The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

package Mojo::Message;
use Carp 'croak';
use Mojo::JSON 'j';
use Mojo::Util qw(decode split_header);
has content => sub { Mojo::Content::Single->new };
has default_charset => 'UTF-8';
has max_line_size => sub { $ENV{MOJO_MAX_LINE_SIZE} || 10240 };
has max_message_size => sub { $ENV{MOJO_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE} // 10485760 };
has version => '1.1';
sub body {
my $self = shift;
# Downgrade multipart content
my $content = $self->content;
$content = $self->content(Mojo::Content::Single->new)->content
if $content->is_multipart;
# Get
return $content->asset->slurp unless @_;
# Set
return $self;
sub body_params {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{body_params} if $self->{body_params};
my $params = $self->{body_params} = Mojo::Parameters->new;
$params->charset($self->content->charset || $self->default_charset);
# "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
my $type = $self->headers->content_type // '';
if ($type =~ m!application/x-www-form-urlencoded!i) {
# "multipart/form-data"
elsif ($type =~ m!multipart/form-data!i) {
$params->append(@$_[0, 1]) for @{$self->_parse_formdata};
return $params;
sub body_size { shift->content->body_size }
sub build_body { shift->_build('get_body_chunk') }
sub build_headers { shift->_build('get_header_chunk') }
sub build_start_line { shift->_build('get_start_line_chunk') }
sub cookie { shift->_cache('cookie', 0, @_) }
sub cookies { croak 'Method "cookies" not implemented by subclass' }
sub dom {
my $self = shift;
return undef if $self->content->is_multipart;
my $dom = $self->{dom} ||= Mojo::DOM->new($self->text);
return @_ ? $dom->find(@_) : $dom;
sub error {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{error} unless @_;
$self->{error} = shift;
return $self->finish;
sub every_cookie { shift->_cache('cookie', 1, @_) }
sub every_upload { shift->_cache('upload', 1, @_) }
sub extract_start_line {
croak 'Method "extract_start_line" not implemented by subclass';
sub finish {
my $self = shift;
$self->{state} = 'finished';
return $self->{finished}++ ? $self : $self->emit('finish');
sub fix_headers {
my $self = shift;
return $self if $self->{fix}++;
# Content-Length or Connection (unless chunked transfer encoding is used)
my $content = $self->content;
my $headers = $content->headers;
if ($content->is_multipart) { $headers->remove('Content-Length') }
elsif ($content->is_chunked || $headers->content_length) { return $self }
if ($content->is_dynamic) { $headers->connection('close') }
else { $headers->content_length($self->body_size) }
return $self;
sub get_body_chunk {
my ($self, $offset) = @_;
$self->emit('progress', 'body', $offset);
my $chunk = $self->content->get_body_chunk($offset);
return $chunk if !defined $chunk || length $chunk;
return $chunk;
sub get_header_chunk {
my ($self, $offset) = @_;
$self->emit('progress', 'headers', $offset);
return $self->fix_headers->content->get_header_chunk($offset);
sub get_start_line_chunk {
croak 'Method "get_start_line_chunk" not implemented by subclass';
sub header_size { shift->fix_headers->content->header_size }
sub headers { shift->content->headers }
sub is_finished { (shift->{state} // '') eq 'finished' }
sub is_limit_exceeded { !!shift->{limit} }
sub json {
my ($self, $pointer) = @_;
return undef if $self->content->is_multipart;
my $data = $self->{json} //= j($self->body);
return $pointer ? Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new($data)->get($pointer) : $data;
sub parse {
my ($self, $chunk) = @_;
# Check message size
my $max = $self->max_message_size;
return $self->_limit('Maximum message size exceeded', 413)
if $max && ($self->{raw_size} += length($chunk //= '')) > $max;
$self->{buffer} .= $chunk;
# Start line
unless ($self->{state}) {
# Check line size
my $len = index $self->{buffer}, "\x0a";
$len = length $self->{buffer} if $len < 0;
return $self->_limit('Maximum line size exceeded', 431)
if $len > $self->max_line_size;
$self->{state} = 'content' if $self->extract_start_line(\$self->{buffer});
# Content
my $state = $self->{state} // '';
$self->content($self->content->parse(delete $self->{buffer}))
if $state eq 'content' || $state eq 'finished';
# Check line size
return $self->_limit('Maximum line size exceeded', 431)
if $self->headers->is_limit_exceeded;
# Check buffer size
return $self->error(
{message => 'Maximum buffer size exceeded', advice => 400})
if $self->content->is_limit_exceeded;
return $self->emit('progress')->content->is_finished ? $self->finish : $self;
sub start_line_size { length shift->build_start_line }
sub text {
my $self = shift;
my $body = $self->body;
my $charset = $self->content->charset;
return $charset ? decode($charset, $body) // $body : $body;
sub to_string {
my $self = shift;
return $self->build_start_line . $self->build_headers . $self->build_body;
sub upload { shift->_cache('upload', 0, @_) }
sub uploads {
my $self = shift;
my @uploads;
for my $data (@{$self->_parse_formdata(1)}) {
my $upload = Mojo::Upload->new(
