Changes for version 1.12 - 2022-05-10

  • In the copyright update tests, test year dynamically instead of using the magic number (fixes #51)
  • Switched all Github access from HTTP to SSH
  • Added template data for the t/data/distmgr/* tests
  • Cleaned up deployed MANIFEST.SKIP file
  • Enhanced file comparison tests with line numbers and full paths
  • Changed the module CI badges and CI test config file to use 'main' branch instead of 'master' (per changes at Github) (fixes #53)


Create, integrate, release a Perl distribution to the CPAN, and prepare for the next development cycle.


Automation for Perl distribution creation, integration, pre-release, release and post-release tasks.
Fetch pre-written contents for various distribution files.


in lib/Dist/Mgr/