# Ogg Vorbis encoding component for POE
# Copyright (c) 2004 Steve James. All rights reserved.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the same terms as Perl itself.
use 5.008;
use strict;
use Carp;
use POE qw(Wheel::Run Filter::Line Driver::SysRW);
our $VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.3 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
# Create a new encoder object
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $opts = shift;
my $self = bless({}, $class);
my %opts = !defined($opts) ? () : ref($opts) ? %$opts : ($opts, @_);
%$self = (%$self, %opts);
$self->{quality} ||= 3; # Default quality level of 3
$self->{priority} ||= 0; # No priority delta by default
$self->{parent} ||= 'main'; # Default parent
$self->{status} ||= 'status'; # Default events
$self->{error} ||= 'error';
$self->{done} ||= 'done';
$self->{warning} ||= 'warning';
return $self;
# Start an encoder.
sub enc {
my $self = shift;
my $opts = shift;
my %opts = !defined($opts) ? () : ref($opts) ? %$opts : ($opts, @_);
%$self = (%$self, %opts);
croak "No input file specified" unless $self->{input};
# Output filename is derived from input, unless specified
unless ($self->{output}) {
($self->{output} = $self->{input}) =~ s/(.*)\.(.*)$/$1.ogg/;
# For posting events to the parent session. Always passes $self as
# the first event argument.
sub post_parent {
my $kernel = shift;
my $self = shift;
my $event = shift;
$kernel->post($self->{parent}, $event, $self, @_)
or carp "Failed to post to '$self->{parent}': $!";
inline_states => {
_start => sub {
my ($heap, $kernel, $self) = @_[HEAP, KERNEL, ARG0];
$kernel->sig(CHLD => "child"); # We must handle SIGCHLD
$heap->{self} = $self;
my @args; # List of arguments for encoder
push @args, '--album="' . $self->{album} .'"'
if $self->{album};
push @args, '--genre="' . $self->{genre} .'"'
if $self->{genre};
push @args, '--title="' . $self->{title} .'"'
if $self->{title};
push @args, '--date="' . $self->{date} .'"'
if $self->{date};
push @args, '--artist="' . $self->{artist} .'"'
if $self->{artist};
push @args, '--output="' . $self->{output} .'"';
push @args, '--quality="' . $self->{quality} .'"'
if $self->{quality};
push @args, '--tracknum="'. $self->{tracknumber}.'"'
if $self->{tracknumber};
# The comment parameter is a list of tag-value pairs.
# Each list element must be passed to the encoder as a
# separate --comment argument.
if ($self->{comment}) {
foreach (@{$self->{comment}}) {
push @args, '--comment="' . $_ .'"'
# Finally, the input file
push @args, $self->{input};
$heap->{wheel} = POE::Wheel::Run->new(
Program => 'oggenc',
ProgramArgs => \@args,
Priority => $self->{priority},
StdioFilter => POE::Filter::Line->new(),
Conduit => 'pty',
StdoutEvent => 'wheel_stdout',
CloseEvent => 'wheel_done',
ErrorEvent => 'wheel_error',
_stop => sub {
close => sub {
delete $_[HEAP]->{wheel};
# Handle CHLD signal. Stop the wheel if the exited child is ours.
child => sub {
my ($kernel, $heap, $signame, $child_pid, $exit_code)
if ($heap->{wheel} && $heap->{wheel}->PID() == $child_pid) {
delete $heap->{wheel};
# If we got en exit code, the child died unexpectedly,
# so create a wheel-error event. otherwise the child exited
# normally, so create a wheel-done event.
if ($exit_code) {
$kernel->yield('wheel_error', $exit_code);
} else {
wheel_stdout => sub {
my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];
my $self = $heap->{self};
$_ = $_[ARG0];
if (m{^ERROR: (.*)}i) {
# An error message has been emitted by the encoder.
# Remember the message for later
$self->{message} = $1;
} elsif (m{^WARNING: (.*)}i) {
# A warning message has been emitted by the encoder.
# Post the warning message to the parent
post_parent($kernel, $self, $self->{warning},
} elsif (m{^
\s+ \[ \s+ ([0-9.]+) % \s* \]
\s+ \[ \s+ (\d+) m (\d+) s \s+ remaining \s* \]
