (end)
$tag_start # Code
$cpst\s*$trim$tag_end # Trim end (start)
$trim$tag_end # Trim end
$cpst\s*$tag_end # End (start)
$tag_end # End
# Split lines
my $state = 'text';
my @capture_token;
my $trimming = 0;
for my $line (split /\n/, $tmpl) {
$trimming = 0 if $state eq 'text';
# Perl line
if ($state eq 'text' && $line !~ s/^(\s*)$start$replace/$1$raw_start/) {
$line =~ s/^(\s*)$start($expr)?// and $line =
? "$1$raw_tag_start$2$line $raw_tag_end"
: "$raw_tag_start$line $raw_trim$raw_tag_end";
# Escaped line ending
if ($line =~ /(\\+)$/) {
my $len = length $1;
# Newline
if ($len == 1) { $line =~ s/\\$// }
# Backslash
if ($len >= 2) {
$line =~ s/\\\\$/\\/;
$line .= "\n";
# Normal line ending
else { $line .= "\n" }
# Tokenize
my @token;
for my $token (split /$token_re/, $line) {
# Capture end
@capture_token = ('cpen', undef)
if $token =~ s/^($tag_start)(?:$expr)?(?:$escp)?\s*$cpen/$1/;
# End
if ($state ne 'text' && $token =~ /^(?:($cpst)\s*)?($trim)?$tag_end$/) {
$state = 'text';
# Capture start
splice @token, -2, 0, 'cpst', undef if $1;
# Trim previous text
if ($2) {
$trimming = 1;
# Hint at end
push @token, 'text', '';
# Code
elsif ($token =~ /^$tag_start$/) { $state = 'code' }
# Expression
elsif ($token =~ /^$tag_start$expr$/) { $state = 'expr' }
# Expression that needs to be escaped
elsif ($token =~ /^$tag_start$expr$escp$/) { $state = 'escp' }
# Comment
elsif ($token =~ /^$tag_start$cmnt$/) { $state = 'cmnt' }
# Value
else {
# Replace
$token = $raw_tag_start if $token eq "$raw_tag_start$raw_replace";
# Convert whitespace text to line noise
if ($trimming && $token =~ s/^(\s+)//) {
push @token, 'code', $1;
$trimming = 0;
# Comments are ignored
next if $state eq 'cmnt';
push @token, @capture_token, $state, $token;
@capture_token = ();
push @{$self->tree}, \@token;
return $self;
sub render {
my $self = shift;
my $tmpl = shift;
# Parse
# Build
# Compile
my $e = $self->compile;
return $e if $e;
# Interpret
return $self->interpret(@_);
sub render_file {
my $self = shift;
my $path = shift;
# Slurp file
$self->name($path) unless defined $self->{name};
croak "Can't open template '$path': $!"
unless my $file = IO::File->new("< $path");
my $tmpl = '';
while ($file->sysread(my $buffer, CHUNK_SIZE, 0)) {
$tmpl .= $buffer;
# Decode and render
$tmpl = decode($self->encoding, $tmpl) if $self->encoding;
return $self->render($tmpl, @_);
sub render_file_to_file {
my $self = shift;
my $spath = shift;
my $tpath = shift;
# Render
my $output = $self->render_file($spath, @_);
return $output if ref $output;
# Write to file
return $self->_write_file($tpath, $output);
sub render_to_file {
my $self = shift;
my $tmpl = shift;
my $path = shift;
# Render
my $output = $self->render($tmpl, @_);
return $output if ref $output;
# Write to file
return $self->_write_file($path, $output);
sub _trim {
my ($self, $line) = @_;
# Walk line backwards
for (my $j = @$line - 4; $j >= 0; $j -= 2) {
# Skip capture
next if $line->[$j] eq 'cpst' || $line->[$j] eq 'cpen';
# Only trim text
return unless $line->[$j] eq 'text';
# Convert whitespace text to line noise
my $value = $line->[$j + 1];
if ($line->[$j + 1] =~ s/(\s+)$//) {
$value = $line->[$j + 1];
splice @$line, $j, 0, 'code', $1;
# Text left
return if length $value;
sub _write_file {
my ($self, $path, $output) = @_;
# Encode and write to file
croak "Can't open file '$path': $!"
