use Mojo::Base -base;
has 'data';
sub contains { shift->_pointer(1, @_) }
sub get { shift->_pointer(0, @_) }
sub new { @_ > 1 ? shift->SUPER::new(data => shift) : shift->SUPER::new }
sub _pointer {
my ($self, $contains, $pointer) = @_;
my $data = $self->data;
return $data unless $pointer =~ s!^/!!;
for my $p ($pointer eq '' ? ($pointer) : (split '/', $pointer)) {
$p =~ s!~1!/!g;
$p =~ s/~0/~/g;
# Hash
if (ref $data eq 'HASH' && exists $data->{$p}) { $data = $data->{$p} }
# Array
elsif (ref $data eq 'ARRAY' && $p =~ /^\d+$/ && @$data > $p) {
$data = $data->[$p];
# Nothing
else { return undef }
return $contains ? 1 : $data;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojo::JSON::Pointer - JSON Pointers
use Mojo::JSON::Pointer;
my $pointer = Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new({foo => [23, 'bar']});
say $pointer->get('/foo/1');
say 'Contains "/foo".' if $pointer->contains('/foo');
L<Mojo::JSON::Pointer> is a relaxed implementation of
L<Mojo::JSON::Pointer> implements the following attributes.
=head2 data
my $data = $pointer->data;
$pointer = $pointer->data({foo => 'bar'});
Data structure to be processed.
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojo::JSON::Pointer> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements
the following new ones.
=head2 contains
my $bool = $pointer->contains('/foo/1');
Check if L</"data"> contains a value that can be identified with the given JSON
# True
Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new({'♥' => 'mojolicious'})->contains('/♥');
Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new({foo => 'bar', baz => [4, 5]})->contains('/foo');
Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new({foo => 'bar', baz => [4, 5]})->contains('/baz/1');
# False
Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new({'♥' => 'mojolicious'})->contains('/☃');
Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new({foo => 'bar', baz => [4, 5]})->contains('/bar');
Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new({foo => 'bar', baz => [4, 5]})->contains('/baz/9');
=head2 get
my $value = $pointer->get('/foo/bar');
Extract value from L</"data"> identified by the given JSON Pointer.
# "mojolicious"
Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new({'♥' => 'mojolicious'})->get('/♥');
# "bar"
Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new({foo => 'bar', baz => [4, 5, 6]})->get('/foo');
# "4"
Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new({foo => 'bar', baz => [4, 5, 6]})->get('/baz/0');
# "6"
Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new({foo => 'bar', baz => [4, 5, 6]})->get('/baz/2');
=head2 new
my $pointer = Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new;
my $pointer = Mojo::JSON::Pointer->new({foo => 'bar'});
Build new L<Mojo::JSON::Pointer> object.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.