name => $data->[0],
filename => $data->[2],
asset => $data->[1]->asset,
headers => $data->[1]->headers
push @uploads, $upload;
return \@uploads;
sub _build {
my ($self, $method) = @_;
my $buffer = '';
my $offset = 0;
while (1) {
# No chunk yet, try again
next unless defined(my $chunk = $self->$method($offset));
# End of part
last unless my $len = length $chunk;
$offset += $len;
$buffer .= $chunk;
return $buffer;
sub _cache {
my ($self, $method, $all, $name) = @_;
# Multiple names
return map { $self->$method($_) } @$name if ref $name eq 'ARRAY';
# Cache objects by name
$method .= 's';
unless ($self->{$method}) {
$self->{$method} = {};
push @{$self->{$method}{$_->name}}, $_ for @{$self->$method};
my $objects = $self->{$method}{$name} || [];
return $all ? $objects : $objects->[-1];
sub _limit {
my ($self, $msg, $code) = @_;
$self->{limit} = 1;
return $self->error({message => $msg, advice => $code});
sub _parse_formdata {
my ($self, $upload) = @_;
my @formdata;
my $content = $self->content;
return \@formdata unless $content->is_multipart;
my $charset = $content->charset || $self->default_charset;
# Check all parts recursively
my @parts = ($content);
while (my $part = shift @parts) {
if ($part->is_multipart) {
unshift @parts, @{$part->parts};
next unless my $disposition = $part->headers->content_disposition;
my ($filename) = $disposition =~ /[; ]filename="((?:\\"|[^"])*)"/;
next if $upload && !defined $filename || !$upload && defined $filename;
my ($name) = $disposition =~ /[; ]name="((?:\\"|[^;"])*)"/;
$part = $part->asset->slurp unless $upload;
if ($charset) {
$name = decode($charset, $name) // $name if $name;
$filename = decode($charset, $filename) // $filename if $filename;
$part = decode($charset, $part) // $part unless $upload;
push @formdata, [$name, $part, $filename];
return \@formdata;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojo::Message - HTTP message base class
package Mojo::Message::MyMessage;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Message';
sub cookies {...}
sub extract_start_line {...}
sub get_start_line_chunk {...}
L<Mojo::Message> is an abstract base class for HTTP messages based on
=head1 EVENTS
L<Mojo::Message> inherits all events from L<Mojo::EventEmitter> and can emit
the following new ones.
=head2 finish
$msg->on(finish => sub {
my $msg = shift;
Emitted after message building or parsing is finished.
my $before = time;
$msg->on(finish => sub {
my $msg = shift;
$msg->headers->header('X-Parser-Time' => time - $before);
=head2 progress
$msg->on(progress => sub {
my $msg = shift;
Emitted when message building or parsing makes progress.
# Building
$msg->on(progress => sub {
my ($msg, $state, $offset) = @_;
say qq{Building "$state" at offset $offset};
# Parsing
$msg->on(progress => sub {
my $msg = shift;
return unless my $len = $msg->headers->content_length;
my $size = $msg->content->progress;
say 'Progress: ', $size == $len ? 100 : int($size / ($len / 100)), '%';
L<Mojo::Message> implements the following attributes.
=head2 content
my $msg = $msg->content;
$msg = $msg->content(Mojo::Content::Single->new);
Message content, defaults to a L<Mojo::Content::Single> object.
=head2 default_charset
my $charset = $msg->default_charset;
$msg = $msg->default_charset('UTF-8');
Default charset used for form-data parsing, defaults to C<UTF-8>.
=head2 max_line_size
my $size = $msg->max_line_size;
$msg = $msg->max_line_size(1024);
Maximum start line size in bytes, defaults to the value of the
C<MOJO_MAX_LINE_SIZE> environment variable or C<10240> (10KB).
=head2 max_message_size
my $size = $msg->max_message_size;
$msg = $msg->max_message_size(1024);
Maximum message size in bytes, defaults to the value of the
C<MOJO_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE> environment variable or C<10485760> (10MB). Setting
the value to C<0> will allow messages of indefinite size. Note that increasing
this value can also drastically increase memory usage, should you for example
attempt to parse an excessively large message body with the L</"body_params">,
L</"dom"> or L</"json"> methods.
=head2 version
my $version = $msg->version;
$msg = $msg->version('1.1');
HTTP version of message, defaults to C<1.1>.
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojo::Message> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::EventEmitter> and
implements the following new ones.
=head2 body
my $bytes = $msg->body;
$msg = $msg->body('Hello!');
Slurp or replace L</"content">, L<Mojo::Content::MultiPart> will be
automatically downgraded to L<Mojo::Content::Single>.
=head2 body_params
my $params = $msg->body_params;
C<POST> parameters extracted from C<application/x-www-form-urlencoded> or
C<multipart/form-data> message body, usually a L<Mojo::Parameters> object.
Note that this method caches all data, so it should not be called before the
entire message body has been received. Parts of the message body need to be
loaded into memory to parse C<POST> parameters, so you have to make sure it is
not excessively large, there's a 10MB limit by default.