unless my $file = IO::File->new("> $path");
$output = encode($self->encoding, $output) if $self->encoding;
$file->syswrite($output) or croak "Can't write to file '$path': $!";
=head1 NAME
Mojo::Template - Perl-ish templates!
use Mojo::Template;
my $mt = Mojo::Template->new;
# Simple
my $output = $mt->render(<<'EOF');
<!doctype html><html>
<body>Time: <%= localtime(time) %></body>
say $output;
# More complicated
my $output = $mt->render(<<'EOF', 23, 'foo bar');
%= 5 * 5
% my ($number, $text) = @_;
test 123
foo <% my $i = $number + 2; %>
% for (1 .. 23) {
* some text <%= $i++ %>
% }
say $output;
L<Mojo::Template> is a minimalistic and very Perl-ish template engine,
designed specifically for all those small tasks that come up during big
Like preprocessing a config file, generating text from heredocs and stuff
like that.
<% Perl code %>
<%= Perl expression, replaced with result %>
<%== Perl expression, replaced with XML escaped result %>
<%# Comment, useful for debugging %>
<%% Replaced with "<%", useful for generating templates %>
% Perl code line, treated as "<% line =%>"
%= Perl expression line, treated as "<%= line %>"
%== Perl expression line, treated as "<%== line %>"
%# Comment line, treated as "<%# line =%>"
%% Replaced with "%", useful for generating templates
=head2 Automatic escaping
Escaping behavior can be reversed with the C<auto_escape> attribute, this is
the default in L<Mojolicious> C<.ep> templates for example.
<%= Perl expression, replaced with XML escaped result %>
<%== Perl expression, replaced with result %>
L<Mojo::ByteStream> objects are always excluded from automatic escaping.
<%= b('<div>excluded!</div>') %>
=head2 Trimming
Whitespace characters around tags can be trimmed with a special tag ending.
<%= All whitespace characters around this expression will be trimmed =%>
=head2 Blocks
You can capture whole template blocks for reuse later with the C<begin> and
C<end> keywords.
<% my $block = begin %>
<% my $name = shift; =%>
Hello <%= $name %>.
<% end %>
<%= $block->('Baerbel') %>
<%= $block->('Wolfgang') %>
=head2 Indentation
Perl lines can also be indented freely.
% my $block = begin
% my $name = shift;
Hello <%= $name %>.
% end
%= $block->('Baerbel')
%= $block->('Wolfgang')
=head2 Arguments
L<Mojo::Template> templates work just like Perl subs (actually they get
compiled to a Perl sub internally).
That means you can access arguments simply via C<@_>.
% my ($foo, $bar) = @_;
% my $x = shift;
test 123 <%= $foo %>
=head2 More escaping
You can use escaped tags and lines to generate templates.
%% my $number = <%= 20 + 3 %>;
The number is <%%= $number %>
A newline can be escaped with a backslash.
This is <%= 23 * 3 %> a\
single line
And a backslash in front of a newline can be escaped with another backslash.
% use Data::Dumper;
This will\\
result <%= Dumper {foo => 'bar'} %>\\
in multiple lines
=head2 Exceptions
Templates get compiled to Perl code internally, this can make debugging a bit
But L<Mojo::Template> will return L<Mojo::Exception> objects that stringify
to error messages with context.
Bareword "xx" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at template line 4.
2: </head>
3: <body>
4: % my $i = 2; xx
5: %= $i * 2
6: </body>
=head2 Caching
L<Mojo::Template> does not support caching by itself, but you can easily
build a wrapper around it.
# Compile and store code somewhere
my $mt = Mojo::Template->new;
my $code = $mt->code;
# Load code and template (template for debug trace only)
my $output = $mt->interpret(@arguments);
L<Mojo::Template> implements the following attributes.
=head2 C<auto_escape>
my $auto_escape = $mt->auto_escape;
$mt = $mt->auto_escape(1);
Activate automatic XML escaping.
=head2 C<append>
my $code = $mt->append;
$mt = $mt->append('warn "Processed template"');
Append Perl code to compiled template.
