Mojolicious::Controller - Controller base class
# Controller
package MyApp::Foo;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
# Action
sub bar {
my $self = shift;
my $name = $self->param('name');
$self->res->headers->cache_control('max-age=1, no-cache');
$self->render(json => {hello => $name});
Mojolicious::Controller is the base class for your Mojolicious controllers. It is also the default controller class for Mojolicious unless you set controller_class
in your application.
Mojolicious::Controller inherits all attributes from Mojo::Base and implements the following new ones.
my $app = $c->app;
$c = $c->app(Mojolicious->new);
A reference back to the application that dispatched to this controller, defaults to a Mojolicious object.
# Use application logger
$c->app->log->debug('Hello Mojo!');
my $m = $c->match;
$c = $c->match(Mojolicious::Routes::Match->new);
Router results for the current request, defaults to a Mojolicious::Routes::Match object.
# Introspect
my $foo = $c->match->endpoint->pattern->defaults->{foo};
my $tx = $c->tx;
$c = $c->tx(Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new);
The transaction that is currently being processed, usually a Mojo::Transaction::HTTP or Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket object.
# Check peer information
my $address = $c->tx->remote_address;
Mojolicious::Controller inherits all methods from Mojo::Base and implements the following new ones.
Continue dispatch chain.
my $value = $c->cookie('foo');
my @values = $c->cookie('foo');
$c = $c->cookie(foo => 'bar');
$c = $c->cookie(foo => 'bar', {path => '/'});
Access request cookie values and create new response cookies.
# Create response cookie with domain and expiration date
$c->cookie(user => 'sri', {domain => '', expires => time + 60});
$c = $c->finish;
$c = $c->finish(1000);
$c = $c->finish(1003 => 'Cannot accept data!');
$c = $c->finish('Bye!');
Close WebSocket connection or long poll stream gracefully.
my $foo = $c->flash('foo');
$c = $c->flash({foo => 'bar'});
$c = $c->flash(foo => 'bar');
Data storage persistent only for the next request, stored in the session
# Show message after redirect
$c->flash(message => 'User created successfully!');
$c->redirect_to('show_user', id => 23);
my $cb = $c->on(finish => sub {...});
Subscribe to events of tx
, which is usually a Mojo::Transaction::HTTP or Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket object. Note that this method will automatically respond to WebSocket handshake requests with a 101
response status.
# Do something after the transaction has been finished
$c->on(finish => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->app->log->debug('We are done!');
# Receive WebSocket message
$c->on(message => sub {
my ($c, $msg) = @_;
$c->app->log->debug("Message: $msg");
# Receive JSON object via WebSocket message
$c->on(json => sub {
my ($c, $hash) = @_;
$c->app->log->debug("Test: $hash->{test}");
# Receive WebSocket "Binary" message
$c->on(binary => sub {
my ($c, $bytes) = @_;
my $len = length $bytes;
$c->app->log->debug("Received $len bytes.");
my @names = $c->param;
my $foo = $c->param('foo');
my @foo = $c->param('foo');
my ($foo, $bar) = $c->param(['foo', 'bar']);
$c = $c->param(foo => 'ba;r');
$c = $c->param(foo => qw(ba;r ba;z));
Access GET/POST parameters, file uploads and route placeholder values that are not reserved stash values. Note that this method is context sensitive in some cases and therefore needs to be used with care, there can always be multiple values, which might have unexpected consequences. Parts of the request body need to be loaded into memory to parse POST parameters, so you have to make sure it is not excessively large.
# List context is ambiguous and should be avoided
my $hash = {foo => $self->param('foo')};
# Better enforce scalar context
my $hash = {foo => scalar $self->param('foo')};
# The multi name form can also enforce scalar context
my $hash = {foo => $self->param(['foo'])};
For more control you can also access request information directly.
