use Mojo::Base -base;
has [qw(defaults reqs)] => sub { {} };
has [qw(format pattern regex)];
has quote_end => ')';
has quote_start => '(';
has relaxed_start => '#';
has symbol_start => ':';
has [qw(symbols tree)] => sub { [] };
has wildcard_start => '*';
# "This is the worst kind of discrimination. The kind against me!"
sub new { shift->SUPER::new->parse(@_) }
sub match {
my ($self, $path, $detect) = @_;
my $result = $self->shape_match(\$path, $detect);
return !$path || $path eq '/' ? $result : undef;
sub parse {
my $self = shift;
# Make sure we have a viable pattern
my $pattern = @_ % 2 ? (shift || '/') : '/';
$pattern = "/$pattern" unless $pattern =~ m#^/#;
# Requirements
# Tokenize
return $pattern eq '/' ? $self : $self->pattern($pattern)->_tokenize;
sub render {
my ($self, $values, $render) = @_;
# Merge values with defaults
my $format = ($values ||= {})->{format};
$values = {%{$self->defaults}, %$values};
# Turn pattern into path
my $string = '';
my $optional = 1;
for my $token (reverse @{$self->tree}) {
my $op = $token->[0];
my $rendered = '';
# Slash
if ($op eq 'slash') { $rendered = '/' unless $optional }
# Text
elsif ($op eq 'text') {
$rendered = $token->[1];
$optional = 0;
# Relaxed, symbol or wildcard
elsif ($op ~~ [qw(relaxed symbol wildcard)]) {
my $name = $token->[1];
$rendered = $values->{$name} // '';
my $default = $self->defaults->{$name};
if (!defined $default || ($default ne $rendered)) { $optional = 0 }
elsif ($optional) { $rendered = '' }
$string = "$rendered$string";
# Format is optional
$string ||= '/';
return $render && $format ? "$string.$format" : $string;
sub shape_match {
my ($self, $pathref, $detect) = @_;
# Compile on demand
my $regex = $self->regex || $self->_compile;
my $format = $detect ? ($self->format || $self->_compile_format) : undef;
# Match
return unless my @captures = $$pathref =~ $regex;
$$pathref =~ s/($regex)//;
# Merge captures
my $result = {%{$self->defaults}};
for my $symbol (@{$self->symbols}) {
last unless @captures;
my $capture = shift @captures;
$result->{$symbol} = $capture if defined $capture;
# Format
my $req = $self->reqs->{format};
return $result if !$detect || defined $req && !$req;
if ($$pathref =~ s|^/?$format||) { $result->{format} = $1 }
elsif ($req) { return unless $result->{format} }
return $result;
sub _compile {
my $self = shift;
# Compile tree to regex
my $block = my $regex = '';
my $reqs = $self->reqs;
my $optional = 1;
my $defaults = $self->defaults;
for my $token (reverse @{$self->tree}) {
my $op = $token->[0];
my $compiled = '';
# Slash
if ($op eq 'slash') {
# Full block
$block = $optional ? "(?:/$block)?" : "/$block";
$regex = "$block$regex";
$block = '';
# Text
elsif ($op eq 'text') {
$compiled = quotemeta $token->[1];
$optional = 0;
# Symbol
elsif ($op ~~ [qw(relaxed symbol wildcard)]) {
my $name = $token->[1];
unshift @{$self->symbols}, $name;
# Relaxed
if ($op eq 'relaxed') { $compiled = '([^\/]+)' }
# Symbol
elsif ($op eq 'symbol') { $compiled = '([^\/\.]+)' }
# Wildcard
elsif ($op eq 'wildcard') { $compiled = '(.+)' }
# Custom regex
my $req = $reqs->{$name};
$compiled = _compile_req($req) if $req;
# Optional placeholder
$optional = 0 unless exists $defaults->{$name};
$compiled .= '?' if $optional;
# Add to block
$block = "$compiled$block";
# Not rooted with a slash
$regex = "$block$regex" if $block;
# Compile
return $self->regex(qr/^$regex/s)->regex;
sub _compile_format {
my $self = shift;
# Default regex
my $reqs = $self->reqs;
return $self->format(qr#\.([^/]+)$#)->format
if !exists $reqs->{format} && $reqs->{format};
# Compile custom regex
my $regex
= defined $reqs->{format} ? _compile_req($reqs->{format}) : '([^/]+)';
return $self->format(qr#\.$regex$#)->format;
# "Interesting... Oh no wait, the other thing, tedious."
sub _compile_req {
my $req = shift;
return "($req)" if ref $req ne 'ARRAY';
return '(' . join('|', map {quotemeta} reverse sort @$req) . ')';
sub _tokenize {
my $self = shift;
# Token
my $quote_end = $self->quote_end;
my $quote_start = $self->quote_start;
my $relaxed = $self->relaxed_start;
my $symbol = $self->symbol_start;
my $wildcard = $self->wildcard_start;
# Parse the pattern character wise
my $pattern = $self->pattern;
my $state = 'text';
my (@tree, $quoted);
while (length(my $char = substr $pattern, 0, 1, '')) {
# Inside a placeholder
my $placeholder = $state ~~ [qw(relaxed symbol wildcard)];