=head2 C<capture_end>
my $capture_end = $mt->capture_end;
$mt = $mt->capture_end('end');
Keyword indicating the end of a capture block, defaults to C<end>.
<% my $block = begin %>
Some data!
<% end %>
=head2 C<capture_start>
my $capture_start = $mt->capture_start;
$mt = $mt->capture_start('begin');
Keyword indicating the start of a capture block, defaults to C<begin>.
<% my $block = begin %>
Some data!
<% end %>
=head2 C<code>
my $code = $mt->code;
$mt = $mt->code($code);
Compiled template code.
=head2 C<comment_mark>
my $comment_mark = $mt->comment_mark;
$mt = $mt->comment_mark('#');
Character indicating the start of a comment, defaults to C<#>.
<%# This is a comment %>
=head2 C<encoding>
my $encoding = $mt->encoding;
$mt = $mt->encoding('UTF-8');
Encoding used for template files.
=head2 C<escape_mark>
my $escape_mark = $mt->escape_mark;
$mt = $mt->escape_mark('=');
Character indicating the start of an escaped expression, defaults to C<=>.
<%== $foo %>
=head2 C<expression_mark>
my $expression_mark = $mt->expression_mark;
$mt = $mt->expression_mark('=');
Character indicating the start of an expression, defaults to C<=>.
<%= $foo %>
=head2 C<line_start>
my $line_start = $mt->line_start;
$mt = $mt->line_start('%');
Character indicating the start of a code line, defaults to C<%>.
% $foo = 23;
=head2 C<name>
my $name = $mt->name;
$mt = $mt->name('');
Name of template currently being processed, defaults to C<template>.
Note that this method is attribute and might change without warning!
=head2 C<namespace>
my $namespace = $mt->namespace;
$mt = $mt->namespace('main');
Namespace used to compile templates, defaults to C<Mojo::Template::SandBox>.
=head2 C<prepend>
my $code = $mt->prepend;
$mt = $mt->prepend('my $self = shift;');
Prepend Perl code to compiled template.
=head2 C<replace_mark>
my $replace_mark = $mt->replace_mark;
$mt = $mt->replace_mark('%');
Character used for escaping the start of a tag or line, defaults to C<%>.
<%% my $foo = 23; %>
=head2 C<tag_start>
my $tag_start = $mt->tag_start;
$mt = $mt->tag_start('<%');
Characters indicating the start of a tag, defaults to C<E<lt>%>.
<% $foo = 23; %>
=head2 C<tag_end>
my $tag_end = $mt->tag_end;
$mt = $mt->tag_end('%>');
Characters indicating the end of a tag, defaults to C<%E<gt>>.
<%= $foo %>
=head2 C<template>
my $template = $mt->template;
$mt = $mt->template($template);
Raw template.
=head2 C<tree>
my $tree = $mt->tree;
$mt = $mt->tree($tree);
Parsed tree.
=head2 C<trim_mark>
my $trim_mark = $mt->trim_mark;
$mt = $mt->trim_mark('-');
Character activating automatic whitespace trimming, defaults to C<=>.
<%= $foo =%>
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojo::Template> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements the
following new ones.
=head2 C<new>
my $mt = Mojo::Template->new;
Construct a new L<Mojo::Template> object.
=head2 C<build>
$mt = $mt->build;
Build template.
=head2 C<compile>
my $exception = $mt->compile;
Compile template.
=head2 C<interpret>
my $output = $mt->interpret;
my $output = $mt->interpret(@arguments);
Interpret template.
=head2 C<parse>
$mt = $mt->parse($template);
Parse template.
=head2 C<render>
my $output = $mt->render($template);
my $output = $mt->render($template, @arguments);
Render template.
=head2 C<render_file>
my $output = $mt->render_file($template_file);
my $output = $mt->render_file($template_file, @arguments);
Render template file.
=head2 C<render_file_to_file>
my $exception = $mt->render_file_to_file($template_file, $output_file);
my $exception = $mt->render_file_to_file(
$template_file, $output_file, @arguments
Render template file to a specific file.
=head2 C<render_to_file>
my $exception = $mt->render_to_file($template, $output_file);
my $exception = $mt->render_to_file(
$template, $output_file, @arguments
Render template to a specific file.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.