# Only GET parameters
my $foo = $c->req->url->query->param('foo');
# Only GET and POST parameters
my $foo = $c->req->param('foo');
# Only file uploads
my $foo = $c->req->upload('foo');
$c = $c->redirect_to('named', foo => 'bar');
$c = $c->redirect_to('named', {foo => 'bar'});
$c = $c->redirect_to('/perldoc');
$c = $c->redirect_to('');
Prepare a 302
redirect response, takes the same arguments as url_for
# Conditional redirect
return $c->redirect_to('login') unless $c->session('user');
# Moved permanently
my $success = $c->render;
my $success = $c->render(controller => 'foo', action => 'bar');
my $success = $c->render(template => 'foo/index');
my $success = $c->render(template => 'index', format => 'html');
my $success = $c->render(data => $bytes);
my $success = $c->render(text => 'Hello!');
my $success = $c->render(json => {foo => 'bar'});
my $success = $c->render(handler => 'something');
my $success = $c->render('foo/index');
my $output = $c->render('foo/index', partial => 1);
Render content using "render" in Mojolicious::Renderer and emit after_render
hook unless the result is partial
. If no template is provided a default one based on controller and action or route name will be generated, all additional values get merged into the stash
$c = $c->render_exception('Oops!');
$c = $c->render_exception(Mojo::Exception->new('Oops!'));
Render the exception template exception.$mode.$format.*
or exception.$format.*
and set the response status code to 500
. Also sets the stash values exception
to a Mojo::Exception object and snapshot
to a copy of the stash
for use in the templates.
$c = $c->render_later;
Disable automatic rendering to delay response generation, only necessary if automatic rendering would result in a response.
# Delayed rendering
Mojo::IOLoop->timer(2 => sub {
$c->render(text => 'Delayed by 2 seconds!');
my $success = $c->render_maybe;
my $success = $c->render_maybe(controller => 'foo', action => 'bar');
my $success = $c->render_maybe('foo/index', format => 'html');
Try to render content but do not call render_not_found
if no response could be generated, takes the same arguments as render
# Render template "index_local" only if it exists
$self->render_maybe('index_local') or $self->render('index');
$c = $c->render_not_found;
Render the not found template not_found.$mode.$format.*
or not_found.$format.*
and set the response status code to 404
my $success = $c->render_static('images/logo.png');
my $success = $c->render_static('../lib/');
Render a static file using "serve" in Mojolicious::Static, usually from the public
directories or DATA
sections of your application. Note that this method does not protect from traversing to parent directories.
$c = $c->rendered;
$c = $c->rendered(302);
Finalize response and emit after_dispatch
hook, defaults to using a 200
response code.
my $req = $c->req;
Get Mojo::Message::Request object from "req" in Mojo::Transaction.
# Longer version
my $req = $c->tx->req;
# Extract request information
my $url = $c->req->url->to_abs;
my $userinfo = $c->req->url->to_abs->userinfo;
my $host = $c->req->url->to_abs->host;
my $agent = $c->req->headers->user_agent;
my $bytes = $c->req->body;
my $str = $c->req->text;
my $hash = $c->req->json;
my $foo = $c->req->json('/23/foo');
my $dom = $c->req->dom;
my $bar = $c->req->dom('')->first->text;
my $res = $c->res;
Get Mojo::Message::Response object from "res" in Mojo::Transaction.
# Longer version
my $res = $c->tx->res;
# Force file download by setting a custom response header
$c->res->headers->content_disposition('attachment; filename=foo.png;');
$c = $c->respond_to(
json => {json => {message => 'Welcome!'}},
html => {template => 'welcome'},
any => sub {...}
Automatically select best possible representation for resource from Accept
request header, format
stash value or format
GET/POST parameter, defaults to rendering an empty 204
response. Since browsers often don't really know what they actually want, unspecific Accept
request headers with more than one MIME type will be ignored, unless the X-Requested-With
header is set to the value XMLHttpRequest
json => sub { $c->render(json => {just => 'works'}) },
xml => {text => '<just>works</just>'},
any => {data => '', status => 204}
$c = $c->send({binary => $bytes});
$c = $c->send({text => $bytes});
$c = $c->send({json => {test => [1, 2, 3]}});
$c = $c->send([$fin, $rsv1, $rsv2, $rsv3, $op, $bytes]);
$c = $c->send($chars);
$c = $c->send($chars => sub {...});
Send message or frame non-blocking via WebSocket, the optional drain callback will be invoked once all data has been written. Note that this method will automatically respond to WebSocket handshake requests with a 101
response status.