# DEPRECATED in Leaf Fluttering In Wind!
if ($quoted && $char eq '.' && $state eq 'symbol') {
warn "Relaxed placeholders /(.foo) are DEPRECATED in favor of /#foo!\n";
$char = $relaxed;
# Quote start
if ($char eq $quote_start) {
$quoted = 1;
$state = 'symbol';
push @tree, ['symbol', ''];
# Symbol start
elsif ($char eq $symbol) {
push @tree, ['symbol', ''] if $state ne 'symbol';
$state = 'symbol';
# Relaxed or wildcard start (upgrade when quoted)
elsif ($char ~~ [$relaxed, $wildcard]) {
push @tree, ['symbol', ''] unless $quoted;
$tree[-1]->[0] = $state = $char eq $relaxed ? 'relaxed' : 'wildcard';
# Quote end
elsif ($char eq $quote_end) {
$quoted = 0;
$state = 'text';
# Slash
elsif ($char eq '/') {
push @tree, ['slash'];
$state = 'text';
# Relaxed, symbol or wildcard
elsif ($placeholder && $char =~ /\w/) { $tree[-1]->[-1] .= $char }
# Text
else {
$state = 'text';
# New text element
push @tree, ['text', $char] and next unless $tree[-1]->[0] eq 'text';
# More text
$tree[-1]->[-1] .= $char;
return $self->tree(\@tree);
=head1 NAME
Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern - Routes pattern engine
use Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern;
# Create pattern
my $pattern = Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern->new('/test/:name');
# Match routes
my $result = $pattern->match('/test/sebastian');
say $result->{name};
L<Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern> is the core of L<Mojolicious::Routes>.
L<Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern> implements the following attributes.
=head2 C<defaults>
my $defaults = $pattern->defaults;
$pattern = $pattern->defaults({foo => 'bar'});
Default parameters.
=head2 C<format>
my $regex = $pattern->format;
$pattern = $pattern->format($regex);
Compiled regex for format matching.
=head2 C<pattern>
my $pattern = $pattern->pattern;
$pattern = $pattern->pattern('/(foo)/(bar)');
Raw unparsed pattern.
=head2 C<quote_end>
my $quote = $pattern->quote_end;
$pattern = $pattern->quote_end(']');
Character indicating the end of a quoted placeholder, defaults to C<)>.
=head2 C<quote_start>
my $quote = $pattern->quote_start;
$pattern = $pattern->quote_start('[');
Character indicating the start of a quoted placeholder, defaults to C<(>.
=head2 C<regex>
my $regex = $pattern->regex;
$pattern = $pattern->regex($regex);
Pattern in compiled regex form.
=head2 C<relaxed_start>
my $relaxed = $pattern->relaxed_start;
$pattern = $pattern->relaxed_start('*');
Character indicating a relaxed placeholder, defaults to C<#>.
=head2 C<reqs>
my $reqs = $pattern->reqs;
$pattern = $pattern->reqs({foo => qr/\w+/});
Regex constraints.
=head2 C<symbol_start>
my $symbol = $pattern->symbol_start;
$pattern = $pattern->symbol_start(':');
Character indicating a placeholder, defaults to C<:>.
=head2 C<symbols>
my $symbols = $pattern->symbols;
$pattern = $pattern->symbols(['foo', 'bar']);
Placeholder names.
=head2 C<tree>
my $tree = $pattern->tree;
$pattern = $pattern->tree([ ... ]);
Pattern in parsed form.
=head2 C<wildcard_start>
my $wildcard = $pattern->wildcard_start;
$pattern = $pattern->wildcard_start('*');
Character indicating the start of a wildcard placeholder, defaults to C<*>.
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and
implements the following ones.
=head2 C<new>
my $pattern = Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern->new('/:action');
my $pattern
= Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern->new('/:action', action => qr/\w+/);
my $pattern = Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern->new(format => 0);
Construct a new pattern object.
=head2 C<match>
my $result = $pattern->match('/foo/bar');
my $result = $pattern->match('/foo/bar', 1);
Match pattern against entire path, format detection is disabled by default.
=head2 C<parse>
$pattern = $pattern->parse('/:action');
$pattern = $pattern->parse('/:action', action => qr/\w+/);
$pattern = $pattern->parse(format => 0);
Parse a raw pattern.
=head2 C<render>
my $path = $pattern->render({action => 'foo'});
my $path = $pattern->render({action => 'foo'}, 1);
Render pattern into a path with parameters, format rendering is disabled by
=head2 C<shape_match>
my $result = $pattern->shape_match(\$path);
my $result = $pattern->shape_match(\$path, 1);
Match pattern against path and remove matching parts, format detection is
disabled by default.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.