Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

use 5.008;
use strict;
our $VERSION = '1.59';
use Carp;
# we need to do some trickery for DTS due to circular referencing,
# which broke CPAN installs.
eval {
eval {
import Devel::Trace::Subs qw(trace);
if (! defined &trace){
*trace = sub {};
sub new {
trace() if $ENV{TRACE};
my $self = {};
bless $self, shift;
my $struct = shift;
$self->{post_procs} = $self->_dt();
return $self;
sub _dt {
trace() if $ENV{TRACE};
my $self = shift;
my $dt = {
file_lines_contain => \&file_lines_contain,
subs => \&subs,
objects => \&objects,
_default => \&_default,
_test => \&_test,
_test_bad => \&_test_bad,
end_of_last_sub => \&end_of_last_sub,
return $dt;
sub exists {
trace() if $ENV{TRACE};
my $self = shift;
my $string = shift;
if (exists $self->{post_procs}{$string}){
return 1;
else {
return 0;
sub subs {
trace() if $ENV{TRACE};
return sub {
trace() if $ENV{TRACE};
my $p = shift;
my $struct = shift;
my $s = $struct;
my @subs;
for my $f (keys %$s){
for my $sub (keys %{$s->{$f}{subs}}){
$s->{$f}{subs}{$sub}{name} = $sub;
@{ $s->{$f}{subs}{$sub}{code} } = @{ $s->{$f}{subs}{$sub}{code} };
push @subs, $s->{$f}{subs}{$sub};
return \@subs;
sub file_lines_contain {
trace() if $ENV{TRACE};
return sub {
trace() if $ENV{TRACE};
my $p = shift;
my $struct = shift;
my $search = $p->{search};
if ($search && ! $p->{regex}){
$search = "\Q$search";
my $s = $struct;
if (not $search){
return $struct;
for my $f (keys %$s){
for my $sub (keys %{$s->{$f}{subs}}){
my $found = 0;
my @has;
for (@{$s->{$f}{subs}{$sub}{code}}){
if ($_ and /$search/){
push @has, $_;
if (! $found){
delete $s->{$f}{subs}{$sub};
$s->{$f}{subs}{$sub}{code} = \@has;
return $struct;
sub end_of_last_sub {
trace() if $ENV{TRACE};
return sub {
trace() if $ENV{TRACE};
my $p = shift;
my $struct = shift;
my @last_line_nums;
for my $sub (@$struct){
push @last_line_nums, $sub->{end};
@last_line_nums = sort {$a<=>$b} @last_line_nums;
return $last_line_nums[-1];
sub _test {
trace() if $ENV{TRACE};
return sub {
trace() if $ENV{TRACE};
my $p = shift;
my $struct = shift;
return $struct;
sub objects {
trace() if $ENV{TRACE};
# uses 'subs' post_proc
return sub {
trace() if $ENV{TRACE};
my $p = shift;
my $struct = shift;
my @return;
return if not ref($struct) eq 'ARRAY';
my $file = $p->{file};
my $search = $p->{search};
if ($search && ! $p->{regex}){
$search = "\Q$search";
my $lines;
my $des_sub;
for my $sub (@$struct){
= Devel::Examine::Subs::Sub->new($sub, $sub->{name});
push @return, $des_sub;
return \@return;
sub _vim_placeholder {1;}
=head1 NAME
Devel::Examine::Subs::Postprocessor - Provides core Pre-Filter callbacks for
This module generates and supplies the core post-processor module callbacks.
Postprocessors run after the core Processor, and before any Engine is run.
Post-processors can be daisy chained as text strings that represent a built-in
post-processor, or as callbacks, or both.
See C<Devel::Examine::Subs::_post_proc()> for implementation details.
=head1 METHODS
All methods other than C<exists()> takes an href of configuration data as its
first parameter.
=head2 C<exists('post-processor')>
Verifies whether the post-processor name specified as the string parameter exists
and is valid.
=head2 C<subs()>
Returns an aref of hash refs, each containing info per sub.
=head2 C<file_lines_contain()>
Returns an aref similar to C<subs()>, but includes an array within each sub
href that contains lines that match a search term.
=head2 C<end_of_last_sub()>
Takes data from C<subs()>.
Returns a scalar containing the last line number of the last sub in a file.
=head1 AUTHOR
Steve Bertrand, C<< <steveb at cpan.org> >>
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Devel::Examine::Subs
Copyright 2016 Steve Bertrand.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information.