# Send "Text" message
$c->send('I ♥ Mojolicious!');
# Send JSON object as "Text" message
$c->send({json => {test => 'I ♥ Mojolicious!'}});
# Send JSON object as "Binary" message
use Mojo::JSON 'j';
$c->send({binary => j({test => 'I ♥ Mojolicious!'})});
# Send "Ping" frame
$c->send([1, 0, 0, 0, 9, 'Hello World!']);
# Make sure previous message has been written before continuing
$c->send('First message!' => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->send('Second message!');
For mostly idle WebSockets you might also want to increase the inactivity timeout, which usually defaults to 15
# Increase inactivity timeout for connection to 300 seconds
my $session = $c->session;
my $foo = $c->session('foo');
$c = $c->session({foo => 'bar'});
$c = $c->session(foo => 'bar');
Persistent data storage, all session data gets serialized with Mojo::JSON and stored Base64
encoded in HMAC-SHA1
signed cookies. Note that cookies usually have a 4096 byte limit, depending on browser.
# Manipulate session
$c->session->{foo} = 'bar';
my $foo = $c->session->{foo};
delete $c->session->{foo};
# Expiration date in seconds from now (persists between requests)
$c->session(expiration => 604800);
# Expiration date as absolute epoch time (only valid for one request)
$c->session(expires => time + 604800);
# Delete whole session by setting an expiration date in the past
$c->session(expires => 1);
my $value = $c->signed_cookie('foo');
my @values = $c->signed_cookie('foo');
$c = $c->signed_cookie(foo => 'bar');
$c = $c->signed_cookie(foo => 'bar', {path => '/'});
Access signed request cookie values and create new signed response cookies. Cookies failing HMAC-SHA1
signature verification will be automatically discarded.
my $hash = $c->stash;
my $foo = $c->stash('foo');
$c = $c->stash({foo => 'bar'});
$c = $c->stash(foo => 'bar');
Non persistent data storage and exchange, application wide default values can be set with "defaults" in Mojolicious. Many stash values have a special meaning and are reserved, the full list is currently action
, app
, cb
, controller
, data
, extends
, format
, handler
, json
, layout
, namespace
, partial
, path
, status
, template
and text
. Note that all stash values with a mojo.*
prefix are reserved for internal use.
# Remove value
my $foo = delete $c->stash->{foo};
my $url = $c->url_for;
my $url = $c->url_for(name => 'sebastian');
my $url = $c->url_for({name => 'sebastian'});
my $url = $c->url_for('test', name => 'sebastian');
my $url = $c->url_for('test', {name => 'sebastian'});
my $url = $c->url_for('/perldoc');
my $url = $c->url_for('//');
my $url = $c->url_for('');
my $url = $c->url_for('');
Generate a portable Mojo::URL object with base for a route, path or URL.
# "" if application has been started with Morbo
# "/perldoc?foo=bar" if application is deployed under "/"
$c->url_for('/perldoc')->query(foo => 'bar');
# "/myapp/perldoc?foo=bar" if application is deployed under "/myapp"
$c->url_for('/perldoc')->query(foo => 'bar');
You can also use the helper "url_with" in Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers to inherit query parameters from the current request.
# "/list?q=mojo&page=2" if current request was for "/list?q=mojo&page=1"
$c->url_with->query([page => 2]);
$c = $c->write;
$c = $c->write($bytes);
$c = $c->write(sub {...});
$c = $c->write($bytes => sub {...});
Write dynamic content non-blocking, the optional drain callback will be invoked once all data has been written.
# Keep connection alive (with Content-Length header)
$c->write('Hel' => sub {
my $c = shift;
# Close connection when finished (without Content-Length header)
$c->write('Hel' => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->write('lo!' => sub {
my $c = shift;
For Comet (long polling) you might also want to increase the inactivity timeout, which usually defaults to 15
# Increase inactivity timeout for connection to 300 seconds
$c = $c->write_chunk;
$c = $c->write_chunk($bytes);
$c = $c->write_chunk(sub {...});
$c = $c->write_chunk($bytes => sub {...});
Write dynamic content non-blocking with chunked
transfer encoding, the optional drain callback will be invoked once all data has been written.
# Make sure previous chunk has been written before continuing
$c->write_chunk('He' => sub {
my $c = shift;
$c->write_chunk('ll' => sub {
my $c = shift;
You can call finish
at any time to end the stream.
In addition to the attributes and methods above you can also call helpers on Mojolicious::Controller objects. This includes all helpers from Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers and Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers.