use Mojo::Base -base;
use File::Spec::Functions 'catfile';
has classes => sub { ['main'] };
has paths => sub { [] };
# Last modified default
my $MTIME = time;
# Bundled files
my $HOME = Mojo::Home->new;
my $PUBLIC = $HOME->parse($HOME->mojo_lib_dir)->rel_dir('Mojolicious/public');
sub dispatch {
my ($self, $c) = @_;
# Canonical path
my $stash = $c->stash;
my $path = $c->req->url->path;
$path = $stash->{path} ? $path->new($stash->{path}) : $path->clone;
return undef unless my @parts = @{$path->canonicalize->parts};
# Serve static file and prevent directory traversal
return undef if $parts[0] eq '..' || !$self->serve($c, join('/', @parts));
return !!$c->rendered;
sub file {
my ($self, $rel) = @_;
# Search all paths
for my $path (@{$self->paths}) {
next unless my $asset = $self->_get_file(catfile $path, split('/', $rel));
return $asset;
# Search DATA
if (my $asset = $self->_get_data_file($rel)) { return $asset }
# Search bundled files
return $self->_get_file(catfile($PUBLIC, split('/', $rel)));
sub serve {
my ($self, $c, $rel) = @_;
return undef unless my $asset = $self->file($rel);
my $type = $rel =~ /\.(\w+)$/ ? $c->app->types->type($1) : undef;
$c->res->headers->content_type($type || 'text/plain');
return !!$self->serve_asset($c, $asset);
sub serve_asset {
my ($self, $c, $asset) = @_;
# Last modified
my $mtime = $asset->is_file ? (stat $asset->path)[9] : $MTIME;
my $res = $c->res;
# If modified since
my $headers = $c->req->headers;
if (my $date = $headers->if_modified_since) {
my $since = Mojo::Date->new($date)->epoch;
return $res->code(304) if defined $since && $since == $mtime;
# Range
my $size = $asset->size;
my $start = 0;
my $end = $size - 1;
if (my $range = $headers->range) {
# Not satisfiable
return $res->code(416) unless $size && $range =~ m/^bytes=(\d+)?-(\d+)?/;
$start = $1 if defined $1;
$end = $2 if defined $2 && $2 <= $end;
return $res->code(416) if $start > $end || $end > ($size - 1);
# Satisfiable
$res->code(206)->headers->content_length($end - $start + 1)
->content_range("bytes $start-$end/$size");
return $res->content->asset($asset->start_range($start)->end_range($end));
sub _get_data_file {
my ($self, $rel) = @_;
# Protect templates
return undef if $rel =~ /\.\w+\.\w+$/;
# Index DATA files
my $loader = Mojo::Loader->new;
unless ($self->{index}) {
my $index = $self->{index} = {};
for my $class (reverse @{$self->classes}) {
$index->{$_} = $class for keys %{$loader->data($class)};
# Find file
return undef
unless defined(my $data = $loader->data($self->{index}{$rel}, $rel));
return Mojo::Asset::Memory->new->add_chunk($data);
sub _get_file {
my ($self, $path) = @_;
no warnings 'newline';
return -f $path && -r $path ? Mojo::Asset::File->new(path => $path) : undef;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojolicious::Static - Serve static files
use Mojolicious::Static;
my $static = Mojolicious::Static->new;
push @{$static->classes}, 'MyApp::Foo';
push @{$static->paths}, '/home/sri/public';
L<Mojolicious::Static> is a static file server with C<Range> and
C<If-Modified-Since> support.
L<Mojolicious::Static> implements the following attributes.
=head2 classes
my $classes = $static->classes;
$static = $static->classes(['main']);
Classes to use for finding files in C<DATA> sections, first one has the
highest precedence, defaults to C<main>.
# Add another class with static files in DATA section
push @{$static->classes}, 'Mojolicious::Plugin::Fun';
=head2 paths
my $paths = $static->paths;
$static = $static->paths(['/home/sri/public']);
Directories to serve static files from, first one has the highest precedence.
# Add another "public" directory
push @{$static->paths}, '/home/sri/public';
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojolicious::Static> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements
the following new ones.
=head2 dispatch
my $bool = $static->dispatch(Mojolicious::Controller->new);
Serve static file for L<Mojolicious::Controller> object.
=head2 file
my $asset = $static->file('images/logo.png');
my $asset = $static->file('../lib/');
Build L<Mojo::Asset::File> or L<Mojo::Asset::Memory> object for a file,
relative to L</"paths"> or from L</"classes">. Note that this method does not
protect from traversing to parent directories.
my $content = $static->file('foo/bar.html')->slurp;
=head2 serve
my $bool = $static->serve(Mojolicious::Controller->new, 'images/logo.png');
my $bool = $static->serve(Mojolicious::Controller->new, '../lib/');
Serve a specific file, relative to L</"paths"> or from L</"classes">. Note
that this method does not protect from traversing to parent directories.
=head2 serve_asset
$static->serve_asset(Mojolicious::Controller->new, Mojo::Asset::File->new);
Serve a L<Mojo::Asset::File> or L<Mojo::Asset::Memory> object with C<Range>
and C<If-Modified-Since> support.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.