}x) {
# We have a progress message from the encoder
# Post the percentage and number of remaining seconds
# to the parent.
my ($percent, $seconds) = ($1, $2 * 60 + $3);
post_parent($kernel, $self, $self->{status},
$percent, $seconds
wheel_error => sub {
my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];
my $self = $heap->{self};
post_parent($kernel, $self, $self->{error},
$self->{message} || ''
# Remove output file: might be incomplete
$_ = $self->{output}; unlink if ($_ && -f);
wheel_done => sub {
my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];
my $self = $heap->{self};
# Delete the input file if instructed
unlink $self->{input} if $self->{delete};
post_parent($kernel, $self, $self->{done},
args => [$self]
=head1 NAME
POE::Component::Enc::Ogg - POE component to wrap Ogg Vorbis encoder F<oggenc>
use POE qw(Component::Enc::Ogg);
$encoder1 = POE::Component::Enc::Ogg->new();
$encoder1->enc(input => "/tmp/track03.wav");
$encoder2 = POE::Component::Enc::Ogg->new(
parent => 'MainSession',
priority => 10,
quality => 6,
status => 'oggStatus',
error => 'oggError',
warning => 'oggWarning',
done => 'oggDone',
album => 'Flood',
genre => 'Alternative'
artist => 'They Might be Giants',
title => 'Birdhouse in your Soul',
input => "/tmp/track02.wav",
output => "/tmp/02.ogg",
tracknumber => 'Track 2',
date => '1990',
comment => ['origin=CD', 'loudness=medium']
POE is a multitasking framework for Perl. Ogg Vorbis is an open standard for compressed
audio and F<oggenc> is an encoder for this standard. This module
wraps F<oggenc> into the POE framework, simplifying its use in, for example,
a CD music ripper and encoder application.
This POE component encodes wav audio files into Ogg Vorbis format.
It's merely a wrapper for the F<oggenc> program.
=head1 METHODS
The module provides an object oriented interface as follows.
=head2 new
Used to create an encoder instance.
The following parameters are available. All of these are optional.
=over 12
=item priority
This is the delta priority for the encoder relative to the caller, default is C<0>.
A positive value lowers the encoder's priority.
See POE::Wheel:Run(3pm) and nice(1).
=item parent
Names the session to which events are posted. By default this
is C<main>.
=item quality
Sets the encoding quality to the given value, between -1 (low) and 10 (high).
If unspecified, the default quality level is C<3>.
Fractional quality levels such as 2.5 are permitted.
=item status
=item error
=item warning
=item done
These parameters specify the events that are posted to the main session.
By default the events are C<status>, C<error>, C<warning> and C<done> respectively.
=item album
=item genre
These parameters are used to pass information to the encoder.
=head2 enc
Encodes the given file, naming the result with a C<.ogg> extension.
The only mandatory parameter is the name of the file to encode.
=over 12
=item input
The input file to be encoded. This must be a F<.wav> file.
=item output
The output file to encode to. This will be a F<.ogg> file. This parameter
is optional, and if unspecied the output file name will be formed by replacing the extension of the input file name with F<.ogg>.
=item delete
A true value for this parameter indicates that the original input
file should be deleted after encoding.
=item tracknumber
=item title
=item artist
=item date
These parameters are used to pass information to the encoder. They all all optional.
=item comment
For the comment parameter, the encoder expects tag-value pairs separated with
an equals sign (C<'tag=value'>). Multiple pairs can be specified because this
parameter is a list. Note that this parameter must always be passed as a list even if it has only one element. This parameter is optional.
You can use this parameter as a generic way to specify all the specific parameters listed
above (i.e. album, genre, tracknumber, title, artist & date), and you can name
your own tags. For example, the following two statements are
input => "/tmp/track02.wav"),
artist => 'They Might be Giants',
title => 'Birdhouse in your Soul',
comment => ['source=CD'], # my non-'standard' tag
input => "/tmp/track02.wav"),
comment => [
'artist=They Might be Giants',
'title=Birdhouse in your Soul',
'source=CD', # my non-'standard' tag
=head1 EVENTS
Events are passed to the session specified to the C<new()> method
to indicate progress, completion, warnings and errors. These events are described below, with their default names; alternative names may be specified when calling C<new()>.
The first argument (C<ARG0>) passed with these events is always the instance of the encoder as returned by C<new()>. ARG1 and ARG2 are always the input and output file names respectively.
=head2 status
Sent during encoding to indicate progress. ARG3 is the percentage of completion so far, and ARG4 is the estimated number of seconds remaining to completion.
=head2 warning
Sent when the encoder emits a warning.
ARG3 is the warning message.
=head2 error
Sent in the event of an error from the encoder. ARG3 is the error code from the encoder and ARG4 is the error message if provided, otherwise ''.
=head2 done
This event is sent upon completion of encoding.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Vorbis Tools oggenc(1),
=head1 AUTHOR
Steve James E<lt>steATcpanDOTorgE<gt>
This module was inspired by Erick Calder's POE::Component::Enc::Mp3
=head1 DATE
$Date: 2004/04/25 21:07:19 $
=head1 VERSION
$Revision: 1.3 $
Copyright (c) 2004 Steve James
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.