—=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojolicious::Guides - The Mojolicious Guide to the Galaxy
=head1 DON'T PANIC!
We are constantly working on new documentation. Follow us on
L<GitHub|http://github.com/kraih/mojo> or join the official IRC channel C<#mojo>
on C<irc.perl.org> to get all the latest updates.
=head1 BASICS
=over 2
=item Learning Perl
If you are new to Perl, we recommend
L<Learn Perl in 2 hours 30 minutes|http://qntm.org/files/perl/perl.html> for a
quick introduction, or the
L<Modern Perl book|https://pragprog.com/book/swperl/modern-perl-fourth-edition>,
freely available in many formats. Both are excellent introductions to the
language. For more books and documentation, check out
=item Learning Web Technologies
All web development starts with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, to learn the basics
we recommend the
L<Mozilla Developer Network|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web>. And
if you want to know more about how browsers and web servers actually
communicate, there's also a very nice introduction to
=over 2
=item Modern Perl
L<Mojolicious> uses a modern subset of Perl exclusively, and therefore all
documentation assumes that L<strict>, L<warnings>, L<utf8> and Perl 5.10
L<features|feature> are enabled, even if examples don't specifically mention it.
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use feature ':5.10';
Some modules, like L<Mojo::Base> and L<Mojolicious::Lite>, will enable them for
you automatically, whenever they are used.
=over 2
=item L<Mojolicious::Guides::Tutorial>
A fast and fun way to get started developing web applications with
L<Mojolicious>. The tutorial introduces the L<Mojolicious::Lite> micro web
framework, which is only a thin wrapper around the full web framework. The
simplified notation introduced in the tutorial is commonly used throughout the
guides and is therefore considered a prerequisite, you should definitely take a
=head1 GUIDES
=over 2
=item L<Mojolicious::Guides::Growing>
Starting a L<Mojolicious::Lite> prototype from scratch and growing it into a
well-structured L<Mojolicious> application.
=item L<Mojolicious::Guides::Routing>
Simple and fun introduction to the L<Mojolicious> router.
=item L<Mojolicious::Guides::Rendering>
Generating content with the L<Mojolicious> renderer.
=item L<Mojolicious::Guides::Cookbook>
Cooking with L<Mojolicious>, recipes for every taste.
=item L<Mojolicious::Guides::Contributing>
Become a part of the ongoing L<Mojolicious> development.
=item L<Mojolicious::Guides::FAQ>
Answers to the most frequently asked questions.
L<Mojolicious> and L<Mojolicious::Lite> are the sum of many parts, built on top
of the L<Mojo> web development toolkit. Small building blocks that can be used
independently for all kinds of applications, these are the most prominent ones.
=over 2
=item L<Mojo::UserAgent>
Full featured non-blocking I/O HTTP and WebSocket user agent.
=item L<Mojo::DOM>
Very fun and minimalistic HTML/XML DOM parser with CSS selector support.
=item L<Mojo::JSON>
Minimalistic JSON implementation that just works.
=item L<Mojo::Server::Daemon>
Full featured, highly portable non-blocking I/O HTTP and WebSocket server, with
self-restart support through L<Mojo::Server::Morbo>, perfect for development
and testing.
=item L<Mojo::Server::Prefork>
Full featured, UNIX optimized, preforking non-blocking I/O HTTP and WebSocket
server with support for zero downtime software upgrades (hot deployment)
through L<Mojo::Server::Hypnotoad>.
=item L<Mojo::Server::CGI>, L<Mojo::Server::PSGI>
Transparent CGI and L<PSGI> support out of the box.
=item L<Mojo::IOLoop>
A minimalistic event loop with support for multiple reactor backends.
=item L<Mojo::Template>
Very Perl-ish and minimalistic template system.
=item L<Test::Mojo>
Testing toolkit for web applications.
=item L<ojo>
Fun one-liners using everything above.
=head1 SPIN-OFFS
These modules are not part of the L<Mojolicious> distribution, but have been
designed to be used with it and are being developed under the same umbrella.
=over 2
=item L<Mojo::Pg>
A tiny wrapper around L<DBD::Pg> that makes
L<PostgreSQL|http://www.postgresql.org> a lot of fun to use with
L<Mojolicious>. Perform queries blocking and non-blocking, use all
L<SQL features|https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql.html>
PostgreSQL has to offer, generate CRUD queries from data structures, manage your
database schema with migrations and build scalable real-time web applications
with the publish/subscribe pattern.
And it comes with two great
L<example applications|https://github.com/kraih/mojo-pg/tree/master/examples/>
you can use for inspiration. The minimal
application will show you how to scale WebSockets to multiple servers, and the
L<blog|https://github.com/kraih/mojo-pg/tree/master/examples/blog> application
how to apply the MVC design pattern in practice.