# Get POST parameter value
say $msg->body_params->param('foo');
=head2 body_size
my $size = $msg->body_size;
Content size in bytes.
=head2 build_body
my $bytes = $msg->build_body;
Render whole body.
=head2 build_headers
my $bytes = $msg->build_headers;
Render all headers.
=head2 build_start_line
my $bytes = $msg->build_start_line;
Render start line.
=head2 cookie
my $cookie = $msg->cookie('foo');
my ($foo, $bar) = $msg->cookie(['foo', 'bar']);
Access message cookies, usually L<Mojo::Cookie::Request> or
L<Mojo::Cookie::Response> objects. If there are multiple cookies sharing the
same name, and you want to access more than just the last one, you can use
L</"every_cookie">. Note that this method caches all data, so it should not be
called before all headers have been received.
# Get cookie value
say $msg->cookie('foo')->value;
=head2 cookies
my $cookies = $msg->cookies;
Access message cookies. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass.
=head2 dom
my $dom = $msg->dom;
my $collection = $msg->dom('a[href]');
Turns message body into a L<Mojo::DOM> object and takes an optional selector
to call the method L<Mojo::DOM/"find"> on it right away, which returns a
L<Mojo::Collection> object. Note that this method caches all data, so it
should not be called before the entire message body has been received. The
whole message body needs to be loaded into memory to parse it, so you have to
make sure it is not excessively large, there's a 10MB limit by default.
# Perform "find" right away
say $msg->dom('h1, h2, h3')->map('text')->join("\n");
# Use everything else Mojo::DOM has to offer
say $msg->dom->at('title')->text;
say $msg->dom->at('body')->children->map('type')->uniq->join("\n");
=head2 error
my $err = $msg->error;
$msg = $msg->error({message => 'Parser error', advice => 500});
Get or set message error, an C<undef> return value indicates that there is no
=head2 every_cookie
my $cookies = $msg->every_cookie('foo');
Similar to L</"cookie">, but returns all message cookies sharing the same name
as an array reference.
# Get first cookie value
say $msg->every_cookie('foo')->[0]->value;
=head2 every_upload
my $uploads = $msg->every_upload('foo');
Similar to L</"upload">, but returns all file uploads sharing the same name as
an array reference.
# Get content of first uploaded file
say $msg->every_upload('foo')->[0]->asset->slurp;
=head2 extract_start_line
my $bool = $msg->extract_start_line(\$str);
Extract start line from string. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass.
=head2 finish
$msg = $msg->finish;
Finish message parser/generator.
=head2 fix_headers
$msg = $msg->fix_headers;
Make sure message has all required headers.
=head2 get_body_chunk
my $bytes = $msg->get_body_chunk($offset);
Get a chunk of body data starting from a specific position.
=head2 get_header_chunk
my $bytes = $msg->get_header_chunk($offset);
Get a chunk of header data, starting from a specific position.
=head2 get_start_line_chunk
my $bytes = $msg->get_start_line_chunk($offset);
Get a chunk of start line data starting from a specific position. Meant to be
overloaded in a subclass.
=head2 header_size
my $size = $msg->header_size;
Size of headers in bytes.
=head2 headers
my $headers = $msg->headers;
Message headers, usually a L<Mojo::Headers> object.
=head2 is_finished
my $bool = $msg->is_finished;
Check if message parser/generator is finished.
=head2 is_limit_exceeded
my $bool = $msg->is_limit_exceeded;
Check if message has exceeded L</"max_line_size"> or L</"max_message_size">.
=head2 json
my $value = $msg->json;
my $value = $msg->json('/foo/bar');
Decode JSON message body directly using L<Mojo::JSON> if possible, an C<undef>
return value indicates a bare C<null> or that decoding failed. An optional
JSON Pointer can be used to extract a specific value with
L<Mojo::JSON::Pointer>. Note that this method caches all data, so it should
not be called before the entire message body has been received. The whole
message body needs to be loaded into memory to parse it, so you have to make
sure it is not excessively large, there's a 10MB limit by default.
# Extract JSON values
say $msg->json->{foo}{bar}[23];
say $msg->json('/foo/bar/23');
=head2 parse
$msg = $msg->parse('HTTP/1.1 200 OK...');
Parse message chunk.
=head2 start_line_size
my $size = $msg->start_line_size;
Size of the start line in bytes.
=head2 text
my $str = $msg->text;
Retrieve L</"body"> and try to decode it if a charset could be extracted with
=head2 to_string
my $str = $msg->to_string;
Render whole message.
=head2 upload
my $upload = $msg->upload('foo');
my ($foo, $bar) = $msg->upload(['foo', 'bar']);
Access C<multipart/form-data> file uploads, usually L<Mojo::Upload> objects.
If there are multiple uploads sharing the same name, and you want to access
more than just the last one, you can use L</"every_upload">. Note that this
method caches all data, so it should not be called before the entire message
body has been received.
# Get content of uploaded file
say $msg->upload('foo')->asset->slurp;
=head2 uploads
my $uploads = $msg->uploads;
All C<multipart/form-data> file uploads, usually L<Mojo::Upload> objects.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.