Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

use Mojo::Base -base;
# "Linda: With Haley's Comet out of ice, Earth is experiencing the devastating
# effects of sudden, intense global warming.
# Morbo: Morbo is pleased but sticky."
use Mojo::Loader 'load_class';
has backend => sub {
my $backend = $ENV{MOJO_MORBO_BACKEND} || 'Poll';
$backend = "Mojo::Server::Morbo::Backend::$backend";
return $backend->new unless my $e = load_class $backend;
die $e if ref $e;
die qq{Can't find Morbo backend class "$backend" in \@INC. (@INC)\n};
has daemon => sub { Mojo::Server::Daemon->new };
sub run {
my ($self, $app) = @_;
# Clean manager environment
local $SIG{INT} = local $SIG{TERM} = sub {
$self->{finished} = 1;
kill 'TERM', $self->{worker} if $self->{worker};
unshift @{$self->backend->watch}, $0 = $app;
$self->{modified} = 1;
# Prepare and cache listen sockets for smooth restarting
$self->_manage until $self->{finished} && !$self->{worker};
exit 0;
sub _manage {
my $self = shift;
if (my @files = @{$self->backend->modified_files}) {
say @files == 1
? qq{File "@{[$files[0]]}" changed, restarting.}
: qq{@{[scalar @files]} files changed, restarting.}
kill 'TERM', $self->{worker} if $self->{worker};
$self->{modified} = 1;
if (my $pid = $self->{worker}) {
delete $self->{worker} if waitpid($pid, WNOHANG) == $pid;
$self->_spawn if !$self->{worker} && delete $self->{modified};
sub _spawn {
my $self = shift;
# Manager
my $manager = $$;
die "Can't fork: $!" unless defined(my $pid = $self->{worker} = fork);
return if $pid;
# Worker
my $daemon = $self->daemon;
$daemon->ioloop->recurring(1 => sub { shift->stop unless kill 0, $manager });
exit 0;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojo::Server::Morbo - Tonight at 11...DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
use Mojo::Server::Morbo;
my $morbo = Mojo::Server::Morbo->new;
L<Mojo::Server::Morbo> is a full featured, self-restart capable non-blocking
I/O HTTP and WebSocket server, built around the very well tested and reliable
L<Mojo::Server::Daemon>, with IPv6, TLS, SNI, UNIX domain socket, Comet (long
polling), keep-alive and multiple event loop support. Note that the server uses
signals for process management, so you should avoid modifying signal handlers in
your applications.
To start applications with it you can use the L<morbo> script.
$ morbo ./myapp.pl
Server available at
For better scalability (epoll, kqueue) and to provide non-blocking name
resolution, SOCKS5 as well as TLS support, the optional modules L<EV> (4.0+),
L<Net::DNS::Native> (0.15+), L<IO::Socket::Socks> (0.64+) and
L<IO::Socket::SSL> (1.94+) will be used automatically if possible. Individual
features can also be disabled with the C<MOJO_NO_NNR>, C<MOJO_NO_SOCKS> and
C<MOJO_NO_TLS> environment variables.
See L<Mojolicious::Guides::Cookbook/"DEPLOYMENT"> for more.
=head1 SIGNALS
The L<Mojo::Server::Morbo> process can be controlled at runtime with the
following signals.
=head2 INT, TERM
Shut down server immediately.
L<Mojo::Server::Morbo> implements the following attributes.
=head2 backend
my $backend = $morbo->backend;
$morbo = $morbo->backend(Mojo::Server::Morbo::Backend::Poll->new);
Backend, usually a L<Mojo::Server::Morbo::Backend::Poll> object.
=head2 daemon
my $daemon = $morbo->daemon;
$morbo = $morbo->daemon(Mojo::Server::Daemon->new);
L<Mojo::Server::Daemon> object this server manages.
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojo::Server::Morbo> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements
the following new ones.
=head2 run
Run server for application and wait for L</"SIGNALS">.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<http://mojolicious.org>.