Alien::Google::GRPC - Locates installed gRPC library. If not, downloads from Github and does a local install.


In your Build.PL:

use Module::Build;
use Alien::Google::GRPC;
my $builder = Module::Build->new(
  configure_requires => {
    'Alien::Google::GRPC' => '0',
  extra_compiler_flags => Alien::Google::GRPC->cflags,
  extra_linker_flags   => Alien::Google::GRPC->libs,


In your Makefile.PL:

use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use Config;
use Alien::Google::GRPC;

    'Alien::Google::GRPC' => '0',
  CCFLAGS => Alien::Google::GRPC->cflags . " $Config{ccflags}",
  LIBS    => [ Alien::Google::GRPC->libs ],

In your script or module:

use Alien::Google::GRPC;
use Env qw( @PATH );

unshift @PATH, Alien::Google::GRPC->bin_dir;


This distribution provides gRPC so that it can be used by other Perl distributions that are on CPAN. It does this by first trying to detect an existing install of gRPC on your system. If found it will use that. If it cannot be found, the source code will be downloaded from the internet and it will be installed in a private share location for the use of other modules.


This module is still in an early development stage. I have some additional modules I'll be releasing soon that depend on this module. It is possible some changes will be made to this module as the integration process proceeds.

If a build is needed, it can be lengthy. A half hour or more to compile is not uncommon.


The following dependencies need to be installed in order for gRPC to build.

$ [sudo] apt-get install git
$ [sudo] apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool
$ [sudo] apt-get install automake curl make g++ unzip pkg-config
$ [sudo] apt-get install libgflags-dev libgtest-dev
$ [sudo] apt-get install clang libc++-dev

The install information that this module is based on is available here: However, I made some changes so protofbuf would install in a non-system location.

At this time only Linux builds are supported.


Alien, Alien::Base, Alien::Build::Manual::AlienUser