=item L<Minion>
A full featured job queue for L<Mojolicious> with support for multiple backends
(such as L<PostgreSQL|http://www.postgresql.org>). Job queues allow you to
process time and/or computationally intensive tasks in background processes,
outside of the request/response lifecycle. Among those tasks you'll commonly
find image resizing, spam filtering, HTTP downloads, building tarballs, warming
caches and basically everything else you can imagine that's not super fast.
And it comes with a great example application you can use for inspiration. The
L<link checker|https://github.com/kraih/minion/tree/master/examples/linkcheck>
will show you how to integrate background jobs into well-structured
L<Mojolicious> applications.
This is the class hierarchy of the L<Mojolicious> distribution.
=over 2
=item * L<Mojo::Base>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojo>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojolicious>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojolicious::Lite>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojo::HelloWorld>
=item * L<Mojo::Cache>
=item * L<Mojo::Cookie>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojo::Cookie::Request>
=item * L<Mojo::Cookie::Response>
=item * L<Mojo::DOM::CSS>
=item * L<Mojo::DOM::HTML>
=item * L<Mojo::Date>
=item * L<Mojo::EventEmitter>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojo::Asset>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojo::Asset::File>
=item * L<Mojo::Asset::Memory>
=item * L<Mojo::Content>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojo::Content::MultiPart>
=item * L<Mojo::Content::Single>
=item * L<Mojo::IOLoop>
=item * L<Mojo::IOLoop::Client>
=item * L<Mojo::IOLoop::Delay>
=item * L<Mojo::IOLoop::Server>
=item * L<Mojo::IOLoop::Stream>
=item * L<Mojo::IOLoop::TLS>
=item * L<Mojo::Log>
=item * L<Mojo::Message>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojo::Message::Request>
=item * L<Mojo::Message::Response>
=item * L<Mojo::Reactor>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojo::Reactor::Poll>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojo::Reactor::EV>
=item * L<Mojo::Server>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojo::Server::CGI>
=item * L<Mojo::Server::Daemon>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojo::Server::Prefork>
=item * L<Mojo::Server::PSGI>
=item * L<Mojo::Transaction>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojo::Transaction::HTTP>
=item * L<Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket>
=item * L<Mojo::UserAgent>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Plugins>
=item * L<Mojo::Exception>
=item * L<Mojo::Headers>
=item * L<Mojo::IOLoop::Subprocess>
=item * L<Mojo::JSON::Pointer>
=item * L<Mojo::Parameters>
=item * L<Mojo::Path>
=item * L<Mojo::Server::Hypnotoad>
=item * L<Mojo::Server::Morbo>
=item * L<Mojo::Server::Morbo::Backend>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojo::Server::Morbo::Backend::Poll>
=item * L<Mojo::Template>
=item * L<Mojo::URL>
=item * L<Mojo::Upload>
=item * L<Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar>
=item * L<Mojo::UserAgent::Proxy>
=item * L<Mojo::UserAgent::Server>
=item * L<Mojo::UserAgent::Transactor>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command::cgi>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command::cpanify>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command::daemon>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command::eval>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command::generate::app>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command::generate::lite_app>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command::generate::makefile>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command::generate::plugin>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command::get>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command::inflate>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command::prefork>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command::psgi>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command::routes>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command::test>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command::version>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Commands>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojolicious::Command::generate>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Controller>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Plugin>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojolicious::Plugin::Config>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojolicious::Plugin::JSONConfig>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Plugin::EPLRenderer>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojolicious::Plugin::EPRenderer>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Plugin::HeaderCondition>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Plugin::Mount>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Plugin::PODRenderer>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Renderer>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Routes::Match>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Routes::Route>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojolicious::Routes>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Sessions>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Static>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Types>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Validator>
=item * L<Mojolicious::Validator::Validation>
=item * L<Test::Mojo>
=item * L<Mojo::ByteStream>
=item * L<Mojo::Collection>
=item * L<Mojo::DOM>
=item * L<Mojo::File>
=over 2
=item * L<Mojo::Home>
=item * L<Mojo::JSON>
=item * L<Mojo::Loader>
=item * L<Mojo::Util>
=item * L<Mojo::WebSocket>
=item * L<ojo>
=head1 MORE
A lot more documentation and examples by many different authors can be found in
the L<Mojolicious wiki|http://github.com/kraih/mojo/wiki>.
=head1 SUPPORT
If you have any questions the documentation might not yet answer, don't
hesitate to ask on the
L<mailing list|http://groups.google.com/group/mojolicious> or the official IRC
channel C<#mojo> on C<irc.perl.org>
(L<chat now!|https://chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23mojo&server=irc.perl.org>).