Changes for version 0.14

  • MooseX::Getopt::OptionTypeMap
    • Change 'Float' which doesn't exist to 'Num' which does (perigrin)
  • MooseX::Getopt
    • removed the default handling with Getopt::Long::Descriptive as it would override constructor parameters and that was bad. Besides, Moose will just DWIM on this anyway. (stevan)
      • added test for it (stevan)
  • t/
    • fixed Getopt::Long::Descriptive specific tests to only run if Getopt::Long::Descriptive is there (stevan)


A Moose role for processing command line options
Optional meta attribute for custom option names
Optional meta attribute for ignoring params
Optional meta attribute trait for custom option names
Optional meta attribute trait for ignoring params
Storage for the option to type mappings
only make options for attrs with the Getopt metaclass