DBD::PO::Locale::PO - Perl module for manipulating .po entries from GNU gettext
The module Locale::PO, version 0.21 was copied and modified for module DBD::PO::Text::PO. The module DBD::PO based on module DBD::PO::Text::PO.
Read the original POD after this sentence.
original NAME
Locale::PO - Perl module for manipulating .po entries from GNU gettext
use Locale::PO;
$po = new Locale::PO([-option=>value,...])
[$string =] $po->msgid([new string]);
[$string =] $po->msgstr([new string]);
[$string =] $po->comment([new string]);
[$string =] $po->automatic([new string]);
[$string =] $po->reference([new string]);
[$value =] $po->fuzzy([value]);
[$value =] $po->add_flag('c-format');
[$value =] $po->add_flag('php-format');
print $po->dump;
$quoted_string = $po->quote($string);
$string = $po->dequote($quoted_string);
$aref = Locale::PO->load_file_asarray(<filename>);
$href = Locale::PO->load_file_ashash(<filename>);
This module simplifies management of GNU gettext .po files and is an alternative to using emacs po-mode. It provides an object-oriented interface in which each entry in a .po file is a Locale::PO object.
- new
my Locale::PO $po = new Locale::PO; my Locale::PO $po = new Locale::PO(%options);
Create a new Locale::PO object to represent a po entry. You can optionally set the attributes of the entry by passing a list/hash of the form:
-option=>value, -option=>value, etc.
Where options are msgid, msgstr, msgctxt, comment, automatic, reference, fuzzy, c-format and php-format. See accessor methods below.
To generate a po file header, add an entry with an empty msgid, like this:
$po = new Locale::PO(-msgid=>'', -msgstr=> "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\\n" . "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI +ZONE\\n" . "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\\n" . "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\\n" . "MIME-Version: 1.0\\n" . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ENCODING\\n");
- msgid
Set or get the untranslated string from the object.
This method expects the new string in unquoted form but returns the current string in quoted form.
- msgid_plural
Set or get the untranslated plural string from the object.
This method expects the new string in unquoted form but returns the current string in quoted form.
- msgstr
Set or get the translated string from the object.
This method expects the new string in unquoted form but returns the current string in quoted form.
- msgstr_n
Get or set the translations if there are purals involved. Takes and returns a hashref where the keys are the 'N' case and the values are the strings. eg:
$po->msgstr_n( { 0 => 'found %d plural translations', 1 => 'found %d singular translation', } );
This method expects the new strings in unquoted form but returns the current strings in quoted form.
- msgctxt
Set or get the translation context string from the object.
This method expects the new string in unquoted form but returns the current string in quoted form.
- obsolete
Returns 1 if the entry is obsolete. Obsolete entries have their msgid, msgid_plural, msgstr, msgstr_n and msgctxt lines commented out with "#~"
When using load_file_ashash, non-obsolete entries will always replace obsolete entries with the same msgid.
- comment
Set or get translator comments from the object.
If there are no such comments, then the value is undef. Otherwise, the value is a string that contains the comment lines delimited with "\n". The string includes neither the "# " at the beginning of each comment line nor the newline at the end of the last comment line.
- automatic
Set or get automatic comments from the object (inserted by emacs po-mode or xgettext).
If there are no such comments, then the value is undef. Otherwise, the value is a string that contains the comment lines delimited with "\n". The string includes neither the "#. " at the beginning of each comment line nor the newline at the end of the last comment line.
- reference
Set or get reference marking comments from the object (inserted by emacs po-mode or gettext).
- fuzzy
Set or get the fuzzy flag on the object ("check this translation"). When setting, use 1 to turn on fuzzy, and 0 to turn it off.
- c_format
Set or get the c-format or no-c-format flag on the object.
This can take 3 values: 1 implies c-format, 0 implies no-c-format, and undefined implies neither.
- php_format
Set or get the php-format or no-php-format flag on the object.
This can take 3 values: 1 implies php-format, 0 implies no-php-format, and undefined implies neither.
- has_flag
if ($po->has_flag('perl-format')) { ... }
Returns true if the flag exists in the entry's #~ comment
- add_flag
Adds the flag to the #~ comment
- remove_flag
Removes the flag from the #~ comment
- loaded_line_number
When using one of the load_file_as* methods, this will return the line number that the entry started at in the file.
- dump
Returns the entry as a string, suitable for output to a po file.
- quote
Applies po quotation rules to a string, and returns the quoted string. The quoted string will have all existing double-quote characters escaped by backslashes, and will be enclosed in double quotes.
- dequote
Returns a quoted po string to its natural form.
- load_file_asarray
Given the filename of a po-file, reads the file and returns a reference to a list of Locale::PO objects corresponding to the contents of the file, in the same order.
- load_file_ashash
Given the filename of a po-file, reads the file and returns a reference to a hash of Locale::PO objects corresponding to the contents of the file. The hash keys are the untranslated strings, so this is a cheap way to remove duplicates. The method will prefer to keep entries that have been translated.
- save_file_fromarray
Given a filename and a reference to a list of Locale::PO objects, saves those objects to the file, creating a po-file.
- save_file_fromhash
Given a filename and a reference to a hash of Locale::PO objects, saves those objects to the file, creating a po-file. The entries are sorted alphabetically by untranslated string.
Maintainer: Ken Prows,
Original version by: Alan Schwartz,
If you load_file_as* then save_file_from*, the output file may have slight cosmetic differences from the input file (an extra blank line here or there).
msgid, msgid_plural, msgstr, msgstr_n and msgctxt expect a non-quoted string as input, but return quoted strings. I'm hesitant to change this in fear of breaking the modules/scripts of people already using Locale::PO.
Locale::PO requires blank lines between entries, but Uniforum style PO files don't have any.
Please submit all bug requests using CPAN's ticketing system.