$Net::FreeIPA::API::Convert::VERSION = '3.0.2';
use strict;
use warnings qw(FATAL numeric);
# cannout use 'use Types::Serialiser'; it is incompatible with JSON::XS 2.X (eg on EL6)
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(process_args);
# Convert dispatch table
Readonly::Hash my %CONVERT_DISPATCH => {
str => sub {my $val = shift; return "$val";}, # stringify
int => sub {my $val = shift; return 0 + $val;}, # Force internal conversion to int
float => sub {my $val = shift; return 1.0 * $val;}, # Force internal conversion to float
bool => sub {my $val = shift; return $val ? JSON::XS::true : JSON::XS::false;},
# Aliases for each dispatch
Readonly::Hash my %CONVERT_ALIAS => {
str => [qw(unicode DNSName)],
Readonly my $API_RPC_OPTION_PATTERN => '^__';
=head1 NAME
Net::FreeIPA::Convert provides type conversion for Net::FreeIPA
=head2 Public functions
=item convert
Convert/cast value to type.
If a type is not found in the dispatch tabel, log a warning and return the value as-is.
Always returns value, dies when dealing with non-convertable type (using 'FATAL numeric').
# Do not use intermediate variables for the result
sub convert
my ($value, $type) = @_;
my $funcref = $CONVERT_DISPATCH{$type};
if(!defined($funcref)) {
# is it an alias?
foreach my $tmpref (sort keys %CONVERT_ALIAS) {
$funcref = $CONVERT_DISPATCH{$tmpref} if (grep {$_ eq $type} @{$CONVERT_ALIAS{$tmpref}});
if (defined($funcref)) {
my $vref = ref($value);
if ($vref eq 'ARRAY') {
return [map {$funcref->($_)} @$value];
} elsif ($vref eq 'HASH') {
return {map {$_ => $funcref->($value->{$_})} sort keys %$value};
} else {
return $funcref->($value);
} else {
return $value;
=item check_command
Given the (single) command hashref C<cmd> and C<value>,
verify the value, convert it and add it to C<where>.
(Adding to where is required to avoid using intermdiadate varaibles
which can cause problems for the internal types).
Returns errormessage (which is undef on success).
sub check_command
my ($cmd, $value, $where) = @_;
my $errmsg;
my $ref = ref($value);
my $name = $cmd->{name};
# Check mandatory / undef
# only mandatory if required and no autofill/default
my $mandatory = ($cmd->{required} && (! $cmd->{autofill})) ? 1 : 0;
# Check multivalue
my $multi = $cmd->{multivalue} ? 1 : 0;
if (! defined($value)) {
if ($mandatory) {
$errmsg = "name $name mandatory with undefined value";
} elsif((! $ref && ! $multi) ||
(($ref eq 'ARRAY') && $multi) ) {
# Convert and add to where
my $wref = ref($where);
local $@;
eval {
if ($wref eq 'ARRAY') {
push(@$where, convert($value, $cmd->{type}));
} elsif ($wref eq 'HASH') {
$where->{$name} = convert($value, $cmd->{type});
} else {
$errmsg = "name $name unknown where ref $wref";
$errmsg = "name $name where ref $wref died $@" if ($@);
} else {
$errmsg = "name $name wrong multivalue (multi $multi, ref $ref)";
return $errmsg;
=item process_args
Given the command hasref C<cmds> and the arguments passed, return
=item errmsg: an error message in case of failure
=item posarg: arrayref with positional arguments
=item opts: hasref with options
=item rpc: hashref with options for the RPC call
(All options starting with C<__> are passed as options to
C<Net::FreeIPA::RPC::rpc>, with C<__> prefix removed).
Positional argument and option values are converted
using C<convert> function.
sub process_args
my ($cmds, @args) = @_;
my $cmdname = $cmds->{name};
my $posargs = [];
my $opts = {};
my $rpc = {};
my $errmsg;
my $err_req = sub {
$errmsg = join(" ", "$cmdname:", shift, $errmsg);
return mkrequest($cmdname, error => $errmsg);
# Check posargs
my $aidx = 0;
foreach my $cmd (@{$cmds->{takes_args} || []}) {
$aidx += 1;
$errmsg = check_command($cmd, shift(@args), $posargs);
return &$err_req("$aidx-th argument") if $errmsg;
# Check options
my %origopts = @args;
# Process all options
# The processed options are removed from %origopts
foreach my $cmd (@{$cmds->{takes_options} || []}) {
my $name = $cmd->{name};
$errmsg = check_command($cmd, delete $origopts{$name}, $opts);
return &$err_req("option") if $errmsg;
# Filter out any RPC options
# Any remaing key is invalid
foreach my $name (sort keys %origopts) {
if ($name =~ m/$API_RPC_OPTION_PATTERN/) {
my $val = $origopts{$name};
$rpc->{$name} = $val;
} else {
return &$err_req("option invalid name $name");
# No error
return mkrequest($cmdname, args => $posargs, opts => $opts, rpc => $rpc);